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Haomin Li shieldforever
I am Haomin Li. CS PhD candidate from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Hancy bishalpaudelofficial
PhD candidate @ IISc Bengaluru | Alumnus @ IIT Kharagpur Intrested in RFIC/Mixed-Signal/Analog design

IISc Bengaluru

Anush Mutyala anmutechsupport
brain-computer interface developer / neuromorphics and spiking neural networks

Toronto, ON

Yu Di AmazingDD
peace and joy

Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China

Suraj Chakravarthi Raja silicondosa
PhD candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at @usc-bbdl

@usc-bbdl Los Angeles, CA

Neuromorphic computing

Beijing Normal University Beijing

Marcus genema
Machine learning, XAI, cognitive computational neuroscience
Khanh N. Dang khanhdang
Ph.D. in CSE :). An as/prof who used to teach mathematics ;(

Univ. of Aizu Aizuwakamatsu-shi

Piotr Łuczak PALuczak

Łódź University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science Łódź, Poland

Willian Soares Girão WillianSG
Marie Sklodowska-Curie's PhD student within the EU's MANIC project. Researching models of Hebbian-learning in Spiking Neural Networks and neuromorphic circuits.

Groningen, NL

Haoyuan Ma HaoyuanMa-CS
Ph. D. student of Material Science and Engineering. Interests: ferroelectric & anti-ferroelectric materials, relaxor ferroelectrics, neuromorphic computing.


Liangwei Yang YangLiangwei
Research Scientist at Salesforce Research

Salesforce Research

Andreea Danielescu adanielescu

Accenture San Francisco, CA



Fernando García-Redondo fgr1986
Find me at
Sonia Buckley bucklesm
Researcher at NIST

NIST Boulder, CO, USA

Petrut Antoniu Bogdan pabogdan
Neuromorphic Architect @ Innatera Nanosystems

@SpiNNakerManchester Den Haag

rxzfn meicale
下雪了...我不知道明年的收成会是怎样,我只是又想起妳了...... 好在我记牢了你的容颜,凭借着回忆与你相见...


Pengcheng Shi PengchengShi1220

Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) Shenzhen

Youdon AXYZdong
Main interests include Brain-inspired Computing, Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) and Brain-like Navigation.

Southeast University Nanjing, China

Jason Eshraghian jeshraghian
Assistant Professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Leading the Neuromorphic Research Computing Group.

University of California, Santa Cruz

Ilyass Hammouamri Thvnvtos
Interested in AI, Mathematics and Neuroscience.


imane h_e imanehmz
Computer Science and Engineering student
Abhinav Uppal 3x10e8

UC San Diego India

Nik Dennler nkdnnlr
PhD Candidate in Neuromorphic Sensing, at UH & WSU

University of Hertfordshire and Western Sydney University

Rachmad Putra rachmadvwp
Research Associate

TU Wien & NYU Abu Dhabi Wien, AT & Abu Dhabi, UAE

Somayeh Somayeh-h
I'm a PhD student at the Queensland University of Technology Centre for Robotics interested in robotics, computer vision, and neuroscience.

Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia