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+# Access container home page
+## Introduction
+This lab walks you through the steps to access the container home page from Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (EM). You will also learn how to switch between containers and manage your favorites.
+Estimated time: 15 minutes
+### Objectives
+ - Access container home page from Oracle Enterprise Manager
+ - Switch between home pages for Container Database (CDB), Pluggable Database (PDB), and the database instance
+ - Check out the history
+ - Add pages to and remove pages from favorites
+### Prerequisites
+This lab assumes you have -
+ - An Oracle Cloud account
+ - Completed all previous labs successfully
+ - Logged in to Oracle Enterprise Manager in a web browser as *sysman*
+> **Note**: [](include:example-values)
+## Task 1: Access container home page
+In this task, you will access the home page for the database instance, *orcl.us.oracle.com*.
+1. From the **Targets** menu at the top, select **Databases** to open the Databases page.
+ ![Databases menu](./images/em-dbhome-001-db-menu.png " ")
+ The Databases page displays all database systems added to Oracle Enterprise Manager as managed targets.
+1. Click the expand/collapse triangle next to the database instance name and then expand the Pluggable Databases. The list displays all PDBs under the selected container.
+ ![Databases list](./images/em-dbhome-002-db-list.png " ")
+1. You can click a database name link to access the corresponding home page, that is, the database instance home page or the PDB home page.
+ For this task, click the database instance name, for example *orcl.us.oracle.com*, to access the instance home page.
+ ![Database instance home page](./images/em-dbhome-003-instance-home.png " ")
+ Similarly, you can click the PDB name on the Databases page to open the PDB home page.
+You can perform various tasks depending on which home page you access. For example, from the database instance home page, you can monitor and administer your Oracle Database, such as start and shut down the database instance, open and close PDBs, manage the memory, modify initialization parameters, and so on.
+From the CDB and the PDB home page, you can perform administrative tasks on the CDB and the PDB respectively.
+## Task 2: Switch between containers
+You can alter session and switch between containers in Oracle Enterprise Manager during the same login.
+That is, from the database instance home page, you can switch to the CDB or PDB home page without logging out of Oracle Enterprise Manager. Similarly, from the PDB home page, you can switch to the CDB or to another PDB, if you have more target PDBs in Oracle Enterprise Manager.
+In this task, you will switch between containers and open the CDB, the PDB, and the database instance home page.
+1. On the container home page, click the small triangle next to the container name and select **All Containers**.
+ ![All containers](./images/em-dbhome-004-all-containers.png " ")
+1. In the Switch Container window, select the CDB, *CDB$ROOT*, from the list and click **OK**.
+ ![Switch container - CDB](./images/em-dbhome-005-switch-container-cdb.png " ")
+ It brings up the CDB home page.
+ ![CDB home page](./images/em-dbhome-006-cdb-home.png " ")
+ Similarly, follow the same steps to open the PDB home page.
+1. Click the small triangle next to the CDB name and select **All Containers**.
+ ![All containers - CDB](./images/em-dbhome-007-all-containers-cdb.png " ")
+1. In the Switch Container window, select the PDB, for example *ORCLPDB*, from the list and click **OK**.
+ ![Switch container - PDB](./images/em-dbhome-008-switch-container-pdb.png " ")
+ It brings up the PDB home page.
+ ![PDB home page](./images/em-dbhome-009-pdb-home.png " ")
+ > **Note:** The Switch Container option is useful if you have many containers in your database instance. However, you can move directly from one container to another instead of going through this option.
+1. On the PDB home page, click the small triangle next to the PDB name and select the CDB, *CDB$ROOT*.
+ ![Select CDB$ROOT](./images/em-dbhome-010-pdb-select-cdb.png " ")
+ It opens the CDB home page.
+ ![CDB home page](./images/em-dbhome-006-cdb-home.png " ")
+1. Click the **History** menu at the top and select the database instance name, *orcl.us.oracle.com*.
+ ![History menu](./images/em-dbhome-011-history.png " ")
+ It opens the database instance home page.
+ ![Database instance home page](./images/em-dbhome-003-instance-home.png " ")
+ > **Note:** You can open a recently visited page from any location in Oracle Enterprise Manager using the **History** menu.
+## Task 3: View target information
+To view information about a target or to monitor a target, open the target home page. From the home page, you can view details about the target, such as the Oracle home location, agent details, host system, listener information, and so on.
+In this task, you will view target information for the database instance, the CDB, and the PDB.
+1. On the container home page, from the **Oracle Database** menu, select **Target Information** to view details of the database instance.
+ ![Target information - database instance](./images/em-dbhome-012-container-target-menu.png " ")
+ Alternatively, you can also click the target information icon (the circle with an 'i' in it) next to the container name.
+ ![Container information](./images/em-dbhome-013-container-target-inf.png " ")
+ Press **Esc** on your keyboard or click the cross (x) icon on the Target Information window to close it.
+1. Click the small triangle next to the database instance name and select the CDB, *CDB$ROOT* to go to the CDB home page.
+ ![Select CDB$ROOT](./images/em-dbhome-014-orcl-select-cdb.png " ")
+1. On the CDB home page, from the **Oracle Database** menu, select **Target Information** to view details of the CDB.
+ ![Target information - CDB](./images/em-dbhome-015-cdb-target-menu.png " ")
+ Alternatively, you can click the target information icon (the circle with an 'i' in it) next to the CDB name, *CDB$ROOT*.
+ ![CDB information](./images/em-dbhome-016-cdb-target-inf.png " ")
+ Press **Esc** on your keyboard or click the cross (x) icon on the Target Information window to close it.
+1. Click the small triangle next to the CDB name and select the PDB, *ORCLPDB* to go to the PDB home page.
+ ![Select ORCLPDB](./images/em-dbhome-017-cdb-select-pdb.png " ")
+1. On the PDB home page, from the **Oracle Database** menu, select **Target Information** to view details of the PDB.
+ ![Target information - PDB](./images/em-dbhome-018-pdb-target-menu.png " ")
+ Alternatively, you can click the target information icon (the circle with an 'i' in it) next to the PDB name, *ORCLPDB*.
+ ![PDB information](./images/em-dbhome-019-pdb-target-inf.png " ")
+ Press **Esc** on your keyboard or click the cross (x) icon on the Target Information window to close it.
+## Task 4: Manage favorites
+Using the favorites option, you can bookmark pages in Oracle Enterprise Manager for quick access.
+> **Note:** Go to the page that you want to add to or remove from favorites.
+In this task, you will add the CDB home page and the PDB home page to favorites and then remove the CDB home from favorites. Currently, you are on the PDB home page.
+1. Add the PDB home page to favorites. Click the **Favorites** menu (star icon) at the top and select **Add Page to Favorites**.
+ ![Add page to Favorites](./images/em-dbhome-020-add-page-to-fav.png " ")
+ The window displays a confirmation message indicating that you have added the current page to favorites.
+1. Go to the CDB home page. Click the small triangle next to the PDB name and select the CDB, *CDB$ROOT*.
+ ![Select CDB$ROOT](./images/em-dbhome-010-pdb-select-cdb.png " ")
+1. Add the CDB home page to favorites. Click the **Favorites** menu (star icon) and select **Add Page to Favorites**.
+ ![Add page to Favorites](./images/em-dbhome-020-add-page-to-fav.png " ")
+1. Click the **History** menu at the top and select the database instance name, *orcl.us.oracle.com*.
+ ![History menu](./images/em-dbhome-011-history.png " ")
+ It opens the database instance home page.
+1. Add the database instance home page to favorites. Click the **Favorites** menu (star icon) and select **Add Page to Favorites**.
+ ![Add page to Favorites](./images/em-dbhome-020-add-page-to-fav.png " ")
+ You have added the PDB, the CDB, and database instance home pages to favorites. Similarly, you can remove pages from favorites. Currently, you are on the database instance page.
+1. Remove the database instance home page from favorites. Click the **Favorites** menu (star icon) and select **Remove Page from Favorites**.
+ You will notice that the menu displays the CDB, the PDB, and the database instance as favorites.
+ ![Remove database instance from Favorites](./images/em-dbhome-021-remove-fav-instance.png " ")
+ The window displays a confirmation message indicating that you have removed the page from favorites. You can also remove favorites using the **Manage Favorites** option.
+1. Click the **Favorites** menu (star icon) and select **Manage Favorites**.
+ ![Manage Favorites menu](./images/em-dbhome-022-manage-favs-menu.png " ")
+1. In the **Manage Favorites** window, select the page that you want to remove, for example *CDBROOT*, and click **Remove Selected**.
+ ![Remove CDB from Favorites](./images/em-dbhome-023-manage-fav-remove-cdb.png " ")
+ Click **OK** to remove the CDB home page from favorites.
+ > **Note:** In the **Manage Favorites** window, you can select pages one-by-one and then click **Remove Selected**. Finally, when you click **OK**, it removes the pages from favorites.
+Congratulations! You have successfully completed of this workshop on *Database administration with Oracle Enterprise Manager*.
+In this workshop, you learned about some basic administration of Oracle Database from Oracle Enterprise Manager, such as:
+ - View container details from the SQL command line
+ - Administer managed targets in Oracle Enterprise Manager
+ - Add and remove Oracle Databases and Listeners as targets
+ - Access the database instance, CDB, and PDB home pages
+ - Switch between containers
+ - Add and remove favorites in Oracle Enterprise Manager
+ - Check recent history
+## Acknowledgments
+ - **Author** - Manish Garodia, Database User Assistance Development
+ - **Contributors**: Daniela Hansell, Ashwini R, Jayaprakash Subramanian Suresh Rajan, Steven Lemme
+ - **Last Updated By/Date**: Manish Garodia, October 2024
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+# Initialize environment
+## Introduction
+This lab helps you start and administer the components and services required for this workshop.
+When you establish a remote desktop session, check the environment and verify that the dependent processes are up and running. After instance provisioning, it takes around 15 minutes for all processes and services to start. If a component is not running, you can start it manually as explained in this lab.
+Estimated time: 10 minutes
+### Objectives
+ - Ensure that the following are running:
+ - Database Listener
+ - *LISTENER_1522*
+ - Oracle Database Instance
+ - *emrep*
+ - *db19c*
+ - *orcl*
+ - Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) - Management server (OMS)
+ - Oracle Enterprise Manager - Management Agent (emagent)
+ - Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager in a web browser.
+### Prerequisites
+This lab assumes you have -
+ - An Oracle Cloud account
+ - Oracle Enterprise Manager installed on your system
+## Task 1: Verify that the dependent components are running
+In this task, you will verify that the required components, such as Listeners, Oracle Databases, and Oracle Enterprise Manager, are running on the host.
+1. Verify that the listener service, *oracle-db-listener*, is running.
+ ```
+ $ sudo systemctl status oracle-db-listener
+ ```
+ ![Listener Service Status](./images/listener-service-status.png " ")
+ The status *active* indicates that the listener service is running. If the listener service is not running, you can restart it with the following command.
+ ```
+ $ sudo systemctl restart oracle-db-listener
+ ```
+1. Verify that the Oracle Database service, *oracle-database*, is running.
+ ```
+ $ sudo systemctl status oracle-database
+ ```
+ ![Oracle Database services status 1](./images/db-service-status.png " ")
+ ![Oracle Database services status 2](./images/db-service-status2.png " ")
+ The status *active* indicates that the database service is running. If the database service is not running, you can restart it with the following command.
+ ```
+ $ sudo systemctl restart oracle-database
+ ```
+1. Verify that EM services, *OMS* and *emagent*, are running.
+ ```
+ $ sudo systemctl status oracle-emcc
+ ```
+ ![EM Service Status](./images/em-service-status.png " ")
+ > **Note**: You can access the Oracle Enterprise Manager login page in a web browser only if OMS and emagent services are running.
+ The status *active* indicates that these services are running. If the services are not running, you can restart them with the following command.
+ ```
+ $ sudo systemctl restart oracle-emcc
+ ```
+1. Validate *emcli* connectivity. From the terminal session on your remote desktop, run as user *oracle*.
+ ```
+ . ~/.occ_oms.sh
+ emcli login -username=sysman -password=welcome1
+ ```
+If the dependent components are running, you can access the Oracle Enterprise Manager login page in a web browser.
