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Using the Database class and understanding connectors

Flavian Alexandru edited this page Nov 21, 2016 · 3 revisions

Phantom offers an interesting first class citizen construct called the Database class. It seems quite simple, but it is designed to serve several purposes.

It's designed to suit several purposes simultaneously:

  • Provide encapsulation and prevent session and keySpace or other Cassandra/Phantom specific constructs from leaking into other layers of the application.
  • Provide a configurable mechanism to allow automated schema generation.
  • Provide a type-safe way to fully describe the available domain.
  • Provide a way for test code to easily override settings via the cake pattern.

Let's explore some of the design goals in more detail to understand how things work under the hood.

Database is designed to be the final level of encapsulation

Being the final level of segregation between the database layer of your application and every other layer, essentially guaranteeing encapsulation. Beyond this point, no other consumer of your database service should ever know that you are using Cassandra as a database.

At the very bottom level, phantom queries require several implicits in scope to execute:

  • The implicit session: com.datastax.driver.core.Session, that tells us which Cassandra cluster to target.
  • The implicit keySpace: KeySpace, describing which keyspace to target. It's just a String, but it's more strongly typed as we don't want implicit strings in our code, ever.
  • The implicit ex: ExecutionContextExecutor, which is a Java compatible flavour of scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext and basically allows users to supply any context of their choosing for executing database queries.

However, from an app or service consumer perspective, when pulling in dependencies or calling a database service, as a developer I do not want to be concerned with providing a session or a keySpace. Under some circumstances I may want to provide a custom ExecutionContext but that's a different story.

That's why phantom comes with very concise levels of segregation between the various consumer levels. When we create a table, we mix in RootConnector to its companion ConcreteTable class. Let's look at an example:

case class Recipe(
  url: String,
  description: Option[String],
  ingredients: List[String],
  servings: Option[Int],
  lastCheckedAt: DateTime,
  props: Map[String, String],
  uid: UUID

class Recipes extends CassandraTable[ConcreteRecipes, Recipe] {

  object url extends StringColumn(this) with PartitionKey[String]

  object description extends OptionalStringColumn(this)

  object ingredients extends ListColumn[String](this)

  object servings extends OptionalIntColumn(this)

  object lastcheckedat extends DateTimeColumn(this)

  object props extends MapColumn[String, String](this)

  object uid extends UUIDColumn(this)

  override def fromRow(r: Row): Recipe = {

abstract class ConcreteRecipes extends Recipes with RootConnector {

  def store(recipe: Recipe): InsertQuery.Default[ConcreteRecipes, Recipe] = {
      .value(_.url, recipe.url)
      .value(_.description, recipe.description)
      .value(_.ingredients, recipe.ingredients)
      .value(_.lastcheckedat, recipe.lastCheckedAt)
      .value(_.props, recipe.props)
      .value(_.uid, recipe.uid)
      .value(_.servings, recipe.servings)

The whole purpose of RootConnector is quite simple, it's saying an implementor will basically specify the session and keySpace of choice. It looks like this, and it's available in phantom by default via the default import, import com.outworkers.phantom.dsl._.

import com.datastax.driver.core.Session

trait RootConnector {

  implicit def space: KeySpace

  implicit def session: Session

Later on when we start creating databases, we pass in a ContactPoint or what we call a connector in more plain English, which basically fully encapsulates a Cassandra connection with all the possible details and settings required to run an application.

class RecipesDatabase(override val connector: KeySpaceDef) extends Database[RecipesDatabase](connector) {

  object recipes extends ConcreteRecipes with connector.Connector


The interesting bit is that the connector.Connector is an inner trait inside the connector object that will basically statically point all implicit resolutions for a session and keySpace inside a database instance to a specific session and keySpace.

"It seems a bit complex, why bother to go to such lengths?" The answer to that is simple, in an ideal world:

  • You want to invisibly and statically point to the same session object and you want to avoid all possible race conditions.

  • E.g you don't want multiple sessions to be instantiated or you don't want your app to connect to Cassandra multiple times just on the basis that a lot of threads are trying to write to Cassandra at the same time.

  • You don't want to explicitly refer to session every single time, because that's just Java-esque boilerplate. You wouldn't do it in CQL and that's why phantom tries to offer a more fluent DSL instead, the only distinction being in phantom you drive from entities, so the table gets "specified first".

We mask away all that complexity from the end user with the help of a few constructs, ContactPoint, Database and DatabaseProvider.

The DatabaseProvider injector trait

Sometimes developers can choose to wrap a database further, into specific database services that basically move the final destination bit "up one more level", making the services the final level of encapsulation. Why do this? As you will see below, it's useful when separating services for specific entities and for guaranteeing app level consistency of data for de-normalised database entities and indexes.

And this is why we offer another native construct, namely the DatabaseProvider trait. This is another really simple but really powerful trait that's generally used cake pattern style.

trait DatabaseProvider[T <: Database[T]] {
  def database: T

This is pretty simple in its design, it simply aims to provide a simple way of injecting a reference to a particular database inside a consumer. For the sake of argument, let's say we are designing a UserService backed by Cassandra and phantom. Here's how it might look like:

class UserDatabase(override val connector: KeySpaceDef) extends Database(connector) {
  object users extends ConcreteUsers with connector.Connector
  object usersByEmail extends ConcreteUsersByEmail with connector.Connector

// So now we are saying we have a trait
// that will eventually provide a reference to a specific database.
trait AppDatabase extends DatabaseProvider[AppDatabase]

trait UserService extends AppDatabase {
   * Stores a user into the database guaranteeing application level consistency of data.
   * E.g we have two tables, one indexing users by ID and another indexing users by email.
   * As in Cassandra we need to de-normalise data, it's natural we need to store it twice.
   * But that also means we have to write to 2 tables every time, and here's how
   * @param user A user case class instance.
   * @return A future containing the result of the last write operation in the sequence.
  def store(user: User): Future[ResultSet] = {
    for {
      byId <-
      byEmail <-
    } yield byEmail

  def findById(id: UUID): Future[Option[User]] = database.users.findById(id)
  def findByEmail(email: String): Future[Option[User]] = database.usersByEmail.findByEmail(email)

If I as your colleague and developer would now want to consume the UserService, I would basically create an instance or use a pre-existing one to basically consume methods that only require passing in known domain objects as parameters. Notice how session, keySpace and everything else Cassandra specific has gone away?

