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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Dallas, TX

Pedro Costard Oliveira Costards2
Hello world!!! I'm currently learning how to program Digital Games at UNEB (Universidade estadual da Bahia)

Salvador, BA

A1219 a-1219
Multimedia artist and producer


Bruno Weigmann de Matos brunoweig

Balneário Camboriú, SC, Brazil

Vânia Laime VaniaLaime
Student of Computer Engineering at USP Poli and finished the technical systems development course.Focused Startups ,ML and competitive program

code in @ZimaUSP São Paulo,SP-Brasil

Cezar Gabriel CezarGab
Electrical Engineering student at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Systems Dev Intern in Financial Market. Working with Python + Web Development.

São Paulo

Thiago Calomino ThiagoClmn
Electrical Engineering Undergraduate. Main skills: Linux, Javascript and Python

University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil São Paulo, Brazil

Torben H. Ismoh Germany

Daniel Bruno dsfb
I am a graduated Electronic Engineer graduated (Poli / USP), and a graduated Technologist of Systems Analysis (FATEC SP)! I am a Backend Developer, now!

Octaplus Financial Analytics Ltda. São Paulo, SP - Brazil

Guilherme Dias de Freitas xRyuukossei
Starting programming with C/C++ and Java in college, learned a little bit about JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Python, now trying to learn C#
Computer Science Student @ University of São Paulo
Gizelle Emanuela gizellemanu
♦ Frontend Software Engineer


Pedro Semcovici semcovici
Data Science Intern at IBM | Information Systems Student at Universidade de São Paulo
Gabriel Di Vanna Camargo gdvcamargo
Estuda Ciência da Computação no IME - USP; Técnico em Mecatrônica pela ETEC Getúlio Vargas.

USP São Paulo, Brazil

Math, Tech, Go, Finance, Games and Machine Learning

Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo, Brazil

Vinícius Henrique Ferraz Lima viniciusfl
Computer Science student at University of São Paulo (USP). Tech Lover. IA Enthusiastic.