+## Task 2: Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager
+In this task, you will log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager using a web browser.
+If you have reserved a Livelabs environment, then the remote desktop session will have a web browser open and display the *Oracle Enterprise Manager* login page. If it does not display the EM login page, you can access it as follows.
+1. Open a web browser and go to the Oracle Enterprise Manager login URL.
+ For this lab, the login URL is:
+ ```
+ http://oms1:7803/em
+ ```
+1. Specify the user credentials for Oracle Enterprise Manager.
+ ![EM login](./images/em-login.png " ")
+ For this lab, the credentials are:
+ - **Username**: *sysman*
+ - **Password**: *welcome1*
+ Click **Login** to sign into the Oracle Enterprise Manager console.
+ ![EM landing page](./images/em-landing.png " ")
+On successful login, the browser displays the EM landing page. Your environment is now ready.
+## Task 3: Generate SSH keys
+In this task, you will generate a public-private key pair required for system authentication.
+1. From your remote desktop session, open a terminal window and run the following to generate the key pair.
+ ```
+ cd ~
+ ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa
+ ```
+1. Accept defaults for file and passphrase by pressing *Enter* three times to create a key with no passphrase.
+ ![Generate SSH Keys](./images/ssh-key-gen.png " ")
+1. Update *`~/.ssh/authorized_keys`* and copy the *private key* to */tmp*.
+ ```
+ cd .ssh
+ cat id_rsa >/tmp/rsa_priv
+ cat id_rsa.pub >>authorized_keys
+ ```
+ ![Update SSH Credentials](./images/update-ssh-creds-0.png " ")
+You can use the keys to setup Named Credentials in Oracle Enterprise Manager.
+## Task 4: Set up Named Credentials with the new SSH Keys
+In this task, you will use the SSH keys to set up Named Credentials in Oracle Enterprise Manager.
+1. From the EM Console as *SYSMAN*, navigate to **Setup menu** > **Security** > **Named Credentials**. Select the *ROOT* credential and click **Edit**.
+ ![Update Named Credentials](images/update-ssh-creds-1.png " ")
+1. Keep the General Properties unchanged and update the **Credential Properties** section as follows:
+ - **User name**: *oracle*
+ - Delete any content from the **SSH Public Key** textbox
+ - Click **Choose File** to select the *Public Key* `id_rsa.pub`. If you cannot see the *.ssh* directory, you can click *.livelabs* and then go to *oracle* to access the *.ssh* folder.
+ ![Edit Credentials Properties](images/update-ssh-creds-2.png " ")
+1. For **SSH Private Key**, on the file browser navigate to **+Other Locations** > **tmp** and select the file *rsa_priv*.
+ ![Save Credentials](images/update-ssh-creds-3.png " ")
+1. Click *Test and Save*
+ ![Credential Operation Successful](images/update-ssh-creds-4.png " ")
+1. Setup Oracle Named Credentials using Job System. This will set up the user oracle password on the host and update the Named Credentials used in this workshop.
+ Navigate to **Enterprise** > **Job** > **Library**, select *SETUP ORACLE CREDENTIALS*, and click **Submit**.
+ ![Job Library](images/named-creds-job.jpg " ")
+1. Click **Submit** again on the Job submission Page.
+ ![Job Submission](images/named-creds-job-submit.jpg " ")
+1. The job will be submitted successfully. Click on *SETUP ORACLE CREDENTIALS* job link to view the job.
+ ![Setup Oracle Credentials](images/submitted.jpg " ")
+1. The Job should show Status **Succeeded**.
+ ![Job Status](images/named-creds-job-succeeded.jpg " ")
+You can use the Named Credentials to log in to your host.
+## Appendix 1: Managing startup services
+You can manage the startup services using various options, for example, start, stop, restart, and status.
+1. Database services (All databases and Standard Listener)
+ - Start
+ ```
+ sudo systemctl start oracle-database
+ ```
+ - Stop
+ ```
+ sudo systemctl stop oracle-database
+ ```
+ - Restart
+ ```
+ sudo systemctl restart oracle-database
+ ```
+ - Status
+ ```
+ sudo systemctl status oracle-database
+ ```
+1. Listener Service (Non-Standard Listener)
+ - Start
+ ```
+ sudo systemctl start oracle-db-listener
+ ```
+ - Stop
+ ```
+ sudo systemctl stop oracle-db-listener
+ ```
+ - Restart
+ ```
+ sudo systemctl restart oracle-db-listener
+ ```
+ - Status
+ ```
+ sudo systemctl status oracle-db-listener
+ ```
+1. Enterprise Manager Services (OMS and emagent)
+ - Start
+ ```
+ sudo systemctl start oracle-emcc
+ ```
+ - Stop
+ ```
+ sudo systemctl stop oracle-emcc
+ ```
+ - Restart
+ ```
+ sudo systemctl restart oracle-emcc
+ ```
+ - Status
+ ```
+ sudo systemctl status oracle-emcc
+ ```
+## Appendix 2: External Web Access
+You have an option to log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager from a location outside your remote desktop session, for example, a workstation or laptop.
+1. Open a web browser and go to the Oracle Enterprise Manager login page. An EM login URL contains the following:
+ ```
+ http://[Your instance public IP]:7803/em
+ ```
+1. Specify the user credentials for Oracle Enterprise Manager. For this lab, the credentials are:
+ - **Username**: *sysman*
+ - **Password**: *welcome1*
+ Click **Login** to sign in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console.
+ > **Note**: You may see an error on the browser while accessing the web console - “*Your connection is not private*”.
+ ![Privacy Error](images/login-em-external-1.png " ")
+ You can ignore the warning and add the exception to proceed.
+ ![EM Login](images/login-em-external-2.png " ")
+You may now **proceed to the next lab**.
+## Acknowledgments
+ - **Author**: Manish Garodia, Database User Assistance Development
+ - **Contributors**: Aayushi Arora, Manisha Mati, Rene Fontcha
+ - **Last Updated By/Date**: Manish Garodia, October 2024
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This lab contains system-specific values and paths. These details might vary depending on the system you are using.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/intro-em/files/set-env-var.txt b/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/intro-em/files/set-env-var.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+To connect to your Oracle Database from a terminal, set the environment variables if not already set. These variables remain in the terminal until you close the terminal window.
