- 63ef7f6: Added missing functions to IZoraCreator1155
- 366ac20: Fix broken storage layout by not including an interface on CreatorRoyaltiesControl
- e25ac54: ignore nonzero supply royalty schedule
- e6f61a9: Include all minter and royalty errors in erc1155 and premint executor abis
- 4afa879: Creator reward recipient can now be defined on a token by token basis. This allows for multiple creators to collaborate on a contract and each to receive rewards for the token they created. The royaltyRecipient storage field is now used to determine the creator reward recipient for each token. If that's not set for a token, it falls back to use the contract wide fundsRecipient.
- 9495c34: Supply royalties are no longer supported
- 64da698: Exporting abi
- d3ddfbb: fix version packages tests
- 9207e8f: Deployed determinstic proxies and latest versions to mainnet, goerli, base, base goerli, optimism, optimism goerli
- 35db763: Adding in built artifacts to package
- 82f6506: Premint with Delegated Minting Determinstic Proxy Addresses Premint deployed to zora and zora goerli
- b83e1b6: Add first minter payouts as chain sponsor
- 399b8e6: Adds first minter rewards to zora 1155 contracts.
- 399b8e6: Added deterministic contract creation from the Zora1155 factory, Preminter, and Upgrade Gate
- 399b8e6: Added the PremintExecutor contract, and updated erc1155 to support delegated minting
- Add first minter rewards
- Separate upgrade gate into new contract
- 1bf2d52: Add TokenId to redeemInstructionsHashIsAllowed for Redeem Contracts
- a170f1f: - Patches the 1155
function to ensure that the token id passed matches the token id encoded in the generic calldata to forward- Updates the redeem minter to v1.1.0 to support b2r per an 1155 token id
- b1dbb47: Fix types reference for package export
- 4cb56d4: - Ensures sales configs can only be updated for the token ids specified
- Deprecates support with 'ZoraCreatorRedeemMinterStrategy' v1.0.1
5b3fafd: Change permission checks for contracts – fix allowing roles that are not admin assigned to tokenid 0 to apply those roles to any token in the contract.
9f6510d: Add support for rewards
- Add new minting functions supporting rewards
- Add new "rewards" library
- 498998f: Added pgn sepolia Added pgn mainnet
- cc3b55a: New base mainnet deploy