- The Distant Past
- Idea developed out of One Time Pads for bankers - add a "test word" to the cipher to demonstrate authenticity
- Bellovin, 2011
- Bank card + pin
- The Digital Age
- Ad hoc solutions
- Are there examples of ad-hoc solutions prior to standardization?
- Patented applied for 1984, granted in 1988 - RSA Key Patent
- First sold in 1986 - Press Release Announcing 10 millionth Key Sold
- Mostly used by enterprises to secure access to corporate systems
- No IETF standards for another 20 years, why not? What algorithm was RSA using?
- Standardization
- IETF RFC 4226 (HOTP 2005) and RFC 6238 (TOTP 2011)
- RSA spreads 2FA to other devices in 2006 - RSA Press Release
- Late 2009/Early 2010 - Google hacked by China, looking for dissident's Gmail accounts. Guardian
- Initial release of Google Authenticator (Apps for Domains): September 20, 2010 TechCrunch Article
- Subsequent release for consumer accounts: February 10, 2011 Google Blog Post
- Spread of access
- Facebook announces "Login Approvals": May 12, 2011 Facebook Posting
- Google Authenticator and the server side software it works with are initially open source
- And based on open standards from IETF
- Google encourages other sites to implement?
- 2012 - Matt Honan Gets "Epically Hacked". In the second paragraph he says that had he used 2FA it would have been avoided.
- June 2012 - Google starts warning of state sponsored attacks, encourages victims to use two-factor. Google Blog
- October 2013: EFF encourages people to turn on Two-Factor
- 2013, Google closes source on Authenticator, though it is still interoperable with third party HOTP and TOTP servers
- 2013, FreeOTP launched to provide open source alternative. Also existing is OTP Authenticator
- Twitter announces "Login Verification": May 22, 2013 Twitter Blog Post
- Not all services use an Authenticator app
- Twitter uses the Twitter app, Steam uses Steam app
- Some services use SMS (talk about unique issues regarding interception)
- Public pressure mounts
- Two Factor Auth lists who does and doesn't support. Has twitter links to tell sites that don't have it that you want it.
- Chris Soghoian makes a name by calling on people to turn on 2FA ACLU Blog Post and Bloomberg Article
- Next Steps
- Two-factor authentication doesn't solve all phishing, just makes it harder.
- Ad hoc solutions
@deray hacked in 2016 on SMS Still succeptible to phishing U2F next step