+> Note that environment variables set in one terminal do not apply automatically to other terminals you may have. If you open a new terminal or have a terminal window already open, then you must set these variables in that terminal to connect to Oracle Database.
+In this task, you will set the following environment variables for your Oracle Database.
+ - *`$ORACLE_SID`*
+ - *`$ORACLE_HOME`*
+ - *`$ORACLE_BASE`*
+1. Open a terminal window and go to the `bin` directory in Oracle home. For this lab, the location of the bin directory is as follows.
+ ```
+ $ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/23.4.0/dbhome_1/bin
+ ```
+1. Set the environment variables with the script, *oraenv*.
+ ```
+ $ ./oraenv
+ ```
+1. When prompted for `$ORACLE_SID`, enter *orcl*.
+ ```
+ ORACLE_SID = [oracle] ? orcl
+ The Oracle base has been set to /u01/app/oracle
+ ```
+ > **Note**: Oracle SID is case-sensitive.
+ This command sets the variables *`$ORACLE_SID`* and *`ORACLE_BASE`*. It also sets the *`$ORACLE_HOME`* path to *`/u01/app/oracle/product/23.4.0/dbhome_1`*.
+You have set the environment variables for your Oracle Database in the currently active terminal. You can now connect to Oracle Database and run the SQL commands.
diff --git a/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/intro-em/images/em-architecture.png b/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/intro-em/images/em-architecture.png
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+# DB administration with Oracle Enterprise Manager
+## About this workshop
+After installing Oracle Database on a host, you can connect to the database and perform database administration. In this workshop, you will connect to the SQL prompt and also use *Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (EM)* to administer your Oracle Database.
+**What is Oracle Enterprise Manager?**
+Oracle Enterprise Manager is Oracle’s on-premises management solution providing centralized monitoring, administration, and lifecycle management functionality for the complete IT infrastructure. It offers a single dashboard to monitor and manage your entire computing environment from a web-based console.
+Oracle Enterprise Manager offers a comprehensive set of performance and health metrics to facilitate unattended monitoring of key components in your environment. These key components include but are not limited to applications, application servers, Oracle Databases, and the back-end components on which they rely, such as hosts, operating systems, storage, and so on.
+Estimated workshop time: 1 hour 45 minutes
+Watch this video on *Oracle Enterprise Manager Console Overview*.
+### Objectives
+In this workshop, you will do the following.
+ - Connect to SQL prompt and view container details
+ - Manage the targets in Oracle Enterprise Manager
+ - Access container home pages, view history, and manage favorites
+### Prerequisites
+This lab assumes you have -
+ - An Oracle Cloud account
+ - Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle Database installed
+## View details of Oracle Database
+To start with database administration, you can connect to the SQL prompt and run basic commands to view container details. For example, check current user, and view Container Database (CDB) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs), check version and status, and so on.
+> **Note**: For connecting to Oracle Database, you do not require a password in the following scenarios.
+ - Oracle Database resides on the local host.
+ - The current user (for this lab, it is *oracle* user) is a member of the OSDBA group.
+ The *oracle* user has the privileges required to perform tasks for database administration.
+You will find some basic SQL commands to view details of your database in the subsequent lab.
+## EM architecture
+The following figure shows a sample EM configuration and illustrates how the core components interact with each other in the architecture.
+![EM Architecture](images/em-architecture.png)
+> **Note**: This figure depicts a load balancer and multiple Oracle Management Service (OMS) instances only to indicate how to deploy Oracle Enterprise Manager in a large organization. They are not prerequisites for an Oracle Enterprise Manager system installation.
+If you do not have the load balancer, then Management Agents communicate directly with the OMS instances.
+### EM components
+Oracle Enterprise Manager includes the following components:
+- **Oracle Management Agent**
+ The agent enables you to convert an unmanaged host into a managed host and helps you monitor the targets running on the managed host.
+ To learn more about managed hosts, see [What are managed targets and managed hosts?] (?lab=intro-em#Whataremanagedtargetsandmanagedhosts?).
+- **Oracle Management Service (OMS)**
+ A web-based application to discover, monitor, and manage targets, and to store the collected information in a repository. It also renders the user interface for Oracle Enterprise Manager.
+- **Oracle Management Repository**
+ A storage location for the information, which Management Agent collects. It consists of objects such as database jobs, packages, procedures, views, and tablespaces. It organizes the data so that OMS can retrieve and display it on the EM console.
+- **Plug-ins**
+ Pluggable entities that help you monitor all types of targets in your environment.
+- **Oracle Java Virtual Machine Diagnostics (JVMD) Engine**
+ It enables you to diagnose performance problems in Java applications in the environment. It helps in improving application availability and performance.
+- **EM Console**
+ The user interface that you see after logging in to Oracle Enterprise Manager. The console helps you monitor and administer your entire computing environment from one location on the network.
+- **EMCTL**
+ A command-line tool that enables you to run tasks on the OMS and Management Agents. You can use it for tasks, such as starting and stopping OMS instances, setting properties on OMS instances, or getting a list of targets that the Management Agent monitors.
+- **EM CLI**
+ A command-line tool that is accessible through classic programming language constructs. It helps you create and run tasks from the command-line or by using a program. It enables you to access Oracle Enterprise Manager functionality from text-based consoles (shells and command-line windows) for a variety of operating systems.
+## What are managed targets and managed hosts?
+You can discover entities and add them to Oracle Enterprise Manager as *targets*.
+For adding targets, Oracle Enterprise Manager provides various options, such as installing an agent, using the guided discovery process, or adding targets manually.
+ - **Install an agent** - This is an automatic discovery process in which you install a management agent on an unmanaged host and convert it to a managed host. You can then search for targets on that host and add them to EM.
+ > **Note**: With this process, if you add any new components to your infrastructure in the future, Oracle Enterprise Manager automatically finds and brings them under management.
+ - **Use guided discovery** - This process takes you through a discovery wizard that displays the specifications prefilled by default. The wizard searches for targets, such as Oracle Databases, listeners, and other deployed components or applications on the host. It helps you promote these targets to managed status.
