One or more filters.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
queryAccessKeys | List<String> | The access keys used for the logged calls. | [optional] |
queryApiNames | List<String> | The names of the APIs of the logged calls (always `oapi` for the OUTSCALE API). | [optional] |
queryCallNames | List<String> | The names of the logged calls. | [optional] |
queryDateAfter | OffsetDateTime | The date and time, or the date, after which you want to retrieve logged calls, in ISO 8601 format (for example, `2020-06-14T00:00:00.000Z` or `2020-06-14`). By default, this date is set to 48 hours before the `QueryDateBefore` parameter value. | [optional] |
queryDateBefore | OffsetDateTime | The date and time, or the date, before which you want to retrieve logged calls, in ISO 8601 format (for example, `2020-06-30T00:00:00.000Z` or `2020-06-14`). By default, this date is set to now, or 48 hours after the `QueryDateAfter` parameter value. | [optional] |
queryIpAddresses | List<String> | The IPs used for the logged calls. | [optional] |
queryUserAgents | List<String> | The user agents of the HTTP requests of the logged calls. | [optional] |
requestIds | List<String> | The request IDs provided in the responses of the logged calls. | [optional] |
responseStatusCodes | List<Integer> | The HTTP status codes of the logged calls. | [optional] |