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Raul Dipeas rauldipeas
Técnico em informática, músico e cinéfilo.

São Paulo, Brasil

Ahmad Asaad iahmadgad
🔻 Stands with Ghaza.
harlow foxworthy tungstengmd
professional trans idiot
Muhammad Arasy arsxhy
I'm just a regular guy try to understanding my life and Computer Science. I really like Operating System.


Thomas Lekanger datagutt
Full-Stack Web Developer

@nettbureau Oslo, Norway

SavvyJC JasonC761
Just a lonely developer trying to make it in the world.

Meridian Man Dev Guthrie, OK

Jay C JCookTW
I'm just a lowly software and internet developer trying to make a difference in the world and maybe even learn a thing or two along the way.

Joplin, MO

Mark Pitman mapitman

@gettyimages Snoqualmie, WA

Churnie HXCN excniesNIED
Cat && Baily's beads
Linux SysAdmin, Android SysAdmin, Web Developer

United States

Dennis ten Hoove dennis1248
Hobby coder, IT professional, free and open source software fanatic.

@springernature Groningen, The Netherlands

Serge K phnx47
Software Engineer at @x-team

@x-team Thailand

DeltaRazero DeltaRazero
contact: <‌deltarazero■‌>

The Netherlands

Raziel Anarki razielanarki

psionic-host Budapest, Hungary

John Pyper jpyper
Android by day. Linux by night. Open Source all the time!

TrigaTronic Designs, L.L.C. Lexington Park, MD, USA

Andrey Mavlyanov amavlyanov
*nix admin, SPbLUG ex-Coordinator

Digital Activity Rishon LeZion, Israel

enzo_zsh enzo-zsh
21 • IT Student in cybersecurity • icon designer, no-coder, developer and more

Sup de Vinci - Bordeaux France

Crap kitty


Oromion carlosal1015
My interests ⊆ Mathematics ∩ LaTeX.

National University of Engineering Peru

ArkhamCookie ArkhamCookie
A believer in open society.

My Own Head

Youngbin Han sukso96100

@ahnlabcloudmatelabs @ubuntu-kr Bucheon, South Korea

Igor M. ForumPlayer
Be yourself.


xatryo xatryo
linux bsd and open source dev
Faiq Aminuddin FaiqAminuddin
Pelayan pelajar di MTs Irsyaduth Thullab Tedunan Tedunan, Wedung, Demak

Cesário Garcia Mil-Homens cesariohomens
Hardware and Software developer, IoT magician.


FOSS developer with a preference for Python!

Mad Scientists, Inc. Stark/Arcadia

Faizan Jamil faizjamil
News Applications Developer

Newsday Media Group