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File metadata and controls

71 lines (64 loc) · 2.85 KB

Representation Format

The POI Data Provider RESTFul API supports JSON data format, where the data is structured as key-value pairs.

POI data is modular consisting components, which are represented as JSON objects. The key of each JSON object identifies the type of POI data component it represents.

The JSON schema and an example JSON structure of the POI data provided by the API is shown below. The root level JSON object is named “pois”, which contains all the POIs corresponding to the query. Each POI is represented as a JSON object, where the UUID of the POI is the key of the object. Each POI object contains an individual set of data components.

JSON schema of query response main structure

`` {``
`` \ “``title: ``\ “``POIS Query Response,
`` \ “``description: ``\ “``Generic POIS response.,
`` \ “``type: ``\ “``object,
`` \ “``properties: {
`` "\ **``pois``**\ ``": {
`` \ “``description: ``\ “``Contains one object per a point of interest. The key of an object is the UUID of the POI.,
`` \ “``type: ``\ “``object,
`` \ “``additionalProperties: {
`` \ “``title: ``\ “``POI data, key is the ``UUID`` ``of`` ``the`` ``POI``
`` \ “``description: ``\ “``The POI data consists of data components that are identified by their keys.,
`` \ “``type: ``\ “``object,
`` \ “``additionalProperties: {
`` \ “``title: ``\ “``POI data component, key defines the structure
`` }``
`` }``
`` }``
`` }``
`` }``

Example of query response main structure - details hidden

`` {``
`` \ “``pois: {
`` \ “``8e57d2e6-f98f-4404-b075-112049e72346: {
`` \ “``fw_core: {
`` \ “``category: ``\ “``library,
`` \ “``location: {
`` \ “``wgs84: {
`` \ “``latitude: 65.0612507,
`` \ “``longitude: 25.4667681
`` }``
`` },``
`` \ “``name: {
`` "":\ “``Tiedekirjasto Pegasus
`` },``
`` /* \ *``more core data``*\ `` */
`` }``
`` },``
`` \ “``30ddf703-59f5-4448-8918-0f625a7e1122: {
`` /* \ *``POI data``*\ `` */
`` }``
`` }``
`` }``