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Flavian Alexandru edited this page May 18, 2016 · 10 revisions
  • Adding support for conditional tests.
  • Added support for orderBy in select queries.
  • Added support for Clustering columns.
  • Added support for auto-generating Composite Keys.
  • Added extensive tests for Secondary Indexes.
  • Moved back to Scala reflection.
  • Fixed field collection order.
  • Added servlet container based tests to ensure Scala reflection is consistent.
  • Simplifying Enumerators API.
  • Added a changelog :)
  • Added a table of contents in the documentation.
  • Improved structure of test project.
  • Added copyright information to a lot of files.
  • Fixed license issue in Maven Central publishing license.
  • Vastly simplified structure of collection operators and removed com.websudos.phantom.thrift.Implicits._
  • Fixed null handling bug in OptionalColumns.
  • Added a variety of compilation tests for the phantom query builder. They test what should compile and what shouldn't, to verify compile time restrictions.
  • Fixed support for Static columns.
  • Bumped Twitter Scrooge version to 3.15.0
  • Bumped Cassandra version to 2.0.7
  • Fixed tests for TimeSeries
  • Fixed tests for orderBy clauses.
  • Fixed support for static columns.
  • Fixed issues with using the setIdX List operator.
  • Integrated Scalatra servlet container tests in the same test project.
  • Removed phantom-scalatra-test module
  • PHANTOM-43: Added timestamp support for BatchStatements.
  • PHANTOM-62: Added timestamp support for queries used in batch statements.
  • PHANTOM-66: Added support for SELECT DISTINCT queries.
  • PHANTOM-72: Added ability to enable/disable tracing on all queries.
  • PHANTOM-75: Restructure the query mechanism to allow sharing methods easily.
  • PHANTOM-76: Added a ifNotExists method to Insert statements.
  • PHANTOM-78: Added ability to set a default consistency per table.
  • PHANTOM-79: Added ability to chain multiple clauses on a secondary condition.
  • PHANTOM-81: Fixed bug where count queries were always returning 1 because a LIMIT 1 was improperly enforced.
  • PHANTOM-82: Changed the return type of a count query from Option[Option[Long]] to Option[Long].
  • PHANTOM-83: Enhanced phantom query builder to allow using where clauses for COUNT queries.
  • PHANTOM-84: Added common methods to GitHub documentation.
  • PHANTOM-106: Fix broken links in the phantom documentation.
  • PHANTOM-108: Adding an example Cassandra connector.
  • PHANTOM-112: Fixing race condition in the default ZooKeeper connector implementation
  • PHANTOM-105: The embedded Zookeeper client needs to connect before fetching data. Fixed connection state in Zk clients.
  • PHANTOM-107: Add documentation for using our Zookeeper testing utilities.
  • PHANTOM-113: Using a ZooKeeper Manager implementation to track availability and instantiation of ZooKeeper nodes.
  • PHANTOM-115: Fix SBT plugin dependency caused by publishSigned task in the GPG plugin. Kudos to Stephen Samuel.
  • PHANTOM-123: Fixed some documentation links.
  • PHANTOM-127: Automatically collecting references to all UDT definitions.
  • PHANTOM-131: Throwing an error when PrimaryKey and ClusteringOrder definitions are used in the same schema.
  • PHANTOM-134: Allowing users of DefaultZooKeeperManager to specify their own timeout for ZooKeeper connections.
  • PHANTOM-136: Added UDT examples to the UDT example module.
  • PHANTOM-109: Added a reference collector to all fields of an UDT.
  • Fixed more broken links in the documentation and added table with Future API methods.
  • Implemented UDT columns and added serialisation tests.
  • Moved syscall to get available processors to a one time only init for performance improvements.
  • Fixed BatchStatement.apply from ignoring the argument list passed to the method.
  • Fixed DefaultClusterStore to allow overriding connection timeouts and the CQL query used to initialise keyspaces.
  • Allowing users to override how ports are parsed once retrieved from ZooKeeper.
  • Allowing users to override cluster builders with their own custom implementation.
  • PHANTOM-93: Finalising ScalaStyle build integration.
  • Fixed several typos and broken links in the README.
  • Added documentation for resolver requirements at the top of the repository.
  • Added clarification for Scala 2.11 release.
  • Improved UDT implementation.
  • Heavy performance improvements for iterator processing (thanks @benjumanji for diligently profiling every bit).
  • Added full support for Scala 2.11.
  • Fixed encoding support for strings containing a single quote '.
  • Bumped util library dependency to 0.8.8 to include small bug fixes and more robust testing in the util library.
  • A custom patience timeout for successful calls on Futures has been created to replace the now obsolete implicit from com.websudos.util.testing._.
  • Bumped Twitter Finagle deps to 6.25.0 and Twitter Util to 6.24.0.
  • Removed hard coded list lengths from TimeSeriesTest in favour of named variables. This compensates for the fix in the util library, where before 0.8.4 a call to genList[T](n) would generate n - 1elements instead of n. This has been fixed and phantom updated to compensate for all changes.
  • Bumped cassandra-unit version to as the newer version is available on our public Bintray repository.
