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Codewerft Platform is the core of all Codewerft API server applications.
go install -v github.com/oweidner/tutorbox.backend && ./bin/tutorbox.backend --config=etc/sample_local.cfg
Create a new workspace:
mkdir -p ~/workspace/platform
cd ~/workspace/platform
Get a copy of the platform sources:
export $GOPATH=`pwd`
go get github.com/oweidner/platform
The Platform sources are in ~/workspace/platform/src/github.com/oweidner/platform
go install -a -v github.com/oweidner/platform && go build && ./example -config=sample.cfg
go test github.com/oweidner/platform -test.v --config=tests/test.cfg
Build the example server:
cd ~/workspace/platform/src/github.com/oweidner/platform/example
go install
Generate an RSA keypair for JWT encryption.
openssl genrsa -out jwt_sample.rsa 4096
openssl rsa -in jwt_sample.rsa -pubout > jwt_sample.rsa.pub
Generate a self-signed X.509 certificate tp run the Platform server in TLS mode.
go run /usr/local/go/src/crypto/tls/generate_cert.go --host="localhost"
Run the example server:
$GOPATH/bin/example --config=sample.cfg
Make OS X accept the certificate: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7580508/getting-chrome-to-accept-self-signed-localhost-certificate