Released January 5, 2022
Does this version...? | |
Fix security vulnerabilities? | no |
Change the database schema? | yes |
Alter the API? | yes |
Require attention to configuration options? | no |
Fix problems installing or upgrading to a previous version? | no |
Introduce features? | yes |
Fix bugs? | yes |
Add CiviX class in Core? (Work Towards civix#175: 22198 and 22199)
Adds support for mixins to civix and updates core extensions to use them.
Escape-on-Input => Escape-on-Output (Work Towards dev/core#1328: 21956)
Adds option to enable escape-on-output.
APIv4 Explorer - Optionally view results in PHP format (22010)
Improves the APIv4 Explorer UX by showing output in PHP format as well as JSON.
APIv4 - Add SortableEntity type which auto-adjusts weights (22137)
Gives APIv4 the ability to manage the "weight" of certain entities.
APIv4 - Add export action for managed entities (22014)
Adds a new APIv4 export action which generates an exportable array suitable for use in a .mgd.php file.
APIv4 - Opt-in more ManagedEntity types (22068)
Adds the ManagedEntity trait to a number of entities that are commonly used for configuration, making it possible to work with them as APIv4 managed entities.
SearchKit - Animated loading skeleton (22019)
Shows a wireframe "skeleton" while loading results in SearchKit. Improves the user perception of load times.
SearchKit - tabbed display for custom vs packaged searches (21986)
Splits the SearchKit admin UI in to 2 tabs - one for custom (locally-created) searches, and one for packaged searches (defined in extensions). Adds a "revert" button for packaged searches.
SearchKit - Add default text/image to displays; support custom file fields (21992)
Allows for "placeholder" text in a search display when a column value is empty. Also works for image fields. Image fields now support custom file fields to display images out-of-the-box.
SearchKit - Add drag-sortable weight functionality (22081)
Allows SearchKit table displays to be drag-sortable.
SearchKit - enable search by case role (22121)
Permits searching for contacts by case role in SearchKit.
SearchKit - Allow searches of OptionValues, LocationTypes, CustomFields (22151)
Flips the switch on a few entities to be searchable in SearchKit, with an eye toward more UIs being built with it.
SearchKit - Improve UX for refresh after editing (22125)
Makes editing records faster and easier, and fixes a bug where the pager count would not be correctly updated.
SearchKit - Improve search listing UI (22114)
Makes a few improvements to the main SearchKit screen (the tabbed listing of Saved Searches) specifically:
- More responsive switching between tabs
- Bookmarkable urls for each tab
- Fixes the "modified" column for packaged searches, only showing a value if the packaged version has been overridden
- Only shows "revert" button when a packaged search has been overridden
Update Afform & search kit info (22126)
Updates SearchKit and Afform info.xml files with more helpful and less confusing titles, descriptions and links.
Afform - Add table of submission results (22009)
Uses a SearchDisplay in an Afform to display form submissions.
Afform - Display the extension in which an Afform is packaged (21960)
Displays extension name in the UI for packaged Afforms.
Make more hardcoded strings available for translation (21994)
Improves translation.
Alter default frequency for scheduled reminders job (dev/core#2916: 21835)
Changes the scheduled reminder job to default to run hourly instead of daily.
Display higher severity status checks first (22143)
Improves user experience on the status page by displaying highest severity status checks first.
Sort list of extensions alphabetically in 'Extensions ok' check (22142)
Improves user experience by sorting the list of extensions alphabetically in the 'Extensions ok' check.