All I can see is a def storeUser(user: User) which is all very sensible, so the entire usage of Cassandra is now transparent to end consumers. That's a really cool thing, and granted there are a few hoops to jump through to get here, it's hopefully worth the mileage.

Pretty much the only thing left is the ResultSet, and we can get rid of that too should we choose to map it to a domain specific class. It could be useful if we want to hide the fact that we are using Cassandra completely from any database service consumer.

Using the DatabaseProvider to specify environments

Ok, so now we have all the elements in place to create the cake pattern, the next step is to basically flesh out the environments we want. In almost 99% of all cases, we only have two provider traits in our entire app, one for production or runtime mode, the other for test, since we often want a test cluster to fire requests against during the sbt test phase.

Let's go ahead and create two complete examples. We are going to make some simple assumptions about how settings for Cassandra look like in production/runtime vs tests, but don't take those seriously, they are just for example purposes more than anything, to show you what you can do with the phantom API.

Let's look at the most basic example of defining a test connector, which will use all default settings plus a call to noHearbeat which will disable heartbeats by setting a pooling option to 0 inside the ClusterBuilder. We will go through that in more detail in a second, to show how we can specify more complex options using ContactPoint.

object TestConnector {
  val connector = ContactPoint.local

object TestDatabase extends AppDatabase(TestConnector.connector)

trait TestDatabaseProvider extends AppDatabaseProvider {
  override def database: AppDatabase = TestDatabase

It may feel verbose or slightly too much at first, but the objects wrapping the constructs are basically working a lot in our favour to guarantee the thread safe just in time init static access to various bits that we truly want to be static. Again, we don't want more than one contact point initialised, more than one session and so on, we want it all crystal clear static from the get go.

And this is how you would use that provider trait now. We're going to assume ScalaTest is the testing framework in use, but of course that doesn't matter.

import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, OptionValues, Matchers, FlatSpec}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures

class UserServiceTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures {

  val userService = new UserService with TestDatabaseProvider {}

  override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
    // all our tables will now be initialised automatically against the target keyspace.
  it should "store a user using the user service and retrieve it by id and email" in {
    val user = User(...)
    val chain = for {
      store <-
      byId <- userService.findById(
      byEmail <- userService.findByEmail(
    } yield (byId, byEmail)

    whenReady(chain) { case (byId, byEmail) => 
      byId shouldBe defined
      byId.value shouldEqual user

      byEmail shouldBe defined
      byEmail.value shouldEqual user

Automated schema generation using Database

One of the coolest things you can do in phantom is automatically derive the schema for a table from its DSL definition. This is useful as you can basically forget about ever typing manual CQL or worrying about where your CQL scripts are stored and how to load them in time via bash or anything funky like that.

As far as we are concerned, that was of doing things is old school and deprecated and we don't want to be looking backwards, so auto-generation to the rescue. There isn't really much to it, continuing on the above examples, it's just a question of the create.ifNotExists() method being available "for free".

For example:


Now obviously that's the super simplistic example, so let's look at how you might implement more advanced scenarios. Phantom provides a full schema DSL including all alter and create query options so it should be quite trivial to implement any kind of query no matter how complex.

Without respect to how effective these settings would be in a production environment(no do not try at home), this is meant to illustrate that you could create very complex queries with the existing DSL.

  .`with`(compaction eqs LeveledCompactionStrategy.sstable_size_in_mb(50))
  .and(compression eqs LZ4Compressor.crc_check_chance(0.5))
  .and(comment eqs "testing")
  .and(read_repair_chance eqs 5D)
  .and(dclocal_read_repair_chance eqs 5D)

To override the settings that will be used during schema auto-generation at Database level, phantom provides the autocreate method inside every table which can be easily overriden. This is again an example of chaining numerous DSL methods and doesn't attempt to demonstrate any kind of effective production settings.

When you later call database.create or database.createAsync or any other flavour of auto-generation on a Database, the autocreate overriden below will be respected.

class UserDatabase(override val connector: KeySpaceDef) extends Database(connector) {
  object users extends ConcreteUsers with connector.Connector {
    def autocreate(keySpace: KeySpace): CreateQuery.Default[T, R] = {
        .`with`(compaction eqs LeveledCompactionStrategy.sstable_size_in_mb(50))
        .and(compression eqs LZ4Compressor.crc_check_chance(0.5))
        .and(comment eqs "testing")
        .and(read_repair_chance eqs 5D)
        .and(dclocal_read_repair_chance eqs 5D)
  object usersByEmail extends ConcreteUsersByEmail with connector.Connector

By default, autocreate will simply try and perform a lightweight create query, as follows, which in the final CQL query will look very familiar. This is a simple example not related to any of the above examples.

def autocreate(keySpace: KeySpace): CreateQuery.Default[T, R] = create.ifNotExists()(keySpace)

// CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $keyspace.$table (id uuid, name text, unixTimestamp timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (id, unixTimestamp))