- The Python Tutorial can be a great introduction.
- [PEP 8][pep8] is the Python code style guide.
- PEP 257 details Python docstring conventions.
- Numbers in Python can be integers, floats, or complex.
- You need to define a function with a single parameter representing the time elapsed so far.
- Use the mathematical operator for subtraction to subtract values.
- This function should return a value.
- You need to define a function with a single parameter representing the number of layers.
- Use the mathematical operator for multiplication to multiply values.
- You could define an extra constant for the time in minutes per layer rather than using a "magic number" in your code.
- This function should return a value.
- You need to define a function with two parameters.
- Remember: you can always call a function you've defined previously.
- You can use the mathematical operator for addition to sum values.
- This function should return a value.
- Clearly commenting and documenting your code according to PEP257 is always recommended.