This log contains changes made to the project. Each entry contains changed made after the last version but before the number was changed. Any changes made after a number change are considered part of the next release. This is regardless if versions are still being released with that version number attached.
If this is a problem, use exact build numbers to track changes. As each build logs the git-hash it was created from to better understand changes made.
Neglected to keep a good log/update version numbers so we are merging all changes between 3.1.1 and up into this one area.
Added: Thermal sensor
Added: Colored hazmat suit
Added: JEI support for hazmat suit basic dyes
Added: particle accelerator tube (not finished)
Added: Power magnet for accelerator
Added: test block for accelerator cannon
Changed: Reactor Core to only show rod visually when inserted and not always.
Fixed: Reactor rod not shutting off in some cases
Fixed: Crash due to scala import
Fixed: Crash for add info
Fixed: Issues with rod contueing to work after fully used
Improved: Inventory handling for reactor cores
Improved: Threading and performance
Updated: textures for some items and blocks
- Changed: License to MIT to allow a stronger open source ecosystem for the mod
Added: Uranium 234 (will act as a waste product for the time being)
Improved: Radiation distance falloff equation to run in constant time. Should result in massive improvement in runtime of radiation thread.
Improved: Tooltips
Fixed: Fuel rod tooltip saying "Format Error:" in place of "Fuel:"
- Added: Ore dictionary values for U234 (pelletUranium234), U235(pelletUranium235), U238 (pelletUranium238)
- Added: capability for radiation
- Added: capability for heat
Added: Radiation data for several vanilla materials and blocks
Added: Thermal data for several vanilla materials and blocks
Added: Redstone can connect support to reactor controller
Fixed: More issues with data sources (reactor) not clear nodes when disabled
Added: Capability for radiation resistance
Added: Regitry for block, block state, and materials for radiation resistance
Added: Callback for thread complete to DataChange object
Added: Callbask for thread complete to data source
Added: State save method to data source to track changes via NBT
Added: method to check for if the data source has changed to trigger thread update
Changed: Sources no longer manually trigger thread updates. This is now done by an update loop in the server tick event.
Changed: All sources to be tracked by a single object.
Changed: Sources to only be removed when dead
Changed: Sources to remove data from map when invalid but not clear data
Ported: mod to 1.12 version of Minecraft reworking much of the code, recipes, etc
Fixed: Many issues with port and some that existed before porting
Fixed: rad overlay showing in F3 menu
Fixed: Double slot render issues
Fixed: Colorization issue with slots
Fixed: Texture bleed over issues with GUI elements
Fixed: Some issues with thermal and radiation grid not updating
Fixed: Radiation source not being centered
Fixed: Many issues with processing recipes
Fixed: Ore-dictionary issues for Uranium Ore
Replaced: Interger based thermal/radiation system with Node based system
Replaced: Iron plate with steel plate in recipes
Reworked: Thermal systems to use capability system for tiles
Reworked: Radiation systems to use capability system for tiles
Reworked: Thermal, Radiation, and Radioactive material data to use nodes
Reworked: Thermal, Radiation, and Radioactive material systems to use the same node map
Added: Industrialcraft 2 support
Added: Buildcraft support
Added: JEI support for recipes
Added: cacti -> slime recipe in extractor
Added: Shift click support to processing machines
Added: new fluid textures by sukar42
Added: Start of system radiation protect for any armor
Added: in-game configs to most configs
Added: config to disable radiation overlay
Added: Recipe support for IC2 and ThermalExpansion
Added: Reactor Pipe rod -> redirects inventroy connections
Added: Reactor Pipe rod inventory -> single slot, 1 stack size hopper
Added: Spent rods to creative tab for testing of recipes & logic
Added: Bucket insertion support to processing machines
Added: Inventory insertion support to processing machines for most items
Added: Power usage to processing machines
Implemented: Fully new models for machines by Morton
Implemented: Forge Energy support in place of RF/UE support
Implemented: Inventory ejection for reactor for spent rods
Implemented: Inventory redirect for reactor stack controller
Implemented: Basic functionality for controller
- Added: Debug hot keys to test UIs
- Added: Timer object to make implementing machines easier
Fixed: Crash generating list of reactors for controller
Fixed: Pathing of thermal system going outside of range
Added: Cell render handling for controller
Implemented: New Models for all machines by Morton
Added: fill + drain checks for centrifuge & extractor
Added: potion effects for radiation exposure
Added: Reset of radiation map every 5 mins to fix bad data (temp fix)
Added: blocks for fluids
Added: radiation cut off lower limit, sets radiation to zero when under values
Added: early version of ISBR model render for steam funnel
Reworked: radiation pathfinder and calculations.
Changed: wrench shift check to use GuiScreen.isShiftKeyDown() to midigate possible crashes
Changed: reator recipe to use fluid cell instead of powered cell
Changed: water radiation negation from 10% to 15% by default
Changed: radiation pathing to have a flat reduction when radiation falls below a limit flat limit = (reduction * 1000) Ex: water -> 0.15 0.15 * 1000 = 150mili-rem
Implemented: raytracing for radiation (allows blocking radiation from reactors with walls)
Fixed: radiation adding in creative mode
Fixed: radiation values not being the same on all sides of a sources
Fixed: radiation values not pathing correctly
Fixed: radiation not decaying through walls correctly
Fixed: radiation not calculating from center of sources
Fixed: radiation not calculating to center of blocks
Fixed: rounding errors in radiation math
Fixed: missing fluid textures
Added: Slot validation for centrifuge
Added: Slot validation for extractor
Added: Fluid wrench support to centrifuge
Added: Fluid wrench support to extractor
Added: death mechanic for radiation, entities will take radiation damage until dead.