  • Removed Websudos Artifactory resolvers and replaced with Bintray configuration.
  • Added a Bintray version badge to automatically show the latest available Bintray version on the GitHub README.
  • Separated performance related tests written with ScalaMeter into a new configuration called perf. Tests can now be semantically distinguished by their purpose and sbt:test will not run performance tests by default. Instead, benchmarks are run using perf:test exclusively, which fixes scoverage integration during the Travis CI phase.
  • Fixed a few deadlinks in the
  • Removed Unmodifiable trait market from the implementation of Index, which now allows users to update the value of secondary keys.
  • Separated DELETE query serialization concerns into a specialized builder called QueryBuilder.Delete.
  • Added tests for DELETE query serialisation and for the new QueryBuilder.Delete.
  • Removed fixed Thrift dependency that was enforcing org.apache.thrift % libthrift % 0.9.1 from the phantom-thrift module. Consumers of Thrift modules can now set their own Scrooge and Thrift version without phantom-thrift interfering with them and causing serialization problems.
  • Added a RootThriftPrimitive to allow easily creating an implicit primitive for custom types. This is used when Thrift columns are part of the primary key.
  • Moved the duplicate package.scala from the test part of com.websudos.phantom.thrift to avoid strange overloading of imports between the main module and test module. Also fixes compilation warning message about conflicting members.
  • Fixed support for nested Primitive types. A Column[Owner, Record, T can now de-serialize to a type that is completely different from T. This fixes edge scenarios like the DateTimePrimitive of type Primitive[org.joda.time.DateTime] which has no proprietary extractor and is instead just a thin layer around the existing java.util.Date extractor. Phantom can now feed in the correct extraction type and deserialize columns like MapColumn[Owner, Record, DateTime, String].
  • Bumped ScalaTest dependency to version 2.2.4.
  • Fixed serialization of Blob columns by using Datastax Java Driver helper object Bytes.
  • Added support for SBT version management via Twitter's sbt-package-dist published via the custom Websudos fork: "com.websudos" %% "sbt-package-dist" % "1.2.0".
  • Bumped Scala version to 2.10.5 and 2.11.6.
  • Added dependency resolution retry during Travis CI phase. Travis will now retry to fetch dependencies 3 times before giving up, which fixes most timeout errors during dependency resolution and lets builds consistently pass.
  • Moved publishing infrastructure to Bintray and added a dependency on "me.lessis" %% "bintray-sbt" % "0.3.0" to publish artefacts to Bintray.
  • Bumped SBT version to 0.13.8 and bumped net.virtualvoid.dependencygraph version to 0.7.5 in plugins.sbt.
  • Removed TestZookeeperConnector from the default phantom-testkit.
  • Removed BaseTest and FeatureBaseTest from phantom-testkit.
  • Removed dependency on phantom-zookeeper from the default implementation of phantom-connectors. This was a very bad accident and Zk dependencies were being pulled in even if the end user wasn't relying on ZooKeeper for service discovery.
  • Bumped Scala version to 2.11.7 for the 2.11.x releases.
  • Re-added ability to set consistency levels in every query except Batch queries.
  • Moved implementation of query execution back to simple statements in the Datastax Java driver.
  • Allowing Datastax Java driver to set the consistency level and control final levels of serialization.
  • Added ability to change CQL serialization based on CQL protocol version.
  • Changed the serialization technique used for consistency levels to use a Scala Option[ConsistencyLevel] definition instead of a nullable field.
  • Added support for protocol level specification of consistency levels inside BatchStatement.
  • Removed most of the remaining documentation from the GitHub readme and placed in the Wiki.
  • Added a list of tutorials for using phantom, including basic guidelines.
  • Added a default forwading mechanism for a KeySpace definition inside the Connector obtained via KeySpaceDef.
  • Upgraded to use Diesel engine for query operations.
  • Upgraded to use Diesel engine for multi-part queries.
  • Removed support for java.util.Date in the default date columns. This has been removed in Cassandra 2.2.
  • Replaced default date parsing from java.util.Date with com.datastax.driver.core.LocalDate primitive.
  • Added a LocalDate column to offer complementary support for com.datastax.driver.core.LocalDate, java.util.Date and org.joda.time.DateTime.
  • Replaced BatchQuery serialization to use com.datastax.driver.core.BatchStatement internally.
  • Removed superfluous check in ExecutableQuery for nullable consistency level definitions.
  • Added support for maxTimeuuid and minTimeuuid in query columns.
  • Added support for multiple orderBy statements in a single clause.
  • Removed implementation of SessionProvider in favour of a single global session object inside phantom.
  • Fixed implementation of logging by using logf4j12-over-slf4j bridge and logback-classic.
  • Removed IPv6 connectivity support from the Travis build.
  • Added .jvmopts to the Travis build configuration to prevent automated attempts to IPv6 connections in the Datastax driver.
  • Removed a lot of .get accessor calls in the test methods in favour of the idiomatic OptionValues DSL from ScalaTest.