+ > The guided discovery process is a quick way to add targets in Oracle Enterprise Manager.
+ - **Add targets manually** - This is a declarative process in which you explicitly specify the monitoring properties required to discover the targets.
+ > The manual process is useful if both automatic discovery and the guided process failed to discover the target.
+After adding a target, for example Oracle Database, you can access the home page of the target. From the target home page, you can monitor and manage it in Oracle Enterprise Manager or perform administrative tasks. Besides, you can view the history of pages you visited and bookmark pages as favorites in Oracle Enterprise Manager.
+Removing a target database instance or database system deletes the entire Oracle Database, including the CDB and PDBs from Oracle Enterprise Manager. Whereas, if you remove a specific CDB or a PDB, then Oracle Enterprise Manager deletes only that target container and leaves the database instance, database system, and other components intact.
+*Managed hosts* are the host systems where manageable entities reside. Examples of manageable entities are Oracle Databases, Oracle homes, listeners, agents, OMS, Fusion Middleware components, and server targets (hardware) to name a few.
+Click the next lab to **Get started**.
+## Learn more
+ - [Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation](https://docs.oracle.com/en/enterprise-manager/cloud-control/enterprise-manager-cloud-control/13.5/index.html)
+ - [New features in Oracle Enterprise Manager](https://docs.oracle.com/en/enterprise-manager/cloud-control/enterprise-manager-cloud-control/13.5/emcon/new-features-oracle-enterprise-manager-cloud-control.html)
+ - [Oracle Enterprise Manager Release Notes](https://docs.oracle.com/en/enterprise-manager/cloud-control/enterprise-manager-cloud-control/13.5/emrel/cloud-control-release-notes-emrel.html#GUID-42C87BBB-CA6D-4A5E-8B59-AA94755724E0)
+ - [Oracle Database documentation](https://docs.oracle.com/database/oracle/oracle-database/index.html)
+## Acknowledgments
+ - **Author** - Manish Garodia, Database User Assistance Development
+ - **Contributors** - Daniela Hansell, Ashwini R, Jayaprakash SubramanianSuresh Rajan, Steven Lemme
+ - **Last Updated By/Date** - Manish Garodia, October 2024
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+# Manage targets - Oracle Database and Listener
+## Introduction
+This lab shows how to manage the targets discovered by Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (EM). You can view details of Oracle Database and Listener and administer them from Oracle Enterprise Manager as managed targets.
+Estimated time: 15 minutes
+### Objectives
+ - View existing targets in Oracle Enterprise Manager
+ - Add Oracle Databases and Listeners as targets
+ - View the newly added target databases
+ - Remove Oracle Database from managed targets
+ - Remove Listener from managed targets
+### Prerequisites
+This lab assumes you have -
+ - An Oracle Cloud account
+ - Completed all previous labs successfully
+ - Logged in to Oracle Enterprise Manager in a web browser as *sysman*
+> **Note**: [](include:example-values)
+## Task 1: View targets in EM
+In this task, you will view the existing targets in Oracle Enterprise Manager.
+1. From the **Targets** menu at the top, select **All Targets**.
+ ![All targets](./images/em-target-001-all-targets-menu.png " ")
+ The All Targets page displays a complete list of targets managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager, such as hosts, Oracle homes, listeners, PDBs, and so on.
+ ![Targets home](./images/em-target-002-targethome.png " ")
+1. Use the filters in the **Refine Search** pane on the left to view a specific target type.
+ ![Refine search](./images/em-target-003-refinesearch.png " ")
+Click a target name to open its home page. From the target's home page, you can view the target information and manage the target.
+## Task 2: Add Oracle Databases and Listeners as targets
+To perform administrative tasks on your Oracle Database and Listener from Oracle Enterprise Manager, add them as targets.
+When you add a target, such as Oracle Database or Listener, it remains in Oracle Enterprise Manager until you remove from managed targets. You can add multiple Oracle Databases and Listeners as targets together.
+In this task, you will add two Oracle Databases *orcl* and *orcl1*, and two Listener as targets using the *guided discovery* process.
+1. From the **Setup** menu at the top, select **Add Target** > **Add Targets Manually**.
+ ![Add targets manually](./images/em-target-004-add-manually.png " ")
+1. The Add Targets Manually page displays the options for adding targets.
+ For this task, under **Add Non-Host Targets Using Guided Process**, click *Add Using Guided Process* to start target discovery.
+ ![Guided discovery process](./images/em-target-005-guided-discovery.png " ")
+1. The window displays the options under Guided Discovery.
+ For this task, select *Oracle Database, Far Sync Instance, Listener and Automatic Storage Management*, if not already selected.
+ ![Target type](./images/em-target-006-target-type.png " ")
+ Click **Add** to proceed.
+ > **Note**: The Discovered Target Types for Oracle Database is 'Database Instance, Far Sync Instance, Listener, Pluggable Database, Cluster ASM, Automatic Storage Management, Cluster Database'.
+1. Specify the host or cluster where your Oracle Database resides. Click the search icon (magnifier) to look for the target host.
+ ![Specify Host](./images/em-target-007-discover-host.png " ")
+ It opens the **Search Target** window.
+1. In the **Select Targets** window under the status section, locate your host system, for example *localhost.example.com*.
+ ![Search targets](./images/em-target-008-search.png " ")
+ Click the host name to highlight it and then click **Select** to select the host.
+ > **Note**: The upward green arrow in the status indicates that the target host is up and running.
+ If the window shows multiple hosts or clusters, then you can use the filters on the top to search for the target host.
+1. Verify that the **Specify Host or Cluster** field displays the host name, for example *localhost.example.com*.
+ ![Specify host or cluster](./images/em-target-009-specify-host.png " ")
+ Oracle Enterprise Manager provides options to add discovery hints to customize the discovery process. For this task, ignore this field and click **Next** to proceed. EM starts target discovery on the specified host.
+1. The Results page displays all Oracle Databases, including CDBs, PDBs, and listeners discovered on the selected host.
+ ![Discovery results](./images/em-target-010-discovery-results.png " ")
+ For this task, select the Oracle Databases *orcl* and *orcl1*, and both listeners as targets and specify the monitoring credentials.
