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bcmcmd & bcmsh

Walter Doekes edited this page Nov 6, 2024 · 1 revision

bmccmd version

Broadcom Command Monitor: Copyright (c) 1998-2024 Broadcom
Release: sdk-6.5.29 built 20240828 (Wed Aug 28 07:11:18 2024)
From root@e2cd87deb66d:/__w/1/s/output/x86-xgsall-deb/xgs-sdk-src/hsdk-all-6.5.29
Platform: X86
OS: Unix (Posix)

bcmcmd "show chips"

Known chips:
Index   Chip            Chip   Dev/Rev  Driver Dev/Rev  
0       BCM56300_A0     0xb300 0x01      0xb504 0x01
1       BCM56301_A0     0xb301 0x01      0xb504 0x01
2       BCM56302_A0     0xb302 0x01      0xb504 0x01
3       BCM56303_A0     0xb303 0x01      0xb504 0x01


Press Enter to show prompt.
Press Ctrl+C to exit.
NOTICE: Only one bcmsh or bcmcmd can connect to the shell at same time.

help: "??" or "help" for summary
Commands common to all modes:
?              ??             ASSert         Attach         BackGround     
break          BroadSync      CASE           CD             cint           
ClearScreen    CONFig         CONSole        CoPy           CPUDB          
CTEcho         CTInstall      CTSetup        DATE           DBDump         
DBParse        DeBug          DELAY          DEVice         DIR            
DISPatch       Echo           EXIT           EXPR           FLASHINIT      
FLASHSYNC      FOR            Help           HISTory        IF             
IPROCRead      IPROCWrite     JOBS           KILL           KNETSYNC       
LED            LOCal          LOG            LOOP           LS             
M0             MCSCmd         MCSDump        MCSLoad        MCSMsg         
MCSStatus      MCSTimeStamp   MKDIR          MODE           MORe           
MoVe           NOEcho         ONESYNC        Pause          PCIEPHY        
PortMod        PRINTENV       PROBE          PSCAN          PTP            
PWD            QUIT           RCCache        RCLoad         REBOOT         
REName         RESET          RM             RMDIR          RPC            
SalProfile     SAVE           SET            SETENV         SHell          
SLeep          TDPLL          TIME           Version        
Commands for current mode:
ADC            AGE            ALPM           ASF            Attach         
Auth           BaseBoard      BIST           BPDU           BTiMeout       
BUFfer         CABLEdiag      CACHE          CanCun         CHecK          
CLEAR          CLOCKS         COLOR          COMBO          COS            
CounTeR        CustomSTAT     DAC            DDRMemRead     DDRMemWrite    
DDRPhyRead     DDRPhyTune     DDRPhyWrite    DELete         DETach         
DMA            DmaRomTest     DMIRror        DPLL           DSCP           
DTAG           Dump           EditReg        EGRess         EthernetAV     
EXTernalTuning EXTernalTuning2EXTernalTuningSumFieldProcessor FLEXport       
FlowDb         FlowTracker    FlowTrackerMON FlowTrackerRemoteMONGetreg         
GPORT          H2HIGIG        H2HIGIG2       HASH           HashDestination
HClksel        HeaderMode     HSP            I2C            IbodSync       
INIT           Insert         INTR           IPFIX          IPG            
IPMC           KNETctrl       L2             L2LEARN        L2MODE         
L3             LATency        LCDMSG         LINKscan       LISTmem        
Listreg        LLS            LOOKup         MCAST          MemFirst       
MemNext        MemSCAN        MemWatch       MIM            MIRror         
MODify         ModMap         Modreg         MPLS           MSPI           
MTiMeout       MultiCast      MUXsel         NVram          OAM            
PacketWatcher  PBMP           PCIE           PHY            PKTIO          
POE            POESel         POP            PORT           PortRate       
PortSAMp       PortSampRate   PortStat       PPDclk         PROBE          
PUSH           PUTREG         PVlan          Qcm            RATE           
RateBw         RegCMp         RegWatch       REMove         ResTest        
RXCfg          RXInit         RXMon          SCHan          SEArch         
SER            Setreg         SHOW           SOC            SRAM           
SramSCAN       STACKMode      StackPortGet   StackPortSet   STG            
STiMeout       STKMode        StkTask        SW_AN          SwitchControl  
SYnth          SystemSnake    TCAM           TeCHSupport    TEMPerature    
TestClear      TestList       TestMode       TestParameters TestRun        
TestSelect     TMCheck        TMDumpMem      TMShow         TRUNK          
TX             TXBeacon       TXCount        TXSTArt        TXSTOp         
VLAN           WARMBOOT       WLAN           Write          XAUI           
XClocks        XPoe           
Dynamic commands for all modes:
Help: Type help "command" for detailed command usage
Help: Upper case letters signify minimal match