Email to Activity processing: If there's a matching org contact and no matching individual, then file on the org instead of creating a new individual (dev/core#2872: 21983)
Activity redirects to search instead of view (dev/core#2894: 22088)
Can't save extra custom fields when inline and required (dev/core#2912: 21936)
Hidden submit buttons are confusing for keyboard users (dev/core#2919: 21854)
some PDFs hard-code format to "a3 landscape", overriding default PDF format (dev/core#2959: 22098)
All custom fields broken on edit forms (dev/core#2973: 22178)
APIv4 Export - Fix logic for exporting pseudoconstant syntax (22201)
APIv4 - Add fixes & tests for domain-specific managed entities (22173)
Api v4 contact delete bug (dev/core#2757: 21232)
APIv4 - Delete unused OptionList trait (22158)
APIv4 - Treat navigation permissions as array, add pseudoconstant for operator (22160)
APIv4 - Fix checkAccess for CiviCase or other entities with nonstandard class names (22090)
SearchKit with Form Builder when viewed on the front-end displays a CiviCRM breadcrumb trail which can duplicate the existing website breadcrumb trail (22087)
SearchKit - Fix undefined variable for searches of Afforms etc. (22218)
[Smarty variables] Consistently assign isAdmin at php layer (22189)
Smarty variables] Remove isset from (22191)
[Smarty variables] remove isset from Mail accounts (22190)
[Smarty variables] Remove another isset - user dashboard (22181)
Smarty variables] Remove isset from relationship tab (22177)
[Smarty variables] [CiviCase] remove isset from case dashboard (22176)
[Smarty variables] - remove isset (22185)
[Smarty variables] Fix contribution tab to work with escape by default (22179)
[Smarty variables] The last isset.... (22196)
Smarty variables] Prevent settings form assigned html from being escaped (22165)
[Smarty variable][Civicase] remove isset (22175)
[Smarty variables] Remove isset from add new group form (22184)
[Smarty Variables] Remove isset from location type form (22167)
[Smarty variables] Remove issets from scheduled job screen (22166)
[Smarty variables] [custom data form] Template notice cleanup - make sane (22138)
[Smarty variables] [report test]Ensure smarty variables are consistently assigned in report (22147)
[Smarty variables] [Activity form] Ensure separation,tag are assigned to the template (22152)
[Smarty variables] Specify isRepeatingEntity when including ConfirmRepeatMode.tpl (22155)
[Smarty variables] Ensure groupElementType is always set (22074)
[Smarty variables] [contact summary] Assign variable to determine whether to show email signature field (22132)
[Smarty variables] Use always-assigned isTagSet to determine if is tagset (22154)
[Smarty variables] [Activity form] Ensure activityTypeFile is always assigned (22153)
Remove issets from Activity search screen (22180)
Remove isset checks on isForm (22174)
Remove isset from custom data tpls (22124)
Remove issets from Options.tpl (22079)
Remove a bunch of isset from options.tpl (22111)
Remove isset from Datasource.tpl (21988)
Remove smarty isset in favour of always set (22084)
Escape-on-output: Cleanup addCampaignToSearch, remove isset (22035)
OptionValue - Fix checking if domain is set (22095)
Fix all the issets that affect ability to load contact summary page (22030)
Remove use of isset for info.tpl (22028)
Ensure smarty variable formTpl is set (22018)
Enotice fixes - ensure a couple more variables are consistently assigned (22148)
Fix broken extension page smarty assignment (22168)
Ensure custom fields properties are assigned to the template (22139)
Ensure context is always assigned (22141)
FormBuilder - Hide configuration options that do not apply to certain form types (22127)
Ensure CMSPrint variables are assigned to the template (22134)
Ensure tab headers are assigned, fix widget form test (22135)
Ensure buildForm is called to assign values (22128)
Update Fields.tpl (22129)
Add Colombia missing state (22007)
Use getEntityNameForTable() instead of getClassForTable(), as this might yield ambiguous results (22116)