+ - **Target Name** - Select the checkboxes next to the database, for example, *`orcl.us.oracle.com (Container Database)`* and *`orcl1.us.oracle.com (Container Database)`*.
+ - **Role** - Select *`SYSDBA`*
+ The Monitoring Username changes to *`sys`* automatically.
+ - **Monitoring Password** - Enter the password for database administrator, for example *`We!come1`*
+ - **Listeners** – Select the checkboxes for both listeners, for example, *`Listener_localhost.example.com`* and *`Listener0_localhost.example.com`*.
+ > **Note**: Oracle Enterprise Manager displays all associated PDBs discovered on your host. If you have more PDBs or CDBs, then you can manually add or remove them as targets.
+ For more information, see [Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation](https://docs.oracle.com/en/enterprise-manager/cloud-control/enterprise-manager-cloud-control/13.5/index.html).
+ Leave the remaining options and click **Next** to proceed.
+1. Review the target Oracle Databases and their respective Listeners.
+ ![Review targets](./images/em-target-011-review-target.png " ")
+ Click **Save** to add the selected targets. The window displays a confirmation message.
+ ![Confirm adding targets](./images/em-target-012-confirm-add.png " ")
+ Click **Close** to close the confirmation window. EM redirects to the target discovery page.
+Congratulations! You have successfully added Oracle Databases and Listeners as targets in EM. You can now view the targets, monitor and manage them from EM.
+## Task 3: View newly added target Oracle Databases
+After promoting the discovered databases to managed targets, Oracle Enterprise Manager displays them on the Databases pages.
+In this task, you will view the newly added target databases, *orcl*, *orcl1*, and their PDBs.
+1. From the **Targets** menu, select **Databases** to open the Databases page.
+ ![Databases menu](./images/em-target-013-db-menu.png " ")
+1. The Databases page displays all database systems added to Oracle Enterprise Manager as managed targets.
+ ![Databases list](./images/em-dbhome-014-db-list.png " ")
+ Verify that the list displays *orcl* and *orcl1*, the target Oracle Databases that you added. If you have other target databases, then the page displays them all.
+1. Select a database instance name, for example *orcl.us.oracle.com*, and click **View** > **Expand All Below** to view the PDBs in that container.
+ ![Databases expand all](./images/em-dbhome-015-menu-expand-all.png " ")
+ Alternatively, you may click the expand/collapse triangle next to the name. The list displays all PDBs under the selected database.
+ ![Databases expand all](./images/em-dbhome-016-expand-collapse.png " ")
+ The page also provides two view types:
+ - **Search list** - displays the databases in a list view
+ - **Database Load Map** - displays the databases in a map view
+Similarly, you can add more Oracle Databases as targets or remove databases from managed targets.
+## Task 4: Remove Oracle Database from managed targets
+You can remove targets, such as database instances, database systems, CDBs, PDBs, and so on from Oracle Enterprise Manager. After removing a target, you cannot manage it from EM anymore. You can remove a target database instance or an individual PDB one at a time but cannot remove multiple databases together in a single step.
+In this task, you will remove the target database instance, *orcl1*, from EM including the CDB and PDB.
+> **Note**: Removing a target Oracle Database from EM does not delete or deinstall the database from the host system.
+1. On the Databases page, select the target Oracle Database that you want to remove.
+ ![Remove target database](./images/em-target-017-target-remove-db.png " ")
+ For this task, select *orcl1* and click **Remove**.
+1. The window displays a warning message.
+ ![Warning target removal](./images/em-target-018-warning-target-remove.png " ")
+ Click **Yes** to confirm the removal.
+ > Clicking **No** will cancel the delete operation and take you back to the Databases page. If you remove all target databases from EM, the Databases page displays a message `No Databases found`.
+ EM redirects to the Databases page. You will notice that the Oracle Database you removed, *orcl1*, is no longer listed as a managed target.
+ ![Target database removed](./images/em-target-019-target-db-removed.png " ")
+You have successfully removed Oracle Database as a managed target from EM. Removing a database from EM does not remove its corresponding listener from managed targets automatically.
+## Task 5: Remove Listener from managed targets
+You can remove a listener one at a time but cannot remove multiple listeners together in a single step. In this task, you will remove the target listener, *LISTENER1*, from EM.
+> **Note**: Removing a target listener from EM does not delete the listener from the host system.
+1. From the **Targets** menu, select **All Targets** to open the All Targets page.
+ ![All targets](./images/em-target-020-all-targets-menu.png " ")
+1. On the All Targets page, select the listener you want to remove.
+ ![Listener right-click](./images/em-target-021-right-click-listener.png " ")
+ For this task, right-click *LISTENER1_localhost.example.com* and select **Target Setup** > **Remove Target**.
+1. The window displays a confirmation message.
+ ![Confirm Listener removal](./images/em-target-022-confirm-listener-remove.jpg " ")
+ Click **Yes** to confirm the removal.
+ > Clicking **No** will cancel the delete operation and take you back to the All Targets page.
+ ![Target Listener Removed](./images/em-target-023-listener-removed.png " ")
+ Click **OK** to continue. The listener you removed is no longer listed as a managed target.
+You have successfully removed the listener from managed targets in EM. When you remove a listener, EM does not delete the target Oracle Database automatically.
+In this lab, you learned how to view targets in EM. You also added Oracle Databases and Listeners as managed targets and then removed them from managed targets. After adding the targets, you can manage them from their home page.
+You may now **proceed to the next lab**.
+## Acknowledgments
+ - **Author** - Manish Garodia, Database User Assistance Development
+ - **Contributors** - Daniela Hansell, Ashwini R, Jayaprakash Subramanian Suresh Rajan, Subhash Chandra, Steven Lemme
+ - **Last Updated By/Date** - Manish Garodia, October 2024
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+# Prepare setup
+## Introduction
+This lab will show you how to download the Oracle Resource Manager (ORM) stack zip file needed to setup the resource needed to run this workshop. This workshop requires a compute instance running the *Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c* marketplace image with monitored database targets and a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN).
