One or more filters.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
creationDates | List<OffsetDateTime> | The dates and times at which the volumes were created, in ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, `2020-06-30T00:00:00.000Z`). | [optional] |
linkVolumeDeleteOnVmDeletion | Boolean | Whether the volumes are deleted or not when terminating the VMs. | [optional] |
linkVolumeDeviceNames | List<String> | The VM device names. | [optional] |
linkVolumeLinkDates | List<OffsetDateTime> | The dates and times at which the volumes were attached, in ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, `2020-06-30T00:00:00.000Z`). | [optional] |
linkVolumeLinkStates | List<String> | The attachment states of the volumes (`attaching` | `detaching` | `attached` | `detached`). | [optional] |
linkVolumeVmIds | List<String> | One or more IDs of VMs. | [optional] |
snapshotIds | List<String> | The snapshots from which the volumes were created. | [optional] |
subregionNames | List<String> | The names of the Subregions in which the volumes were created. | [optional] |
tagKeys | List<String> | The keys of the tags associated with the volumes. | [optional] |
tagValues | List<String> | The values of the tags associated with the volumes. | [optional] |
tags | List<String> | The key/value combination of the tags associated with the volumes, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}. | [optional] |
volumeIds | List<String> | The IDs of the volumes. | [optional] |
volumeSizes | List<Integer> | The sizes of the volumes, in gibibytes (GiB). | [optional] |
volumeStates | List<String> | The states of the volumes (`creating` | `available` | `in-use` | `updating` | `deleting` | `error`). | [optional] |
volumeTypes | List<String> | The types of the volumes (`standard` | `gp2` | `io1`). | [optional] |