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cypherpunk wannabe


stackdump stackdump
Petri-Net Maximalist

stackdump com LLC Austin, TX

Kernel Soe kernelsoe
crafting a tool to craft tools

Milky Way, Earth

Leong Teng Man taimoon

Malaysia, KL

Paul Bittner pmbittner
Research assistant and PhD student | Likes Agda, Agdq, ADTs, ASTs, MtG

University of Paderborn Paderborn

Yang Ming-Tian skylee03
HKU CS '25

University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Sebastián Lemus slemus9
Software Engineer @47deg

47 Degrees Bogotá, Colombia

Afonso Rafael (Gafanhoto) Alf0nso
Compilers, Functional Languages, Linux and too many projects I end up not finishing

Barcelona Supercomputing Center Barcelona

april cyberglot
PLT + compilers; haskell champion; agda newbie.

Glasgow, UK

Wen Kokke wenkokke
tries to walk the line between programming languages and a̸i̸ | good job, y'all ruined ai


Orion Reed OrionReed
Seeking to catalyze discontent with the state of computing. Researcher at @BlockScience and @libcomp working to make computing more malleable and participatory.

Somewhere in the Milky Way

Kento Okura kentookura
Let's bring mathematical writing into the 21st century
andrew blinn disconcision

@hazelgrove @fplab

Ben Benbinbin
Creator. I'm interested in creating nice and interesting things.
Abel Sen neuroevolutus
Functional and Systems Programmer
David Pratten DavidPratten Sydney, Australia

Andrew Chou achou11
none too happy

@digidem NYC