+Estimated time: 10 minutes
+### Objectives
+ - Download ORM stack
+ - Configure an existing Virtual Cloud Network (VCN)
+### Prerequisites
+This lab assumes you have -
+ - An Oracle Cloud account
+## Task 1: Download Oracle Resource Manager (ORM) stack zip file
+1. Click on the link below to download the Resource Manager zip file you need to build your environment:
+ - [emcc-dbae-2-mkplc-freetier.zip](https://objectstorage.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com/p/45QlbADtilX7TE3zpYeOrVyF5StsG3AOfdFU4BAiwWesx-spDYOrIbF3xqDS2lDV/n/natdsecurity/b/stack/o/emcc-dbae-2-mkplc-freetier.zip)
+1. Save in your downloads folder.
+We recommend using this stack to create a self-contained/dedicated VCN with your instance(s). Skip to *Task 3* to follow our recommendations. If you would rather use an existing VCN then proceed to the next task as indicated below to update your existing VCN with the required Egress rules.
+## Task 2: Add security rules to an existing VCN
+This workshop requires a certain number of ports to be available, a requirement that can be met by using the default ORM stack execution that creates a dedicated VCN. In order to use an existing VCN, the following ports should be added to Egress rules.
+| Port | Description |
+| :------------- | :------------------------------------ |
+| 22 | SSH |
+| 7803 | Enterprise Manager 13c Server |
+| 6080 | noVNC Remote Desktop |
+1. Go to **Networking** > **Virtual Cloud Networks**
+1. Choose your network
+1. Under **Resources**, select **Security Lists**
+1. Click on **Default Security Lists** under the **Create Security List** button
+1. Click the **Add Ingress Rule** button
+1. Enter the following:
+ - Source CIDR:
+ - Destination Port Range: *Refer to the table*
+1. Click the **Add Ingress Rules** button
+## Task 3: Setup compute
+Using the details from the previous two tasks, proceed to the lab **Setup compute instance** to setup your workshop environment using Oracle Resource Manager (ORM) and one of the following options:
+ - Create Stack: **Compute + Networking**
+ - Create Stack: **Compute only** with an existing VCN where security lists have been updated as per *Task 2* of this lab
+You may now **proceed to the next lab**.
+## Acknowledgments
+ - **Author** - Rene Fontcha, LiveLabs Platform Lead, NA Technology
+ - **Contributors** - Meghana Banka, Manish Garodia
+ - **Last Updated By/Date** - Rene Fontcha, LiveLabs Platform Lead, NA Technology, April 2022
diff --git a/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/view-db-details/view-db-details.md b/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/view-db-details/view-db-details.md
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index 00000000..1fb0741c
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@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# View database details from SQL command line
+## Introduction
+This lab walks you through the steps to log in to SQL prompt and explore Container Database (CDB) and Pluggable Database (PDB) with basic SQL commands.
+Estimated time: 10 minutes
+### Objectives
+ - Set environment variables
+ - Log in to CDB (root container) with *SYSDBA* privileges
+ - Run SQL commands to view details of your Oracle Database
+### Prerequisites
+This lab assumes you have -
+ - An Oracle Cloud account
+ - Completed all previous labs successfully
+ - Logged in to your host as the *oracle* user
+> **Note**: [](include:example-values)
+## Task 1: Set environment variables
+> **Tip**: If you have reserved a Livelabs sandbox environment, then you can run the script `.set-env-db.sh` from the home location and enter the corresponding number for the `ORACLE_SID`. It sets the environment variables automatically.
+## Task 2: Connect to SQL prompt and explore the database
+In this task, you will view some basic details of your database, such as current user, container name, container ID, PDBs, database version, instance name, and instance status.
+1. From `$ORACLE_HOME/bin`, log in to the SQL command line as *SYSDBA*.
+ ```
+ $ ./sqlplus / as sysdba
+ ```
+ ```
+ SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Oct 4 18:57:25 20XX
+ Version
+ Copyright (c) 1982, 2024, Oracle. All rights reserved.
+ Connected to:
+ Oracle Database 23ai Enterprise Edition Release - Production
+ Version
+ SQL>
+ ```
+1. Check the current user connected to the database.
+ ```
+ SQL> SHOW user
+ USER is "SYS"
+ ```
+1. View the container name and the container id.
+ ```
+ SQL> SHOW con_name
+ ------------------------------`
+ ```
+ ```
+ SQL> SHOW con_id
+ ------------------------------
+ 1
+ ```
+1. View all PDBs in the CDB.
+ ```
+ SQL> SHOW pdbs
+ ```
+ ```
+ ---------- ------------------------- ---------- ----------
+ ```
+1. Check the version of the core library components.
+ ```
+ SQL> SELECT banner_full FROM v$version;
+ ```
+ ```
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Oracle Database 23ai Enterprise Edition Release - Production
+ Version
+ ```
+1. Verify that your Oracle Database is a multitenant container database.
+ ```
+ SQL> SELECT name, cdb, con_id FROM v$database;
+ ```
+ ```
+ --------- --- ----------
+ ```
+ The value *0* indicates that the data pertains to the entire CDB.
+1. View the instance name and the status of the CDB.
+ ```
+ SQL> SELECT instance_name, status, con_id FROM v$instance;
+ ```
+ ```
+ ---------------- ------------ ----------
+ orcl OPEN 0
+ ```
+In this lab, you connected to the SQL command line of your Oracle Database and checked container details, such as current user, container name, container ID, PDBs, and so on.
+You may now **proceed to the next lab**.
