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Abdulmujeeb Toluwase Onawole catenate15
Abdulmujeeb is a PhD student at the Institute of Molecular Biosciences (IMB) at the University of Queensland.

University of Queensland Australia

Solving big problems with the cutting-edge technology
Yin Pok Wong yinpokwong
Grad Student @ucla

UCLA Department of Chemistry Los Angeles

Carson Farmer cfarm6
- Engineering Ph.D. Student at Liberty University - Chief of Operations at @VagusLLC

Liberty University Virginia

Process chemist working in high-throughput experimentation and machine learning. Building

London, UK

Katie katie-bw
Final PhD candidate on the SynTech CDT at the University of Cambridge working within the @Goodman-lab XAI intern @ Ignota Labs ⚛️🧬

University of Cambridge Cambridge

Sanha Lee sanha0213
Sanha is currently a PhD student from Prof. Jonathan Goodman Group at the Department of Chemistry. He is also a member of Clare College, University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK