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Kirill Sukhorukov K1rsN7
‍💻 Data Scientist | 👨‍🎓 Student

Searching... Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Baegwa KangBaekGwa
🌒 Seounguk 강성욱
Yu Banghyeon chesthyeon
사람들에게 행복과 편의를 주는 서비스를 개발하는 개발자가 목표입니다.
shinheekim shinheekim

소프트웨어공학과 Seoul, Republic of Korea

DoHyun citycozy

Seokyeong UNIV Seoul, Republic of Korea

찬호랑이 bk100km

Suwon, South Korea

eunhwa shin deveunhwa
My ability to build up one by one.

EH company Seoul, South Korea

kwanse kwanse

데브코스 백엔드 (전공) South Korea

Jiwon JiwonKKang

Chungbuk nat'l Univ Seoul

청주는사과아님 jbw9964
I'm so stupid

University of Seoul, Department of Physics Republic of Korea, Cheong Ju city

CheolJin Choi Cheol-Jin
끊임없이 노력하고 탐구합니다~!
YeChan Jung skfk286

Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea