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File metadata and controls

135 lines (103 loc) · 6.16 KB


via a v4 onion request. The onion req pubkey is: d7557fe563e2610de876c0ac7341b62f3c82d5eea4b62c702392ea4368f51b3b

  • The JSON payload looks like this:

          "pubkey": "05123...",
          "session_ed25519": "abc123...",
          "subkey_tag": "def789...",
          "namespaces": [-400,0,1,2,17],
          "data": true,
          "sig_ts": 1677520760,
          "signature": "f8efdd120007...",
          "service": "apns",
          "service_info": { "token": "xyz123..." },
          "enc_key": "abcdef..."

    where keys are as follows (note that all bytes values shown above in hex can be passed either as hex or base64):

    • pubkey -- the 33-byte account being subscribed to; typically a session ID.
    • session_ed25519 -- when the pubkey value starts with 05 (i.e. a session ID) this is the underlying ed25519 32-byte pubkey associated with the session ID. When not 05, this field should not be provided.
    • subkey_tag -- 32-byte swarm authentication subkey; omitted (or null) when not using subkey auth
    • namespaces -- list of integer namespace (-32768 through 32767). These must be sorted in ascending order.
    • data -- if provided and true then notifications will include the body of the message (as long as it isn't too large); if false then the body will not be included in notifications.
    • sig_ts -- the signature unix timestamp (seconds, not ms); see below.
    • signature -- the 64-byte Ed25519 signature; see below.
    • service -- the string identifying the notification service, such as "apns" or "firebase".
    • service_info -- dict of service-specific data; typically this includes just a "token" field with a device-specific token, but different services in the future may have different input requirements.
    • enc_key -- 32-byte encryption key; notification payloads sent to the device will be encrypted with XChaCha20-Poly1305 using this key. Though it is permitted for this to change, it is recommended that the device generate this once and persist it.

    Notification subscriptions are unique per pubkey/service/service_token which means that re-subscribing with the same pubkey/service/token renews (or updates, if there are changes in other parameters such as the namespaces) an existing subscription.


    The signature data collected and stored here is used by the PN server to subscribe to the swarms for the given account; the specific rules are governed by the storage server, but in general:

    • a signature must have been produced (via the timestamp) within the past 14 days. It is recommended that clients generate a new signature whenever they re-subscribe, and that re-subscriptions happen more frequently than once every 14 days.

    • a signature is signed using the account's Ed25519 private key (or Ed25519 subkey, if using subkey authentication with a subkey_tag, for future closed group subscriptions), and signs the value:

      "MONITOR" || HEX(ACCOUNT) || SIG_TS || DATA01 || NS[0] || "," || ... || "," || NS[n]

      where SIG_TS is the sig_ts value as a base-10 string; DATA01 is either "0" or "1" depending on whether the subscription wants message data included; and the trailing NS[i] values are a comma-delimited list of namespaces that should be subscribed to, in the same sorted order as the namespaces parameter.

    Returns json such as:

      { "success": true, "added": true }

    on acceptance of a new registration, or:

      { "success": true, "updated": true }

    on renewal/update of an existing device registration.

    On error returns:

      { "error": CODE, "message": "some error description" }

    where CODE is one of the integer values of the spns/hive/subscription.hpp SUBSCRIBE enum, here:

  • Notifications when received now look like this (APNS):

          'aps': {
              "alert": {"title": "Session", "body": "You've got a new message"},
              "badge": 1,
              "sound": "default",
              "mutable-content": 1,
              "category": "SECRET",
          'enc_payload': B64(NONCE+ENCRYPTED(l123:{...json...}456:...msg...e)),
          'spns': 1

    That is:

    • aps is some required Apple junk.

    • spns is a version counter, currently 1, but will be incremented if we make significant future changes to the notification protocol.

    • enc_payload is a base64-encoded value which, in decoded (binary) form, is:

      • 24 bytes of NONCE
      • however many bytes of encryption data
        • the encryption data, once decrypted, is a 1- or 2-element bencoded list, where:
          • element [0] is the notification metadata (in JSON)
          • element [1] is the message data (in bytes).
    • Notification metadata is JSON with keys (single-letter to minimize overhead in the size-limited push messages):

      "@" - the session ID (hex) "#" - the storage server message hash "n" - the namespace (integer) "l" - the byte length of the message data "B" - will be present and set to true if the message data was too long for inclusion in the notification, omitted otherwise.

      Both "l" and "B" will be omitted if the subscription opted out of data (i.e. if it passed `"data": false).

    • Assuming the user subscribed to message data and the data is not too long (2.5kB, since we also have to go through base64 encoding after encryption and still end up <4kB), the message data will then be included as bytes as the second element of the enc_payload bt-encoded list.

      (If the user didn't want data, or the data was too big, then the enc_payload will only have the metadata object).

  • For Android, the subscription request uses "service": "firebase", and the request data is the same as iOS except with the Apple-specific "aps" key omitted (that is: it has the enc_payload and spns keys, as described above).