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Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Pwnzzz 💀 fckoo
⚠Just your ordinary wanna be sec person, CTFer 🚩 🐱‍👤


Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Nashville, TN

Zane Gittins zaneGittins
Interested in all things security.
Andrew Rathbun AndrewRathbun
DFIR @ Unit 42, Admin of the Digital Forensics Discord Server, USMC Veteran, Former LE.

Unit 42 Michigan

Antti Pettinen apettinen
Mostly just dad.


graypwn graypwn
One line at at time.


night / Had steamed into our North Atlantic Fleet

UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA

mitzepx01 lr2t9iz
Hunter & Reponder | #BlueTeam

Private Company Guatemala, Guatemala

Xeldax merlinxcy
Penetration Test/Code Audit/App Sec/IoT Sec/Pythoner/Red Team APT

KC Shanghai

I am a creator, not a consumer.
Tomohisa Oda linyows
Software Engineer. I'm a Gopher, Rustacean and TypeScripter.

@sakura-internet @cognano @enfar Fukuoka, Japan

Yuuki Ebihara silverskyvicto

Ricksoft Co., Ltd. Japan

Trần Trung Trực tructransecure
Mỗi ngày mới là một trải nghiệm mới cho cuộc sống

Ngân Trâm - The Kitchen Lab Vietnam

Bory bananNat
_______ Blue Team / CTFer / Stalker _______ Interested: Reverse / DFIR / Osint Learning how to Pwn