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Sérgio Franklin sergiofrancalino
I am a civil servant of justice! Now, a Web Development's studant.

TJAC Trindade, GO

Demetrius Jayme DemetriusJayme
Engenheiro Civil pela UFG, MBA FGV Gestão Estratégica em Marketing, Cientista de Dados TJGO/CNJ

Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de Goiás - TJGO/CNJ Goiânia

Karine Pereira kahzitacodes
I'm a web developer. Passionate about technology, art, design and travel.

Lisbon, Portugal

Pedro Rugai Cunha Lima prclima
Hi! Welcome! I'm a front-end developer.

São Paulo, Brazil.

Alessandro Esposito Brescia AleEspo
Hi, I’m Ale. I'm a professional with business, design and technology knowledge in omnichannel projects.


Marcio Silva msdrum
Musician and Development Enthusiastic


Zimarlen Silva (Zih) ZihSilva
💻 Frontend developer from 🇧🇷 , currently living in 🇨🇦 .

Qualicum Beach

Fabio Gomes fabiolpgomes
Full Stack Developer - Javascript (ES6) | React | NodeJS | REST APIs | HTML & CSS | MongoDB | Express | GIT & GitHub


Felipe Franco felipeffranco
Software engineer

BRQ Brasil

Ana Paula AnaPaulaSil
Olá! Tenho 19 anos, sou estudante de Web Development pela escola de técnologia IronHack

São Paulo, SP

Leonardo Nunes leopnunes
Formado em Design Gráfico (Belas Artes), pós em Administração de Empresas (FGV) e cursando Game Development (FIAP).
Jino Hong Jinoh0
Jino Hong, 29 anos, formado em Administração de empresas. Recentemente formado em web-development pela IRONHACK (2022).

Sao Paulo

Felipe Osorio Briofita09
Full Stack Developer

São Paulo

Bruno Fonoff bruno-fonoff
---- 💻Full Stack Web Developer ---- Javascript (ES6) | HTML5 & CSS3 | ReactJS | NodeJS | NextJS | ExpressJS | MongoDB | REST APIs

Santos - SP

Alexandre Lima alexandreatlima
I'm a developer and educator. Passionate about technology, programming, sports and games.

Code for All _ Lisbon

Maurício Alves mauricio-alves
Full Stack Developer | JavaScript | React | Node

Vitória da Conquista | Brasil

Anna Reis AnnaRe1s
FullStack Developer

De ônibus 🚍 São Paulo

Leandro Martins lemartins07
I'm just a web developer student focused on learn NodeJs, ReactJs and React Native.

Porto Alegre, Brasil

Karen Okasaki karenokasaki
Bridging the gap between business management and cutting-edge tech solutions. Let's code a brighter future together! ✨

[email protected] Brazil