+## Acknowledgments
+ - **Author** - Manish Garodia, Database User Assistance Development
+ - **Contributors** - Daniela Hansell, Ashwini R, Jayaprakash Subramanian Suresh Rajan, Dharma Sirnapalli, Subhash Chandra, Steven Lemme
+ - **Last Updated By/Date** - Manish Garodia, October 2024
diff --git a/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/desktop/index.html b/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/desktop/index.html
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+ Oracle LiveLabs
Oracle LiveLabs
diff --git a/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/desktop/manifest.json b/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/desktop/manifest.json
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+++ b/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/desktop/manifest.json
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ "workshoptitle": "DBA Essentials - Administer Oracle Database 23ai with Oracle Enterprise Manager",
+ "help": "livelabs-help-em_us_grp@oracle.com",
+ "include": {
+ "set-env-var": "./../../intro-em/files/set-env-var.txt"
+ },
+ "tutorials": [
+ {
+ "title": "Introduction",
+ "description": "The workshop on administering Oracle Database from Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM).",
+ "publisheddate": "10/14/2024",
+ "filename": "./../../intro-em/intro-em.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Use noVNC remote desktop",
+ "description": "Use noVNC Remote Desktop",
+ "publisheddate": "03/22/2024",
+ "filename": "https://oracle-livelabs.github.io/common/labs/remote-desktop/using-novnc-remote-desktop.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 1: Initialize environment",
+ "description": "How to initialize and start all the workshop components.",
+ "publisheddate": "05/23/2023",
+ "filename": "./../../initialize-environment/initialize-environment.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 2: View database details from SQL command line",
+ "description": "How to view database details from SQL command line.",
+ "publisheddate": "10/14/2024",
+ "filename": "./../../view-db-details/view-db-details.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 3: Manage targets - Oracle Database and Listener",
+ "description": "How to manage targets, Oracle Database and Listener, using EM.",
+ "publisheddate": "10/14/2024",
+ "filename": "./../../manage-targets/manage-targets.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 4: Access container home page",
+ "description": "How to access container home page from EM.",
+ "publisheddate": "10/14/2024",
+ "filename": "./../../access-homepage/access-homepage.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Need help?",
+ "description": "Solutions to common problems and directions for receiving live help",
+ "publisheddate": "05/24/2024",
+ "filename": "https://oracle-livelabs.github.io/common/labs/need-help/need-help-livelabs.md"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/sandbox/index.html b/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/sandbox/index.html
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+ Oracle LiveLabs
Oracle LiveLabs
diff --git a/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/sandbox/manifest.json b/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/sandbox/manifest.json
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index 00000000..e7ee7588
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+++ b/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/sandbox/manifest.json
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ "workshoptitle": "DBA Essentials - Administer Oracle Database 23ai with Oracle Enterprise Manager",
+ "help": "livelabs-help-em_us_grp@oracle.com",
+ "include": {
+ "set-env-var": "./../../intro-em/files/set-env-var.txt"
+ },
+ "tutorials": [
+ {
+ "title": "Introduction",
+ "description": "The workshop on administering Oracle Database from Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM).",
+ "publisheddate": "10/14/2024",
+ "filename": "./../../intro-em/intro-em.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 1: Verify compute instance setup",
+ "description": "Verify Setup of compute instance",
+ "publisheddate": "05/06/2024",
+ "filename": "https://oracle-livelabs.github.io/common/labs/verify-compute/verify-compute-novnc.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 2: Initialize environment",
+ "description": "How to initialize and start all the workshop components.",
+ "publisheddate": "05/23/2023",
+ "filename": "./../../initialize-environment/initialize-environment.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 3: View database details from SQL command line",
+ "description": "How to view database details from SQL command line.",
+ "publisheddate": "10/14/2024",
+ "filename": "./../../view-db-details/view-db-details.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 4: Manage targets - Oracle Database and Listener",
+ "description": "How to manage targets, Oracle Database and Listener, using EM.",
+ "publisheddate": "10/14/2024",
+ "filename": "./../../manage-targets/manage-targets.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 5: Access container home page",
+ "description": "How to access container home page from EM.",
+ "publisheddate": "10/14/2024",
+ "filename": "./../../access-homepage/access-homepage.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Need help?",
+ "description": "Solutions to common problems and directions for receiving live help",
+ "publisheddate": "05/24/2024",
+ "filename": "https://oracle-livelabs.github.io/common/labs/need-help/need-help-livelabs.md"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/tenancy/index.html b/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/tenancy/index.html
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+ Oracle LiveLabs
Oracle LiveLabs
diff --git a/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/tenancy/manifest.json b/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/tenancy/manifest.json
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index 00000000..4cdfb928
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+++ b/enterprise-manager/odb-23ai/dba-essentials-series-23ai/23ai-ws2-em-dba/workshops/tenancy/manifest.json
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+ "workshoptitle": "DBA Essentials - Administer Oracle Database 23ai with Oracle Enterprise Manager",
+ "help": "livelabs-help-em_us_grp@oracle.com",
+ "include": {
+ "example-values": "./../../intro-em/files/example-values.txt",
+ "set-env-var": "./../../intro-em/files/set-env-var.txt"
+ },
+ "tutorials": [
+ {
+ "title": "Introduction",
+ "description": "The workshop on administering Oracle Database from Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM).",
+ "publisheddate": "10/14/2024",
+ "filename": "./../../intro-em/intro-em.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Get started",
+ "description": "Get a Free Trial",
+ "publisheddate": "03/22/2024",
+ "filename": "https://oracle-livelabs.github.io/common/labs/cloud-login/cloud-login.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 1: Prepare setup",
+ "description": "How to download your ORM stack and update security rules for an existing VCN.",
+ "publisheddate": "05/23/2023",
+ "filename": "./../../prepare-setup/prepare-setup.md",
+ "type": "default"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 2: Set up compute instance",
+ "description": "How to provision the workshop environment and connect to it",
+ "publisheddate": "03/22/2024",
+ "filename": "https://oracle-livelabs.github.io/common/labs/setup-compute-generic/setup-compute-novnc.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 3: Initialize environment",
+ "description": "How to initialize and start all the workshop components.",
+ "publisheddate": "05/23/2023",
+ "filename": "./../../initialize-environment/initialize-environment.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 4: View database details from SQL command line",
+ "description": "How to view database details from SQL command line.",
+ "publisheddate": "10/14/2024",
+ "filename": "./../../view-db-details/view-db-details.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 5: Manage targets - Oracle Database and Listener",
+ "description": "How to manage targets, Oracle Database and Listener, using EM.",
+ "publisheddate": "10/14/2024",
+ "filename": "./../../manage-targets/manage-targets.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lab 6: Access container home page",
+ "description": "How to access container home page from EM.",
+ "publisheddate": "10/14/2024",
+ "filename": "./../../access-homepage/access-homepage.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Need help?",
+ "description": "Solutions to common problems and directions for receiving live help",
+ "publisheddate": "05/24/2024",
+ "filename": "https://oracle-livelabs.github.io/common/labs/need-help/need-help-freetier.md"
+ }
+ ]