By a package state, we mean an image's recorded state for a particular package version. We might also refer to these as "client states". Within an image, each package version can have only one state, as given in the following diagram:
0 | v IN_CATALOG ---------> OUT_CATALOG | ^ +--->---+---<-------+ | | | | | | v | | | INSTALLED --> FROZEN | | | | | | | | v | +-- PRESERVED | | | | | | | | v | +-- DELETED -------------------+ 0 -> IN_CATALOG: A catalog update with new entries. IN_CATALOG: An entry for this package is available in the locally installed catalog. IN_CATALOG -> OUT_CATALOG: Entry formerly present on local catalog is no longer published by any repository. (Package never locally installed.) OUT_CATALOG: Although a formerly known package, no entry for this package is available in the locally installed catalog. An INSTALLED or FROZEN package can never be OUT_CATALOG, as the system will preserve the entry until the package is no longer in a locally public state. IN_CATALOG -> INSTALLED: Transition takes place on package installation. INSTALLED -> FROZEN: Transition takes place if manually frozen or frozen by virtue of reference from another package group. FROZEN -> INSTALLED: Manually unfrozen, or unfrozen by reference drop due to change in formerly referring package group. INSTALLED -> PRESERVED: Old copies moved aside during upgrade of package components, but not removed. PRESERVED -> DELETED: Old copies removed. DELETED -> OUT_CATALOG: Package has been removed from client catalog. Client software would take a PRESERVED package through DELETED automatically to reach OUT_CATALOG. PRESERVED -> INSTALLED: Package reinstalled or reversed. DELETED -> INSTALLED: Package reinstalled. XXX How does the ZFS snapshot (that we might have taken prior to an operation) get represented in the state? Is there an image state machine model as well? XXX Need a substate of INSTALLED for damaged packages. XXX Need a substate of INSTALLED for packages where the global zone portion is available, but local installation has not finished. Can we generalize this state for all diskless installs?