Commands common to all modes:
	?                   Display list of commands
	ASSert              Assert
	Attach              Attach SOC device(s)
	BackGround          Execute a command in the background.
	break               place to hang a breakpoint
	BroadSync           Manage Time API BroadSync endpoints
	CASE                Execute command based on string match
	CD                  Change current working directory
	cint                Enter the C interpreter
	ClearScreen         Clear terminal output
	CONFig              Configure Management interface
	CONSole             Control console options
	CoPy                Copy a file
	CPUDB               Update the CPU database
	CTEcho              Send an echo request using CPUTRANS
	CTInstall           Set up transport pointers in CPU transports
	CTSetup             Modify the CPUTRANS setup
	DATE                Set or display current date
	DBDump              Dump the current StackTask CPUDB
	DBParse             Parse a line of CPUDB dumped code
	DeBug               Enable/Disable debug output
	DELAY               Put CLI task in a busy-wait loop for some amount of time
	DEVice              Device add/remove
	DISPatch            BCM Dispatch control.
	Echo                Echo command line
	EXIT                Exit the current shell (and possibly reset)
	EXPR                Evaluate infix expression
	FLASHINIT           Initialize on board flash as a file system
	FLASHSYNC           Sync up on board flash with file system
	FOR                 Execute a series of commands in a loop
	Help                Print this list OR usage for a specific command
	HISTory             List command history
	IF                  Conditionally execute commands
	IPROCRead           Read from IPROC Area
	IPROCWrite          Write to IPROC Area
	JOBS                List current background jobs
	KILL                Terminate a background job
	KNETSYNC            KnetSync Diag commands
	LED                 Control/Load LED processor
	LOCal               Create/Delete a variable in the local scope
	LOG                 Enable/Disable logging and set log file
	LOOP                Execute a series of commands in a loop
	LS                  List current directory
	M0                  M0 commands for led/linkscan fw
	MCSCmd              Execute cmd on uC
	MCSDump             Create MCS dumpfile
	MCSLoad             Load hexfile to MCS memory
	MCSMsg              Start/stop messaging with MCs
	MCSStatus           Show MCS fault status
	MCSTimeStamp        Print MCS timestamp data
	MKDIR               Make a directory
	MODE                Set shell mode
	MORe                Copy a file to the console
	MoVe                Rename a file on a file system
	NOEcho              Ignore command line
	ONESYNC             OneSync Diag commands
	Pause               Pause command processing and wait for input
	PCIEPHY             PCIe PHY speicific utilities
	PortMod             Portmod Diagnostics
	PRINTENV            Display current variable list
	PROBE               Probe for available SOC units
	PSCAN               Control uKernel port scanning.
	PTP                 PTP stack configuration
	PWD                 Print platform dependent working directory
	RCCache             Save contents of an rc file in memory
	RCLoad              Load commands from a file
	REBOOT              Reboot the processor
	RM                  Remove a file from a file system
	RMDIR               Remove a directory
	RPC                 Control BCM API RPC daemon.
	SalProfile          Displays current SAL resource usage
	SAVE                Write data to a file
	SET                 Set various configuration options
	SETENV              Create/Delete a variable in the global scope
	SHell               Invoke a system dependent shell
	SLeep               Suspend the CLI task for specified amount of time
	TDPLL               T-DPLL configuration and management
	TIME                Time the execution of one or more commands
	Version             Print version and build information