  • Added support for Reactive Streams in phantom, with a default mapper subscriber.
  • Implemented a publisher for reactive streams based on Play Enumerators convertions.
  • Fixed buffer overflow issue in Reactive streams.
  • Added tests for the reactive streams publisher.
  • Added support for binding in INSERT JSON clauses.
  • Forcing request builders in reactive streams to be Batchable.
  • Allowing elements to be derived from Throwable by adding an ErrorWrapper to error propagation in actors.
  • Adding support for binding scala.Enumeration#Value in prepared statements.
  • Bumped xsbt-web-plugin to 2.0.4.
  • Fixed support for token operators for multiple tokens.
  • Fixed support for binding single arguments to a prepared statement by adding specialized 1 arg methods.
  • Adding better comments to the basic implementation.
  • Removed unused dead code in operator query columns for multi-column token operators.
  • Deprecated shutdown method on the main Manager.
  • Fixed serialization of InsertQuery builders that specify a using clause.
  • Fixed serialization of InsertJsonQuery builders that specify a using clause.
  • Fixed primitive serialization inside PreparedStatements.
  • Added primitive parsing of BigDecimal inside prepared statements.
  • Added support for binding lists inside prepared statements.
  • Fixed TTL support in UpdateClause.
  • Fixed protocol version comparisons to address non standard greater than 1 results in compareTo implementation.
  • Added a query options DSL to fix using consistencyLevel settings in SelectQuery.
  • Added a QueryOptions DSL to replace Option[ConsistencyLevel] setting in ExecutableQuery.
  • Bumped major version to 1.18.0 to address backwards incompatible change.
  • Fixed serialization issue in defining LeveledCompactionStrategy.
  • Adding the ability to use gt, gte, lt, lte and isNot operators with a conditional update clause.
  • Bumping the version to 1.18.1.
  • Deprecated and completely removed the phantom-teskit module as it is now obsolete.
  • Upgraded the entire set of tests to use the new Database API.
  • Added support for updating specific entries in a MapColumn.
  • Added support for deleting specific entries from a MapColumn.
  • Fixed timeout configuration for ScalaTest based entries.
  • Updated examples to showcase new Database API.
  • Fixed maxTimeUUID and minTimeUUID implementations to use proper serialization for TimeUUID range queries.
  • Renamed all CAS comparison operators to match is$Op format.
  • Added ExecutableCreateStatementsList to fix index creation issues inside Database.autocreate.
  • Added support for Map entry comparisons and the Entries mixin trait for map columns with secondary indexes.
  • Added support for preparing UpdateQuery via p_where -> p_and pairs and p_modify -> p_and pairs.
  • Added more tests for prepared delete queries and update queries.
  • Added the ability to set more options on a statement before executing it.
  • Added ability to prepare map entry update clauses.
  • Bumped util library version to 0.10.8.
  • Bumped Datastax Java Driver version to 3.0.0-rc1 and using new SimpleStatement constructor in favour the now removed session.newSimpleStatement.
  • Added ability to modify a statement directly the execution operation to set options via the Java DSL.
  • Added support for => fn(t.column), including dateOf, unixTimestampOf and writetime.
  • Increased default schema synchronisation timeout to 10 seconds inside phantom tests.
  • Added sbt-sonatype plugin to re-enable Maven Central syncing.
  • Added ability to merge batch queries.
  • Adding support for iterator method on queries.
  • Fixing serialization of Compaction properties in CREATE and ALTER queries.
  • Fixing type evidence required for p_and chains in UpdateQuery.
  • #414 Added ablity to use prepared statements inside of batch statemets.
  • #417 Corrected cql type for LocalDate and Date accessor method.
  • #412 Bumped Datastax Java Driver version to 3.0.0
  • Added SmallInt and TinyInt support.
  • Added a new contributor to the list.
  • PHANTOM-194: Fixed serialization of queries.
  • Added support for LocalDate columns.
  • Added driver-extras dependency from the Datastax set.
  • Added a DateTime augmenter in the default package capable of producing TimeUUID values from a DateTime.
  • Fixed serialization of minTimeuuid and maxTimeuuid clauses to use dates in ISO formats.
  • Added tests to test timeuuid based date range selection with minTimeuuid and maxTimeuuid.
  • Changed caching property serialization in QueryBuilder to adjust to protocol version changes.
  • Fixed bug in prepared statements which prevented multiple prepared SET clauses from being used.
  • Changed serialization order in an UpdateQuery to always provide the SET clause arguments first. This is done to address the internal bind serialization issue, since the bind won't attempt to do any type matching, order of the arguments is the only element that dictates serialization.
  • Fixed README to reflect up to date licensing clauses and remove open source wording.
  • Using Tupler instead of Generic and reverting type cast from HList -> Tuple for some compile time clarity.
  • Fixing more README issues.
  • Removed contributor from the list.
  • Fixed changelog.
  • Fixed casing of word KEYS to keys to fit CQL variant.