Changed: Radiation death point from 1000 to 10000
Fixed: Slot validation for boiler
Fixed: ThermalExpansion recipes loading without the mod
Fixed: Map data clearing on player death (caused by game unloading chunks while moving the player)
Added: Wrench color orange
Added: Orange color for energy slots
Added: insert limits to boiler slots
Added: colors to all processing slots
Added: tooltips for all processing slots
Added: wrench recipe
Added: thermal expansion compatibiliy recipes
Added: config to disable base recipes
Changed: slot types for processing machines to match expected input
Fixed: processing machine models being slightly in the ground causing z-fighting
Fixed: NEI showing 16 turbines
Added: Orange to WrenchColor enum for output slots
Added: ISlotToolTip
Added: handling for ISlotToolTip to auto add tooltips to GUI from slots
Added: override to disable base recipes
Added: override to disable repacement items for recipes
Added: helper methods for getting recipe items
Added: Configs for content & features
Added: Settings to disable radiation system
Added: ISidedInventory support (hopper and pipe support) for reactor cores
Added: Mechanic to move lowest time rod to bottom of reactor stack
Added: Damage display to fuel rods
Added: Display info to fuel rods
Added: particles to show machines runing
Added: particles to show when machine finishes a recipe
Added: particles to show when reactor is running
Added: Gui edge colors to tanks and slots
Added: wrench (adjustor) with: Modes: Rotation, items, fluids, redstone Colors: green, yellow, red, blue, purple
Added: tooltip for tanks
Improved: handling of entity item radiation tracking
Fixed: GUI localizations
Fixed: NPE when checking if can output fluids from processing machines
Fixed: Fuel rods being usable beyond time limit (timer going negative)
Fixed: Inventory stack size on reactor core (now 1, instead of 64)
Fixed: Fluid cells not emptying into processing machines
Fixed: Boiler recipe consuming 1mb waste instead of 1000mb
Added: check if a fluid or itemstack was supported by a recipe
Added: call backs to recipe to allow items and fluids into processing machines
Renamed: tank fields to reduce confusion
Full rewrite not based on the code from 1.6.4, 1.5.2, or Resonant Induction versions
Following is a list of content created for the version. As this is an initial release of the rewrite. Which does not include all content as the focus was on a minimum viable product.
thermal system -> stores heat values
thermal mechanics -> spreads heat via a thread
radioactive material map -> stores radioactive material values
radiation map -> stores radiation values
radiation mechanics -> calculates radiation from sources
radiation damage -> harms entities from radiation
Waste recovery mechanics -> all processing machines generate waste
Contaminated Mineral Solution -> Byproduct of ore processing
Contaminated Mineral Water -> Byproduct of hexafluoride processing
Contaminated Water -> Byproduct of processing waste and output of reactor
Reactor Waste -> Replaces toxic waste from old mod. Also output of reactor
Toxic Mineral Waste -> byproduct of reducing toxic fluids into a solid. Contains some minerals as dust and can be refined into dust
Toxic Waste -> byproduct of reducing toxic fluids into a solid
Dust loot table -> used in the extractor for for Toxic Mineral Waste processing.
Recipe objects -> all processing machines support adding new recipes
Configs -> mod is heavily customizable with most options being exposed.
- Protective armor
- Fission reactor core
- Extractor + recipes
- Boiler + recipes
- Centrifuge + recipes
- Fuel rod
- Breeder Rod
- U235 Pellet
- U238 Pellet
- Heat probe
- Fluid Cells
- Yellocake
- Uranium Ore
- Turbines
- Steam Funnel
- Old heat system -> used too much CPU
- Old events -> used too much CPU
- Potion effects -> didn't allow for good gameplay and potion IDs are limited
- Reactor explosion -> will be replaced by a meltdown event and hydrogen explosions
- Dependency on large lib -> mod is standalone to improve user experience
- Localizations -> part of rewrite, can't tell if they are valid
- All models and textures are from the old mod.
- Models have been updated as .obj from .techne
- A few textures have been fixed
- Some textures have been added
No old code is being used beyond a few interfaces from VoltzEngine (previously ResonantEngine which the mod used)
All processing recipes produce waste
Heat is no longer actively released from reactor. Being replace with a more static system that calculated heat, spreads, and then cached heat to reduce CPU usage.
Radiation is no longer a potion effect. It is now handled via its own system.
Radioactive blocks are no longer used. Radioactive material can now be applied to all blocks, items, and entities.
Steam is no longer generated by events. Instead it is calculated based on thermal system.
Turbines and steam funnel no longer use events to get steam. Values are calculated and cached based on map data.
Fluid cells are no longer simple items. Any cell that used a fluid is now a fluid container. This allows any fluid to be stored.
Dark-matter was replaced with strange matter. This was the original name of the item and matched better with current science understanding.
Antimatter & Strange matter are now fluids. Both can be stored but are limited to powered fluid cells.
Turbines will create a new tile per power system. This is to reduce complexity required to support several power systems on a single class.