Commands for current mode:
	ADC                 Show MAX127 A/D Conversions
	AGE                 Set ESW hardware age timer
	ALPM                ALPM trouble shooting
	ASF                 ASF (cut-through) Mode
	Attach              Attach SOC device(s)
	Auth                Port-based network access control
	BaseBoard           Configure baseboard system parameters.
	BIST                Run on-chip memory built-in self tests
	BPDU                Manage BPDU addresses
	BTiMeout            Set BIST operation timeout in microseconds
	BUFfer              MMU config
	CABLEdiag           Run Cable Diagnotics
	CACHE               Turn on/off software caching of tables
	CanCun              Cancun file and status operations
	CHecK               Check a sorted memory table
	CLEAR               Clear a memory table or counters
	CLOCKS              Set core clock frequency.
	COLOR               Manage packet color
	COMBO               Control combination copper/fiber ports
	COS                 Manage classes of service
	CounTeR             Enable/disable counter collection
	CustomSTAT          Enable/disable counter collection
	DAC                 Set DAC register
	DDRMemRead          Indirect reads to DDR
	DDRMemWrite         Indirect writes to DDR
	DDRPhyRead          Read DDR40 phy registers
	DDRPhyTune          Tune DDR40 phy registers
	DDRPhyWrite         Write DDR40 phy registers
	DELete              Delete entry by key from a sorted table
	DETach              Detach SOC device(s)
	DMA                 DMA Facilities Interface
	DmaRomTest          Simple test of the SOC DMA ROM API
	DMIRror             Manage directed port mirroring
	DPLL                DPLL operations on SPI bus
	DSCP                Map Diffserv Code Points
	DTAG                Double Tagging
	Dump                Dump an address space or registers
	EditReg             Edit each field of SOC internal register
	EGRess              Manage source-based egress enabling
	EthernetAV          Set/Display the Ethernet AV characteristics
	EXTernalTuning      External memory automatic tuning
	EXTernalTuning2     External memory automatic tuning 2
	EXTernalTuningSum   External memory automatic tuning (summary)
	FieldProcessor      Manage Field Processor
	FLEXport            Flexport
	FlowDb              Flow Database for flexible tables
	FlowTracker         Flowtracker commands
	FlowTrackerMON      FlowtracketMon
	FlowTrackerRemoteMONMonitor ports for packets
	Getreg              Get register
	GPORT               Get a GPORT id
	H2HIGIG             Convert hex words to higig info
	H2HIGIG2            Convert hex words to higig2 info
	HASH                Get or set hardware hash modes
	HashDestination     Display Hash Destination
	HClksel             Set I2C HClk (MUX for clock-chip-selects)
	HeaderMode          Get or set packet tx header mode
	HSP                 MMU HSP hierarchy
	I2C                 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Bus commands
	IbodSync            Enable/Disable IBOD sync process
	INIT                Initialize SOC and S/W
	Insert              Insert into a sorted table
	INTR                Enable, disable, show interrupts
	IPFIX               IPFIX
	IPG                 Set default IPG values for ports
	IPMC                Manage IPMC (IP Multicast) addresses
	KNETctrl            Manage kernel network functions
	L2                  Manage L2 (MAC) addresses
	L2LEARN             Control Learn Thread Execution
	L2MODE              Change ARL handling mode
	L3                  Manage L3 (IP) addresses
	LATency             Switch Latency Bypass Diagnostics
	LCDMSG              Print message on Matrix Orbital LCD display (via I2C)
	LINKscan            Configure/Display link scanning
	LISTmem             List the entry format for a given table
	Listreg             List register fields
	LLS                 MMU LLS hierarchy
	LOOKup              Look up a table entry
	MCAST               Manage multicast table
	MemFirst            Displays first valid memory
	MemNext             Displays next valid memory
	MemSCAN             Turn on/off software memory error scanning
	MemWatch            Turn on/off memory snooping
	MIM                 Manage XGS4 Mac-in-MAC
	MIRror              Manage port mirroring
	MODify              Modify table entry by field names
	ModMap              MODID Remapping
	Modreg              Read/modify/write register
