Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
- See the awesome manifesto to learn what Awesome lists are all about.
- Everyone is welcome to review open pull requests and make suggestions!
- Ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
- As a general rule, try only to submit other people's content. An awesome list is not a tool for self-promotion.
- This is a curated list, not an exhaustive one. Please only suggest items that you would consider "awesome" and err on the side of including too little!
- New sections should be created as needed.
- Sort section content alphabetically, sort sections by generality (more general sections first, followed by more specific or niche use-cases.)
- Do not repeat "Plover" if it's not necessary (e.g. "Plover Dict Commands" becomes simply "Dict Commands").
- Tell us not just what the awesome thing is, but why it's awesome.
- Links should strictly follow the format that is used everywhere in the list:
- [Title]( - Description in sentence case with a period at the end.
Looking forward to your contributions to this list!
A lot of times, making a PR adhere to the standards above can be difficult. If the maintainers notice anything that we'd like changed, we'll ask you to edit your PR before we merge it. There's no need to open a new PR, just edit the existing one. If you're not sure how to do that, here is a guide on the different ways you can update your PR so that we can merge it.