Filestore is a managed file storage service for applications (nfs NOT compatible with NTFS security)
- Fully managed netowrk attached storage (NAS) for Compute Engine and GKE
- Predicatble fast perfomrance
- Offers native compatibility with enterpirse filesystem and supports Full NFSv3 support
- Scales to 100x TB for high perfomrance without need to maintain any specilized plugins or client side software
Use cases
- Expedite migration of enterprise applications
- Media rendering
- Electronic Design Automation (EDA)
- Data analytics - Compute complex financial models. These wrkloads are latency senstive. FileStore offers low latency for file operations and as capacity/performance needs change you can easily scale
- Genomics processing - FileStore offers speed, scalability and security for these type of workloads
- Web content management - Wordpress hosting