diff --git a/doc/assessment-section/assessment-section.rnw b/doc/assessment-section/assessment-section.rnw index 2eb20dbcd..5a3d43608 100644 --- a/doc/assessment-section/assessment-section.rnw +++ b/doc/assessment-section/assessment-section.rnw @@ -517,6 +517,8 @@ be available in the Burke Museum in Seattle. First steps will be to investigate whether otoliths at the museum are in usable shape, and to create summaries of what is potentially available.} +\newpage + \subsection{Modeling results}\label{sec:assessment-modeling-results} diff --git a/doc/hake.sty b/doc/hake.sty index 1cb8017e8..8933b2c91 100644 --- a/doc/hake.sty +++ b/doc/hake.sty @@ -89,6 +89,10 @@ % \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % The ulem package: underlining for emphasis \hypersetup{colorlinks, plainpages=true, linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, urlcolor=black} \urlstyle{same} + +% Keep whole paragraph on one page instead of a single line on the next page. +\usepackage[all]{nowidow} + % Create a blue underlined hyperlink (e.g., http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/233668/new-ulem-command-not-working) % \newcommand\bluline{\bgroup\markoverwith % {\textcolor{blue}{\rule[-0.5ex]{2pt}{0.4pt}}}\ULon} % wtf