So you may be wondering why I started horizon EDA back in 2016, given that KiCad was a thing at that time.
Let's get started with a quote from Tom Hausherr: PCB Design Perfection Starts in the CAD Library
[...] PCB design perfection starts in the CAD library.
This also applies to EDA software as in a schematic / PCB design tool can only be as good its library structure. Since the definition of library items such as symbols packages is the very foundation of any EDA software, changing these definitions is next-to-impossible without significant changes to almost all other parts of the application. Having a certain library structure in place also thus guides any further development on that EDA application.
Having used KiCad for small and medium-sized projects, my biggest pain points were the library lacking a concept of orderable parts without duplicating the symbol for each part and the schematic editor not knowing about nets. KiCad's board editor, while being quite good as a layout tool was lacking expressive design rules. Especially the first and second point didn't seem easy to alleviate without major changes that would have involved lots of discussion since these would be breaking changes.
That made me start thinking how I'd design an EDA tool that meets my wishes and is easy enough to implement from scratch as a one man show and provides a clean-slate playground for experimentation.
At the very core of these thoughts was to keep schematic and netlist representation of a design separate to allow for non-schematic based workflows such a interconnectivity tables. That lead to the decision to define pins and their direction in what's called a Unit and not in the symbol as it's common among many other EDA packages. This also makes it possible to have multiple symbols representing the same thing (such as a resistor) without any effect on the netlist. Apart from name and direction, a pin as it's defined in a Unit can also have multiple alternate names to specify multiple pin functions as they're commonly available on MCUs and FPGAs.
To define the netlist representation of an actual part, units are referenced by what's called an Entity. This reference is called Gate. For simple parts, an entity references just a single Unit that includes all pins. For some parts it makes sense to have more gates.
Parts that include multiple instances of the same functionality such as quad opamps will then reference the opamp unit 4 times as well as a unit for power supply.
On the board side of things, a packages are defined as in pretty much every EDA package out there - pads and graphical items such as silkscreen, reference designator and assembly outline. Pads however are defined by a padstack describing copper, soldermask and other layers in terms of shapes and polygons. This greatly facilitates odd-shaped pads as they can be drawn as-is without resorting to hacks such as using multiple pads to make up one actual pad. To avoid having a custom-drawn padstack for every pad size, padstacks are usually accompanied by a short script written in a custom stack-based language to adjust their size as well as other properties such as corner radius or solder mask expansion.
The pads of a package are mapped to the pins defined in the units referenced by an entity in what's called a Part. In order to mapped to something orderable, Parts have fields for the manufacturer name and the manufacturer's part number (MPN) among other details such as datasheet link or description.
All aforementioned references between items (such as entities referencing units) are by UUIDs. In Horizon EDA, all items get assigned an immutable UUID at time of their creation. This UUID is then used by other items to reference this item.
To wrap up this introduction:
My biggest weakness is that i will eventually turn any arbitrary electronics project into an excuse to write EDA software (and vice versa).
(Based on