Suppresses error logging on every page load when open_basedir restriction in effect: File(/CRM/Core/Smarty/plugins/) is not within the allowed path(s) (21589)
Bypass any default escaping for blog, getting started (22119)
Do not use default escaping on address display (22120)
Throw spaghetti (22070)
Allow "Download chart" text to be translated. (22106)
Contribution amounts configuration page is borked when translation contains apostrophe (22091)
Use smarty:nodefaults with smarty.get (22082)
Ensure masterAddress is always assigned (22076)
Ensure paramSubType is always set (22075)
Do not check is context is set, should always be (22069)
Fix typo in smarty template "gender_display" (22066)
Ensure context is always set (22056)
Ensure contactTag is always set (22055)
php8 - fix for breadcrumb fails during tests (22059)
Mark a few more token functions as deprected (22044)
Ensure gender_display is always set (22047)
ManagedEntities - Track modification and auto-update (21989)
Ensure userRecordUrl is always set- fixes enotice with escape-on-output (22042)
Fix tabs getting overwritten by double foreach loop (22040)
Ensure imageUrl is always set (22031)
Escape-on-output-proof enotice fixes (22036)
Do not smarty encode quicksearch html (22033)
Ensure action is set when loading contactFooter (22029)
Flip logic for determining if $section variable is set. (22027)
Ensure beginHookFormElements is assigned (22000)
CRM_Utils_File::isChildPath - Fix checking of non-existent paths (22021)
Ensure hookContentPlacement is assigned (22001)
Ensure that keys are set in tabValues before hitting smarty (21991)
Extract getGroupOrganizationUrl & ensure always assigned (22002)
Avoid default escaping for blog titles (22172)
PHP 8 compat - no optional param before required (22210)
tools/mixin/bin/test-all - Fix guard for EXT_DIR (22204)
DebugSubscriber - Fix test-suite compatibility with XDebug 3 (22197)
ManagedEntities - Fix permission error during uninstallation (regression-fix) (22188)
Fix two English strings (22097)
OptionValue - Fix incorrect update of
(22089) -
Fix missing currency for event registration when configured via "quick config" (21966)
don't overfill the prevnext cache when reserving for a survey. (22011)
Guard against passing empty values to CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue() (21998)
Tidy up title attributes (21995)
Enotice fixes in debug.tpl that are compatible with default escaping (21940)
Fix isForm to be always assigned, remove checks (21979)
Enotice fixes (21987)
Beautifier - avoid e_notice in php 7.4 when acting on first comment token (332)
- Assign cgCount in Case custom data form (22140)
Can't filter by anything other than contribution status in Contribution Aggregate by Relationship CiviReport (dev/report#77: 22041, 22024, 22015, 22016 and 22025)
Using GHC as a default currency causes a fatal error with Brick/Money (dev/financial#184: 21751)
Fixes the currency names for Ghana and Belarus.
Repeat Contributions CiviReport warnings: Formatting non-numeric values is no longer supported (dev/core#2982: 22216)
Expose contribution custom fields in LYBUNT report (dev/core#2951: 22038)
fix unit plural in contribution page (21944)
Update PayPalImpl.php - action on style test failure (22112)
Check the billing fields returned by each payment processor (20811)
Participant Listing report filters incorrectly on role ID (dev/report#18: 21975)
Remove broken dynamic title from event template (22113)
CRM/Event/BAO/Event: Fix ts usage on selfservice_preposition (22136)
Notice error Deprecated function CRM_Event_BAO_Event::checkPermission (dev/core#1529: 22017)
Custom data not available in the post hook after registering for an event (dev/core#2948: 22022)
CiviCRM Event, remove the superfluous "Are you sure you want to delete this Event?" confirmation for the Event delete action (22122)
Fix unencoded mailing url query param in Mailing report (22008)
CiviCRM Message Template, HTML Format and Text Format fields are listed in a different order on the Default Message Template (22110)
Fix message templates screen to work with escape enabled by default (22118)
CiviCRM Membership Status can never be deleted when logging is enabled (22032)
