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Cortesini Luciano Corte0
Electronic engineering student at UTN FRC Electronic technician graduated from ITS Villada

Cordoba, Argentina

Artsiom Karakin artsi0m
BSUIR student.

Unemployed Minsk

YNSRC ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
Antonio Bernardini AntonioBerna
Engineers Student, Electronics Hobbyist and Aspirant Embedded Systems Engineer


RedTy_YT redtyyt
Videogame creator, since 2021. @FOXANstudios

@FOXANstudios Italy

César Fuenzalida Vergara cefuve
TNS Electrónica Industrial

cefuve electronics SpA Chile

Stanislav Mikhailov xavetar
They have been lying to you since childhood because they didn't know the truth themselves, the system has made them believe something that doesn't exist.

Xavetar Inc. Milky Way

João Marcus Epifanio Morais de Assunção MarcusMoraisEpifane
Electrical Engineering Student at EESC-USP

São Carlos - SP

Artem Grischenko linuxart

Ticketland Russia, Moscow

JimBob Kendall JimBobK
Old dog learning new tricks.. 50+ years of program experience.

Retired and burned out. Nomad in south west region

Vitaliy Shaykhutdinov VitaliySh

Somewhere in the Ural Mountains

Josef Leyva jalmx
Emprendedor disfrutando de programación con un buen café #linux

Xizuth Inc Mexico