###Additional sparks while doing actual coding:
- Be able to scout several of the services within each web page, not only if the main service is operational.
###Breakdown of tasks:
Initial bundle gem setup, development gems and tweaks, github repo: 15 minutes ^20 minutes -> wasted time trying to hide bash prompt and making method to restore it, paths getting too big in terminal for my little resolution
Setup basic working Thor console: 15 minutes ^10 minutes -> Still need to see how arguments and optional arguments are handled: had to go out for lunch at this point, unexpected interruption ^20 minutes -> Changing namespaces, modules and everything else took some work. Initial problem was that our bin/status wasn't appending '/lib' onto the $LOAD_PATH, therefore we'd have to do some sleazy requires. Figured out I forgot the 'bundler_setup' require in order to have .gemspec execute and append it properly.
Setup of barebones proposed objects and their requires (have everything checked to be loading correctly in console): 15 minutes
- Pages -- Page::Bitbucket -- Page::CloudFlare -- Page::Rubygems -- Page::Github
- History
- DataStore ^15 minutes -> Also configured bin/console here.
starting for a Page::Bitbucket:
- working pull, querying URL and outputting status: 20 minutes
- working pull, saving data to DataStore: 30 minutes
- working pull through CLI: 10 minutes
- working live through CLI: 20 minutes (uses pull)
- tests: use vcr gem with casette for mock requests: 20 minutes
fill in other Page::Webpage objects, get the respective tests and check if all is working: 30 minutes
^-> Done basic pull with output through CLI, with tests for VCR but no datastore in ~1h10. A few distractions but generally just a lot of tweaking and moving around of methods and figuring how to do things better. Taking a break.
working history, through CLI, with terminal-table gem: 20 minutes
tests: 10 minutes
working backup to .csv working: 15 minutes
working restore from .csv working: 15 minutes
- Make sure the restore works by appending rather than replacing as per Bonus goal
get both backup and restore working from CLI Command: 15 minutes
tests: 10 minutes
working stats: 30 minutes
tests: 10 minutes
refactor, finishing touches: 30 minutes
Over the course of about 2ish hours, possibly 2h30 implemented DataStore, History, CLI commands for pull/live/history, but not backup/restore (trivial). Took this long due to a lot of time just playing around with implementations and different ways of doing things, as well as a LOT of wasted time of figuring the "most correct way" of doing descriptions and method options with Thor.
- "Use method_options for everything? Use arguments? Why are there arguments if there's method_options and they seem to cover all the cases?"
- "How do I do the description of the CLI Commands? How do I specify the arguments or outputs?" Need a top-level orchestrator class which the CLI commands will simply call, where internals are done.
Should have done a proper checklist of the tasks, and crossed them out in the .md somehow as I went on, and wrote down the times in a more organized fashion. Found it hard to just follow the tasks sequentially because I was having fun and forgot to follow the order of tasks and write down the times, as well as doing the small commits.
Will elaborate a checklist.md instead.