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Third year artificial intelligence and big data student at ESGI (PARIS)

Safran Aircraft Engines Rond-point René Ravaud, 77550 Moissy-Cramayel

Albin David C albindavidc
🚀 A tech enthusiast with a love for problem-solving and attention to detail in fields of MEAN Stack Development and Design.

Brototype Kerala, India

Paul Castro webcat882
I am a Senior Full Stack Developer.
Blockchain & Web Developer
Deep Sea deepsea514
I am a Senior Software Engineer with 8+ years of experience. I have strong knowledge in Blockchain and Web development.
WilliamHill#6724 Williamhill8888

GalaxyClub China

Tech Wizard techwizard210
Full-Stack Web, Blockchain developer, proficient in building and optimizing user-focused websites and applications.
Daniel Hoseini ejrv
🧠 Professional IT User :bowtie: #مهسا_امینی ------- Not a Pro Developer ------

11 Organizations, currently Iran, Tehran