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cotton cottonrip
idk lol


Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

foam foamcage
walmart bag
Rafael Julio rafifos

@IS-Softwares São Paulo, Brazil

lu2000luk lu2000luk
Certified Idiot. 🇮🇹
SimpleUser Awwze
"Computer Science explorer and future developer" - 🧠🚀 Also subscribe to my news channel about incoming games! 🕹️
Snupai Snupai


byeoon byeoon
Software Developer & Web Developer - C#/JS/TS


grng grngxd
part time programmer

London, UK

Pauline pauliesnug

@pulseflow @polyfrost somewhere in space and time

Brett Mandler Brettm12345
Hacker - Death Grips

@you-got-bud New Jersey

Blast Off Waters bow-official
Official account for Blast Off Waters.

@BlastOffWaters United States

Adam Perkowski adamperkowski
aka xeqo, xx0a_q. in love with 🐧 🦀 🎧. maintaining stuff for @ChrisTitusTech & @hyprutils


nullpo1nt3r nullpo1nt3d
hi hello hi

Hell, MI

Saahil NeonGamerBot-QK
My robot is @zeon-neon

@FNBD-Development USA

moeSidani mhdSid
I use JavaScript on a daily basis. I also use other languages such as C#, Java, C++, Swift, PHP

Rakuten Tokyo

ketchupcomponent iHategithub9000
stupid fucking goober that barely knows how to code (i speak javascript)

me at my house

what the actual fuck.



United States of America

Nuclear Pasta voidwyrm-2
Developer and pixel artist with an irrational obsession with creating languages


Andrew CodeRaptor92
I'm actually starting in programming and these stuff rn so idk how to do anything


char 🦈 a53xd
CEO @dotloopback, professional stargazer, semi-professional hacker, unprofessional "what the hell is this" person, and holder of 5 years of experience.

@dotloopback and @teamame where the signal reaches

Ran Ran-Mewo
i-i sometimes wike to code >~<


reese sillybreakfast
teenage node.js / fullstack web developer.

@Cytrinc, @RoadMapBeta, semisocial studios, self-employed united states of america

niko neroist
Nim👑 mi ken toki pona
estemobs Estemobs
🐧🐧🐧 Je ne suis pas dev

Domaine de Casinus Andorra

Vei ve-i
A child almost lost to fate, an adult surviving by chance