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A RFID based access control system written in Go for Raspberry Pi + MFRCC522 tag readers + MIFARE RFID tags.

Project Overview

Craftdoor is a software suite for an RFID-powered door access system on a federation of Raspberry Pi devices. With the exception of the "master", each Raspberry Pi is connected to an RFID reader and a door. Registered members may tap the RFID reader with their MIFARE RFID tag to open the adjacent door.

The system is administered via a WebUI interface and accompanying REST API served by the master device. Persistent state is stored in a SQLite database on the master device. See below for valid endpoints.

Instructions below for building, configuring, and launching the webserver.

Note: At time of writing, only a single "master" Raspberry Pi is supported.


To start the software suite, do the following on the master Raspberry Pi device,

  1. Connect RC522 to master Raspberry Pi's hardware SPI interface. Follow instructions here.
  2. Download golang from Follow installation instructions here. Verify that go is installed by running go version in a terminal. Expect to see >= 1.14.
  3. Install GCC cross-compiler,
$ sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi libc6-armel-cross \
  libc6-dev-armel-cross binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi
  1. Run cmd/master/main.go. This will launch a webserver listening on port 8080.
$ git clone
$ cd craftdoor/cmd/master
$ go run main.go develop.json

Note: If the RC522 RFID reader is not detected, a fake, dummy interface will be used. This dummy interface cannot interact with RFID tags.


Once main.go is launched, the following endpoints are available via the HTTP webserver,

  • POST /init: Writes a default key to an active RFID tag. Only for testing.
  • GET /state?id=<UUID>: Get the state of a particular RFID tag as soon as it's put in front of the reader. You must specify which tag you want by its UUID.

For doors,

  • GET /doors: list doors in database
  • POST /doors: Create a new door.
  • PUT /doors/<id>: Update an existing door.
  • DELETE /doors/<id>: Delete an existing door.

Similar to doors, one can query and manager members and roles via /members and /roles.

Code Organization

    develop.db       # sqlite database used during development
    develop.json     # JSON config used during development
    main.go          # main binary for this project
    schema.sql       # SQL for initializing develop.db
  config.go          # JSON config file API
  controller.go      # HTTP request handling logic.
  db.go              # initialize database schema
  rc522.go           # reader implementation for RC522 RFID reader.
  reader.go          # interfaces for an RFID reader
  state.go           # State of an RFID tag.
model/               # database definitions, API
service/             # business logic for adding/removing keys, doors, etc
vendor/              # third-party code