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Contributing to the bot 🔥✨

Contributions are always welcome, no matter how large or small!🙂

Create an account on Github

In order to contribute, you need to have an account on Github. Go to 👉 to create an account.

Install Git

Fork and clone this repository

$ git clone

Setting up the bots

Telegram Bot

  • Having cloned the copy to your local machine, enter into the telegram-bot directory using the cd command.
$ cd bots/telegram-bot
  • Great, you are now present in the source code of the project. You can take a look at the contents of the project using the ls command.
$ ls

Install Go

Install MongoDB

Setting up the telegram bot

  1. Ping Botfather on Telegram and make your instance of OSDC-Bot 🤖 bot by selecting /newbot from the options provided.
  2. Copy the TELEGRAM_TOKEN provided by Botfather.
  3. Make sure you have followed all the above steps and are in the telegram-bot directory.
  4. If you have installed golang, run go build .
  5. Wait ⏳
  7. Now, run ./telegram-bot. The bot would be running at the username provided by you on telegram. 🚀
  8. If you would like to make some changes and contribute to the bot, follow the steps below.

Discord Bot

  • Having cloned the copy to your local machine, enter into the discord-bot directory using the cd command.
$ cd bots/discord-bot
  • Great, you are now present in the source code of the project. You can take a look at the contents of the project using the ls command.
$ ls

Install Node.js

  • The Discord Bot🤖 is written in Node.js. Thus, in order to install Node.js, follow the doc here 👉

Get The Discord-API token

  • Go to Discord Developer Portal and login with your Discord Account.
  • Create a New Application.
  • Click on Add Bot in the Bot section.
  • You’ll get your Bot API token under the token title
  • Export the Discord API Token you just got by running export TOKEN_OSDC=<your-token> in your terminal.

Add Bot to your Test Server

  • Go to OAuth2 section in your application
  • Select bot in the scopes menu and Administrator in bot permission menu.
  • A Link will be generated in the scope menu, copy it and paste it in your browser URL tab.
  • Select your test server in the drop down box...

Build & Execute the bot

  • Run following commands from terminal
    npm install
    npm start

Making Pull-Requests (Contributions)

Having setup the bot and tested its working, if you want to contribute to it, follow the steps below :

  1. Make a new branch of the project using the git checkout command :
$ git checkout -b "Name-of-the-branch"
  1. Make changes according to the issue. Test the working of the changes.
  2. Add the changes to staging area using the git add command :
$ git add .
  1. Commit the changes made using the git commit commad :
$ git commit -m "Commit-message"
  1. Push the changes to your branch on Github using the git push command :
$ git push -u origin "Name-of-the-branch-from-step-1"
  1. Then, go to your forked repository and make a Pull Request 🎉. Refer this for more details.

Resources 📚

Git and Github



Chat 🔊

  • Feel free to check out the #jiit-lug channel on IRC or on our Telegram channel. We are always happy to help out!