Breaking changes

  • Removed all Twitter libs and dependencies from the main DSL. References to com.twitter.util will no longer compile, and we have moved all the features of the old version to a new module called phantom-finagle. Support for Spools has also been move

  • Removed all Play dependencies from the main DSL project, moved all the implementation specific fetchEnumerator to the phantom-reactive-streams module. To use features such as fetchEnumerator, you will now need to use import com.websudos.phantom.reactivestreams._

  • Columns such as SetColumn, MapColumn or even JsonColumn no longer require providing the Owner and Record type parameters when defining the columns.

Instead of:

import com.websudos.phantom.dsl._

case class MyRecord(id: UUID, props: Map[String, String])

class MyTable extends CassandraTable[MyTable, MyRecord] {
  object id extends UUIDColumn(this) with PartitionKey[UUID]
  object props extends MapColumn[MyTable, MyRecord, String, String](this)

// you can now simply type

import com.websudos.phantom.dsl._

case class MyRecord(id: UUID, props: Map[String, String])

class MyTable extends CassandraTable[MyTable, MyRecord] {
  object id extends UUIDColumn(this) with PartitionKey[UUID]
  object props extends MapColumn[String, String](this)
  • Added a new Primitive.apply method that produces necessary implicits for using enumeration columns as partition columns. Use implicit val enumPrimtive = Primitive(SomeEnum) to produce the necessary implicits for using an enumeration value inside a select.where(_.enumCol eqs enumValue).

  • Moved the entire changelog to the Github Wiki, removed it from the repository.

  • Fixed badge link for Maven Central publishing, link is pointing to parent phantom_2.10 project which is now no longer published.

  • Bumped Scala versions to 2.10.6 and 2.11.8 respectively.