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Harito Harito97

VNU - HUS Hanoi, Vietnam

Sharad Kumar Gupta sharadgupta27

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Leipzig, Germany

Dave Barry djpbarry

@FrancisCrickInstitute London, UK

Flo FloskelSalomon
PhD student at the University of Tübingen. Highly interested in bio-image analysis for neuroscience application and the usage of machine and deep learning.

Karl Eberhard University Tübingen Tübingen

Ajay Zalavadia ajay1685
Light microscopy, Electron microscopy and Bioimage informatics.
Robert Haase haesleinhuepf
Computer Vision & Language Models, [BioImage] Data Science, GPUs @ScaDS / Uni Leipzig, @NFDI4BIOIMAGE, @GloBIAS-BioimageAnalysts, @NEUBIAS

Data Science Center ScaDS.AI, Uni Leipzig Leipzig, Germany

Rainbow LQY404
through others, we become ourselves
Keith George Ciantar KeithGeorgeCiantar
Doctoral Student at FZJ. Working on images and machine learning.

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Germany

Harry Carey PolarBean
I am a computational neuroscientist interested in spatially anchoring brain data 🧠🔬👨‍💻

Neural Systems Laboratory @ UiO Oslo, Norway

Marco Steinke MarcoSteinke
IT-Consultant Software Architecture, Data & AI @innoq

@INNOQ Düsseldorf, Germany

Susanne Wenzel SusanneWenzel

Forschungsszentrum Jülich, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine Structural and functional organisation of the brain (INM-1), Big Data Analysis Juelich

Doston DostonUr
Machine Learning Engineer) - Masters in Data Science degree holder


Martin E. Johansson mejoh
Researches the neural mechanisms underlying clinical progression of Parkinson's disease, focusing particularly on the role of cortical compensatory mechanisms

Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Hanwen Bi harveybi
PhD Student @ Forschungszentrum Juelich, INM-7

Forschungszentrum Juelich Juelich, Germany

Milad Rahimi rahimimiladofficial
👨‍🎓 M.Sc. in Medical Informatics ⚕️ Interested on applied AI in Health

Urmia University of Medical Sciences Iran

Anders S Olsen anders-s-olsen
PhD Student at Technical University of Denmark researching dynamic functional human brain connectivity and directional statistics.