- fresh natural spring water
- pure fresh juices, self made, no additional sugars
- orange
- lemon
- pineapple
- coconut
- apple, spritz
- celery, carrot & tomato
Hulapai from Hawaii I liked most
- Ginseng
- Green-matcha
- Assam Bari
Usally IPA is prefered Brewdogs Punk is great. But: no more beer, I'm afraid.
White, with spritzers.
Should I give them names?
Of course I like 'em all on the rocks..
Mezcal Lime Margarita
- Mezcal (San Cosme), a lil' bit of Agave syrup, fresh lime juice
- Bourbon with banana juice.
Fresh, warm nettles Tea and Gin.
"Double D", for Decay and Democracy. Coca Cola mit einem Schuss X-tc
"The grandfather", Pürierter BigMac (ohne Gurken) mit einer Kugel Kirsch-Vanille Eis und 1dl Stroh 88
"Freedom", Lakritz; Tomatensaft; Sahne; +N20 Spender
"B(l)ack to the Void" Mezcal, Agavensirup, Limettensaft und Aktivkohle