In demo 101, we provide a showcase of how to connect a device to Thread network and periodically visit a website via HTTP.
So as to connect your thread device to Internet, you need to set up a border router. You may follow this guide for detailed instructions on how to set up a border router and how to form a network with it.
To configure Thread network parameters, you also need to start an external commissioner. You can use the command line commissioner shipped with the border router repository. Follow this guide locally build the project. The instruction to start the commissioner is:
./src/commissioner/otbr-commissioner --network-name OpenThreadDemo --xpanid 1111111122222222 --network-password 123456 --joiner-pskd ABCDEF --agent-host --agent-port 49191 --allow-all --debug-level 7
All the network arguments should be the same as those used to form the Thread network in the web gui.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/arm-none-eabi.cmake -DPLATFORM_NAME=nrf52
make -j12
The image will be found at build/ot_demo_101.hex
. Flash the image to NRF52840 dev kit with following command:
nrfjprog -f nrf52 --chiperase --program ./ot_demo_101.hex --reset --log
Connect to the serial port of NRF52840 (typically /dev/ttyACM0
). Log will be directed here.
Push button 1 on the NRF52840 dev kit and it will start the Thread join process. After joining the Thread network, the node will periodically curl
and output the http response to log. Push button 1 again will stop the demo.