Information about the resources consumed during the specified time period.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountId | String | The ID of your TINA account. | [optional] |
category | String | The category of the resource (for example, `network`). | [optional] |
fromDate | OffsetDateTime | The beginning of the time period (UTC). | [optional] |
operation | String | The API call that triggered the resource consumption (for example, `RunInstances` or `CreateVolume`). | [optional] |
payingAccountId | String | The ID of the TINA account which is billed for your consumption. It can be different from your account in the `AccountId` parameter. | [optional] |
price | Double | The total price of the consumed resource during the specified time period, in the currency of the Region's catalog. | [optional] |
service | String | The service of the API call (`TinaOS-FCU`, `TinaOS-LBU`, `TinaOS-DirectLink`, `TinaOS-OOS`, or `TinaOS-OSU`). | [optional] |
subregionName | String | The name of the Subregion. | [optional] |
title | String | A description of the consumed resource. | [optional] |
toDate | OffsetDateTime | The end of the time period (UTC). | [optional] |
type | String | The type of resource, depending on the API call. | [optional] |
unitPrice | Double | The unit price of the consumed resource, in the currency of the Region's catalog. | [optional] |
value | Double | The consumed amount for the resource. The unit depends on the resource type. For more information, see the `Title` element. | [optional] |