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Irsath Ahamed Irsathz
Hacker | Developer | Security Researcher

Tamil Nadu

Avaneesh MrGrappleMan

Maharashtra, India

Jose l. Azagra azagramac
DevOps / SysAdmin Linux


Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Dallas, TX

Pablo Miranda PabloHBMiranda

NúcleoGov | @nucleodev Brasil

Ling Siew Win LingSiewWin
Human say I talk like Chatgpt, but I'm using AI tools to solve human problem day by day.

Spencer Boggs spencerboggs
Software Developer

Long Beach, California

Lasse Lauwerys Iemand005
I am a hello

UCLL Belgium

Shailen Sobhee shailensobhee
Shailen is a Technical Product Manager for AI/ML products at AMD

AMD Munich, Germany

ZawawiAI zawawiAI
Work on robotics and artificial intelligence projects

Kuala Lumpur

Chris Creech AWT-CCreech
AirWay || Software Engineer

AirWay Cincinnati

Hector Louis Banda HecBanda
Data Scientist


Michael Sun MichaelSun1001
Master of Communication Engineering, Research Interests:SLAM、Multi-Sensor Fusion、3D/4D Reconstruction、Autonomous Driving、E2E。 Email:[email protected]


DrakPappa JakobssonAndre

Fuyu Games AB

Jesse Hodgson SpaceGameDev568
AvGeek, Photographer, Software Developer, and Satisfactory Modder from Charlotte, NC. Aspiring to join the USAF.

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA