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Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

David Seto dtseto
I use and support open source. Right now updating Hermes Mac pandora client for Arm. Please report bugs & donate a cup of coffee if you like my work.


KingOfOwls ArtyomFilinov
A little owl, who likes making games.

KingOfOwls Russia

Kauã Araujo Casimiro KauaCasimiro
Estudante de Tecnologia 3°Ano Programação de Jogos Digitais🎮

São Paulo/SP

Rokki Rokkimanda
Gamemaker user
Amel Daniel Delgado Amaya Cegox4
Hi! I am a beginner software developer. I love developing video games, but I also know how to create websites, desktop and mobile applications.

García, Nuevo León, México

EProg kaszapatrik
Junior front-end JS web developer

eprog Hungary

King Pig KingPigGithub
aka KingPigGameStudios / KPGS, Creator of the fangame: Bad Piggies - King Pig's Hunt !
Game developer, animator and gamer. Creator of Undertale: First Contact.
Burak Emre Garip MrEmre0
2D Game Dev & Music Composer

Bursa, İnegöl

Vishal Vishal-46
A 19-year-old pursuing a B.Tech in AI & Data Science, eager to explore the realms of game development and data science.

Stella Mary's College of Engineering Kanyakumari,Tamilnadu,India

Jose Antonio jandujar
CEO & Founder of JanduSoft

JanduSoft Spain

wallezen wallezen
leave things better than you found them

@crowaixyz Hongkong, China

bscit tmaster-terrarian
🏳️‍⚧️ I code stuff, yeah

California, USA

Abdallah Samy abdallhsamy
Software Engineer & IT Consultant

IT-Knights /etc/apt/sources.list

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Rafa RafaVatam
éus computer - Estudante técnico em informatica para internet integrado em Ensino Médio

Senac Distrito Criativo Porto Alegre-RS

Dxmond Deelyn07
I am positive but negative-minded... Always changes an adversity into an advantage
Blacat blackcatrecycler
A game maker

Sit in Home Grancypher

Adrian M Barbosa 4driN
Systems Developer Student, Self Taught Game Developer and Artist. Leader and founder at @SharpgearTeam


Mao mao1910
Not a Full-Stacker


atomic jacksheen
Life is mysterious, painful, sad, happy.
Dmitry D. Chernov cher-nov
yet another (but very passionate!) programmer
ShadyShade The-Shady-Shade
GMS2 & Godot Game Developer


davyd davydmaker


Carlos rayolasr
🚀 Desarrollador de apps y videojuegos.👨‍💻🎮

Desic SL Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

tea why yophlox
i create useless programs that nobodys gonna ever use lol | unity decomps: @SnesFX
Chris exploit44

Brisbane, Australia