Fix membership test to use full flow (22162)
- Add back in body classes for themeing. (68)
CiviCRM WordPress shortcode remove the display of default text and instead just return blank if the shortcode cannot be rendered. (262)
Resolve conflict with AIOSEO stomping on CiviCRM Shortcode (263)
Prevent fatal error when the "the_title" filter has only one param (261)
APIv4 ConformanceTest - Demonstrate entity APIs which fail to emit
(22205) -
Move responsibilty for ensuring greeting parameters are set to
(21912) -
Remove unused variable (21933)
Remove obsolete showVisibility (22102)
Remove empty check previously commented to be meaningless (22164)
[REF] Remove support for not-passed 'pledge' value (21908)
[REF] - Switch BAOs to use standard delete function which calls hooks (22207)
[REF] Remove usage of deprecated jqXHR.error in jQuery code (21919)
[REF] Preliminary cleanup in update greeting (21909)
REF: Switch to debug level logging for lock debugging (22026)
[REF] Fix Pledge Test failing on php8 by ensuring all payments have a status assigned and that customGroup is always assigned to the template and updating test to pass in some additional form values (22037)
[REF] Add in missing province for Philippines and update names to match ISO (22005)
[REF] "Your browser session has expired and we are unable to complete your form submission" on all D9.2 anonymous sessions (dev/drupal#169: 22080 and 335)
[NFC] Update System Uft8mb4 check to handle for the fact that MySQL8 outputs utf8mb3 when the charset has been set to utf8 as utf8mb3 is the underlyling charset for utf8 (22221)
[NFC] Remove Selenium WebTest code from CiviMailUtils (22219)
(NFC) tools/mixin/bin/test-all - Work-around segfault in CI (22215)
[NFC] Fix test failures for testRelativeDateRanges (22209)
[NFC] Add missing calls to parent::setUp and tearDown in unit tests (22073)
[NFC] Array formatting (22067)
[NFC] ENsure that formTpl is assigned in CRM_Custom_Form_OptionTest (22065)
[NFC] php8 assign formTpl in HookTest test (22061)
[NFC] php8 - set smarty null defaults for CRM_Core_SessionTest (22048)
[NFC] php8 - fix test fails for CRM_Contact_Page_View_UserDashBoardTest (22023)
[NFC] Fix test issue about trying to do array offset on NULL in Payment ProcessorFormTest (22020)
[NFC] Add in unit test to demonstate issue with API (dev/mail#103: 22045)
[NFC] Additional Fix on UserDashBoard Tests to assign action value to dashboard (22034)
Test fix - use more 'real' rendering function (22123)
Fix more tests to use full flow (22161)
[Test] Fix tests to use form helper (22157)
[Test] Test cleanup to use full-form methods (22156)
This release was developed by the following code authors:
AGH Strategies - Alice Frumin, Andie Hunt; Agileware - Justin Freeman; BrightMinded Ltd - Bradley Taylor; Christian Wach; CiviCoop - Jaap Jansma; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CiviDesk - Yashodha Chaku; CompuCorp - Lisandro; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy; CSES (Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society) - Adam Wood; Dave D; Digitalcourage - Detlev Sieber; homotechsual - Mikey O'Toole; Jens Schuppe; JMA Consulting - Monish Deb, Seamus Lee; joapta; Joinery - Allen Shaw; Lighthouse Consulting and Design - Brian Shaughnessy; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; PERORA SRL - Samuele Masetto; Progressive Technology Project - Jamie McClelland; Third Sector Design - Kurund Jalmi, William Mortada; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton
Most authors also reviewed code for this release; in addition, the following reviewers contributed their comments:
Arnaud Broes; Artful Robot - Rich Lott; Asylum Seekers Centre; Australian Greens - John Twyman; Betty Dolfing; Blackfly Solutions - Alan Dixon; Carlos Capote; Guydn; JMA Consulting - Joe Murray; Lemniscus - Noah Miller; netzih; Nicol Wistreich; Richard van Oosterhout; Skvare - Sunil Pawar; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano;
These release notes are edited by Alice Frumin and Andie Hunt. If you'd like
to provide feedback on them, please log in to
and contact @agh1