Information about the flexible GPU (fGPU).
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
deleteOnVmDeletion | Boolean | If true, the fGPU is deleted when the VM is terminated. | [optional] |
flexibleGpuId | String | The ID of the fGPU. | [optional] |
generation | String | The compatible processor generation. | [optional] |
modelName | String | The model of fGPU. For more information, see About Flexible GPUs. | [optional] |
state | String | The state of the fGPU (`allocated` | `attaching` | `attached` | `detaching`). | [optional] |
subregionName | String | The Subregion where the fGPU is located. | [optional] |
vmId | String | The ID of the VM the fGPU is attached to, if any. | [optional] |