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Ajay Navilarekal Rajgopal ajaynr
Engineer trying to understand all things I find interesting. Current interests - Deep learning, cooking, cricket and F1

@LRZ-BADW Garching near Munich

SPE peinkofer

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre Garching b. München

Huy Trinh trinhgiahuy
Edge AI Learner and Embedded Stack Enthusiasm

UWaterloo Toronto, Canada

Saheed O. Bolarinwa refactormyself
Computer Science . HPC . Computer Architecture . Compilers

Leibniz Supercomputing Center Germany

Arto Teräs ateras
Technical Director at Puavo GmbH, the German subsidiary of @opinsys, long-time FOSS user and advocate.

Bavaria, Germany

Florian Ritterhoff fritterhoff
Site Reliability Engineer at the Munich University of Applied Sciences (@hm-edu)

Munich University of Applied Sciences (@hm-edu) Munich

Niels fallenbeck
Munich, Germany | Cloud Computing at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre

LRZ München

Ferdinand Jamitzky jamitzky

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre Garching b. München

Tobias Meindl tobilektri
Born in 1998, studying M.Sc. at - working and @wasserwacht-unterfö and (my own company) - Sparetime

IT Tobias Meindl 85774 Unterföhring

Maxime mpmuc84

Munich, Germany

Matteo Foglieni foglienimatteo
MSc Physics 2022 in Cosmology, now working at LRZ

@LRZ-BADW Garching bei München, Germany

Florent Dufour flrntdfr
Trustworthy AI.


Ivan Pribec ivan-pi
Fortran, computational science, chemical engineering

Munich, Germany

Michele Martone michelemartone
Author of the FIM image viewer and the LIBRSB "Sparse BLAS" library for sparse matrices

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre Germany