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Michael Bell mikle7
Software Engineer

Perth, Western Australia

Afifah afyifah
Hello, Afyifah is here 😄


FMH (@gema_naranyala) naranyala
the previous maker made a creation for current generation to make the next creation, and so on; quiz time: largest austronesian tribe?


Yogesh Kumar itsmeyogeshh

Freelance Gurugram, Haryana, India

Preston Bourne prestonbourne
hope your day is going well

@hashicorp New York

etjecode etjecode
JavaScript Developer


Open sourcerer. Checkout my Twitter ⬇️⬇️⬇️


HellP 2rebi

Seoul, South Korea

kalProject-old kalproject-old

kalProject-old Carmen 1937, Santiago Chile

GreenYoshi (Wang Han) 2659170494
I come from Fujian Economic School and am currently a Grade 22 e-commerce major. Like programming, music and other activities.


Game Developer. Programmer.
JackChanel JackChanel
Studying in School of Computer Science. Majoring Software Enginering. Heading for front-end developmemt & AI projects

Hangzhou Dianzi University Hangzhou.Zhejiang

Roc Yuan rocyuan666


Musa Musazada musamusazada
chmod +rwx

FireArt Studio

Panzer_Jack Panzer-Jack
A Pragmatistic Dreamer.

@bilibili Shanghai, China

Cihan Eran erancihan
Anatolian | OzU CS MSc | マダオ

Acelerex Turkey

myeong-han myeong-han

Okestro Seoul, Korea

Hau Nguyen hausaigon

Sai Gon, Viet Nam

F. Zehra ÜN zehraworks
Frontend Developer


Jimy Jennics-SG
Bsc(Hons) Computer Science | BangJs Co-Creator | Full Stack Web Development & Game Design Lecturer | Freelance Web Developer | PixiJs Enthusiast
dc g giuyyt
Tell us a little bit about yourself
Murat Abbaslı YCAA5
My primary focus is on 3D design and animation. As someone passionate about game development, I'm eager to acquire the necessary coding skills.

Spektor Defence Istanbul/Türkiye

David qiufeihong2018
Dataworks ❤️ Cloud IDE

Alibaba 【前端keep】公众号