	MPLS                Manage XGS4 MPLS
	MSPI                MasterSPI Read / Write
	MTiMeout            Set MIIM operation timeout in usec
	MultiCast           Manage multicast operation
	MUXsel              Set I2C LPT state (MUX for clock-chip-selects)
	NVram               Manipulate Nonvolatile memory
	OAM                 Manage OAM groups and endpoints
	PacketWatcher       Monitor ports for packets
	PBMP                Convert port bitmap string to hex
	PCIE                R/W PCIE core registers
	PHY                 Set/Display phy characteristics
	PKTIO               Set/Display TX/PacketWatcher with streamlined pktio driver type
	POE                 Configure PowerOverEthernet controllers.
	POESel              Set I2C POE (MUX for poe-chip-selects)
	POP                 Pop an entry from a FIFO
	PORT                Set/Display port characteristics
	PortRate            Set/Display port rate metering characteristics
	PortSAMp            Set/Display sflow port sampling characteristics
	PortSampRate        Set/Display sflow port sampling rate
	PortStat            Display port status in table
	PPDclk              Show PPD clock delay
	PROBE               Probe for available SOC units
	PUSH                Push an entry onto a FIFO
	PVlan               Port VLAN settings
	Qcm                 QCM commands
	RATE                Manage packet rate controls
	RateBw              Set/Display port bandwidth rate metering characteristics
	RegCMp              Test a register value
	RegWatch            Turn on/off register snooping
	REMove              Delete entry by index from a sorted table
	ResTest             Tests for resource manager
	RXCfg               Configure RX settings
	RXInit              Call bcm_rx_init
	RXMon               Register an RX handler to dump received packets
	SCHan               Send raw S-Channel message, get response
	SEArch              Search a table for a byte pattern
	SER                 Performs operations related to Soft Error Recovery
	Setreg              Set register
	SHOW                Show information on a subsystem
	SOC                 Print internal Driver control information
	SRAM                External DDR2_SRAM test control
	SramSCAN            Turn on/off software SRAM error scanning
	STACKMode           Set/get the stack mode
	StackPortGet        Get stacking characteristics of a port
	StackPortSet        Set stacking characteristics of a port
	STG                 Manage spanning tree groups
	STiMeout            Set S-Channel timeout in microseconds
	STKMode             Hardware Stacking Mode Control
	StkTask             Stack task control
	SW_AN               Enable/Disable SW AN Thread
	SwitchControl       General switch control
	SYnth               Show synthesizer frequency
	SystemSnake         Cycle packets through selected system
	TCAM                TCAM control
	TeCHSupport         Collects information required to debug a given feature or subfeature
	TEMPerature         Show environmental conditions
	TestClear           Clear run statisistics for a test
	TestList            List loaded tests and status
	TestMode            Set global test run modes
	TestParameters      Set test Parameters
	TestRun             Run a specific or selected tests
	TestSelect          Select tests for running
	TMCheck             TM config check
	TMDumpMem           TM dump memories
	TMShow              TM config show
	TRUNK               Manage port aggregation
	TX                  Transmit one or more packets
	TXBeacon            txbeacon tests
	TXCount             Print current TX statistics
	TXSTArt             Transmit one or more packets in background
	TXSTOp              Terminate a previous "txstart" command
	VLAN                Manage virtual LANs
	WARMBOOT            Optionally boot warm
	WLAN                Manage XGS4 WLAN
	Write               Write entry(s) into a table
	XAUI                Run XAUI BERT on specified port pair
	XClocks             Configure clocks for PCI, SDRAM, Core clock
	XPoe                Communication with PD63000 PowerOverEthernet MCU.

Dynamic commands for all modes:
	BCMSAI              SAI BCM shell commands

Number Formats:
	[-]0x[0-9|A-F|a-f]+ -hex if number begins with "0x"
	[-][0-9]+           -decimal integer
	[-]0[0-7]+          -octal if number begins with "0"
	[-]0b[0-1]+         -binary if number begins with "0b"

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