diff --git a/codingStandards/AdditionalGuidelines-Java.md b/codingStandards/AdditionalGuidelines-Java.md
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+# Additional Guidelines - Java
+## Argument validation
+Validating arguments in _every_ method can be an unnecessary cost.
+Following guidelines try to reduce the argument validation cost without losing its benefits.
+1. **Validate an argument only if an invalid value can result in an _undesirable_ yet _non-failure_ behavior _directly_
+ within the method.**
+ In the example below, `name` should be validated because an invalid `name` can result in invalid data in
+ the system from that point onwards without indicating that something went wrong.
+ ```java
+ void setName(String name) {
+ this.name = Objects.requireNonNull(name, "name cannot be null");
+ }
+ ```
+ > Tip: You can use
+ > [Objects#requireNonNull()](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Objects.html#requireNonNull(T))
+ > to ensure a value is not null.
+ However, `name` in the example below need not be validated because it is not being used _directly_ in the method.
+ ```java
+ void setName(String name) {
+ saveName(name);
+ }
+ ```
+ In the example below, `key` need not be validated against `null` because a `null` value is going to create a
+ detectable failure (i.e. a `NullPointerException`) anyway.
+ ```java
+ boolean isPersonKey(String key) {
+ return key.contains("P");
+ }
+ ```
+ Furthermore, place the argument validation code immediately above the first line of code it tries to defend, so that
+ the reader can easily deduce the reason for argument validation.
+ ```java
+ boolean updateEmail(Person p, String email) {
+ //some code
+ if (!isValidEmail(email)) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid email " + email);
+ }
+ p.email = email;
+ }
+ ```
+ While the guidelines above delay parameter validation until the value is about to be used in a damage-causing manner,
+ that should not be confused with _user input_ validation, which should be validated as early as possible.
+1. **Validate arguments at boundaries of major components.**
+ Detecting invalid arguments at boundaries of major component (e.g. between front-end and back-end) before they
+ propagate from one component to another spares the latter component from unnecessary debugging efforts.
+## Using assertions
+Refer the article
+_[Programming With Assertions](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/language/assert.html)_
+(from Oracle) for more details on the three general guidelines below.
+1. **Do not use assertions to do any work that your application requires for correct operation.**
+ If you do, the code will not work as expected when assertions are turned off.
+1. **Do not use assertions for checking _preconditions_/parameters in public methods.**
+ Those should be enforced by explicit checks that throw particular,
+ specified exceptions. e.g. `IllegalArgumentException`, `IndexOutOfBoundsException`, or `NullPointerException`.
+1. **Assertions may be used to check _postconditions_ and class/method _invariants_ in both public
+ and nonpublic methods.**
+In addition,
+* **Do not handle 'impossible' exceptions using assertions**.
+ Instead of handling 'impossible' exceptions using an `assert false` as given below,
+ throw a runtime error such as an `AssertionError`.
+ ![](Bad.png)
+ ```java
+ ...
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ assert false : "This exception should not happen";
+ }
+ ```
+ ![](Good.png)
+ ```java
+ ...
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new AssertionError("This exception should not happen");
+ }
+ ```
+ > Rationale: As the program flow has already triggered an exception, switching to assertions is not necessary when
+ > another exception can handle it just as well.
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diff --git a/docs/CodingStandards.md b/docs/CodingStandards.md
index 7457e32..7d3a604 100644
--- a/docs/CodingStandards.md
+++ b/docs/CodingStandards.md
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Note that some projects might have additional guidelines for the languages they
* **GFMD** (GitHub Flavored Markdown): [Coding Standard](https://oss-generic.github.io/process/codingStandards/CodingStandard-Gfmd.html)
* **HTML**: [Coding Standard](https://oss-generic.github.io/process/codingStandards/CodingStandard-Html.html)
* **Java**: [Coding Standard](https://oss-generic.github.io/process/codingStandards/CodingStandard-Java.html)
+ | [Additional Guidelines](../codingStandards/AdditionalGuidelines-Java.md)
* **JavaScript**: [Coding Standard](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gZ6WG6HBTJYHAtVkz9kzi_SUuzfXqzO-SvFnLuag2xM/pub?embedded=true)
* **JSP**: [Coding Standard](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14bXfdveXvoIaPBYpL19m4PK6oPabSnnoawj6OGjOzD4/pub?embedded=true)