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fromancient fromancient
Innovate, Automate, Secure
James Patrick Gibson jamespatrickgibson
Free agent designer and technologist. Ξnthusiast.
Stefano stefanopochet
Growth Engineer (Full Stack Engineer + Growth Marketer)

Consultant Rome, Italy

Pratik Barjatiya pratikbarjatya
ML Practitioner | Data Science | Data Engineering | 📊🎨📉 📜 📈🔍 🔁 👨‍🏫


Watchmaker rajkaramchedu
Developer docs writer at Opentensor Foundation. Also see for other stuff.

Sunnyvale, CA

Naomi Naominour
AI Enthusiast | Machine Learning Engineer | Deep Learning | natural language processing (NLP) developer

England, United Kingdom

Szymon Fonau Sarkosos
CTO @OctoShrew, decent ML Engineer and an experienced bug fixer


میلاد سهرابی کارشناسی ارشد دیجیتال STM32--lpc17xx

hushmandsazan hamedan

Stuart Bishop, Ph.D. stu-bishop
"the most dangerous of all sharks" -Jacques Cousteau on the oceanic whitetip shark.

Kill Devil Hills, NC

不知火 Shiranui supersonictw


Mike DuPont jmikedupont2
Senior Full stack developer focused on p2p ml ai devops

@meta-introspector New Jersey

Backend, Distributed Systems, Blockchain

IIIT-H web

Rodrigo LPA RodrigoLPA

Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems Germany

Brian McCrindle mccrindlebrian
Just an Engineer trying to write code Vancouver, BC