docker-compose up -d
This works with our internally used nginx-load-balancer, by defining the proper networks in (with docker-compose.override.yml
is provided to work with nginx-proxy by Jason Wilder aka jwilder:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-jwildernginx-production.yml up -d
Check email: http://localhost/mail/
Are scraped via logo-finder.
curl ',website:contact->internet' \
| jq 'map(.systemid as $id | [.website?]|flatten|map({key:(.value? // .), value: $id})[0])|group_by(.key)|map({url:.[0].key,systemids:map(.value)})|map(select(.url!=null))' \
| yarn -s scrape > output.json
After which some cleaning has to be done for results that include multiple logo's.
to v1
docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres allmanak -f /upgrade/
docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres allmanak --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on -f /upgrade/
docker-compose restart api-rest-v0
docker-compose restart api-rest-v1
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
And go to http://localhost/ (auto reloaded with new builds).
Some services (v0, import & static build) are disabled in development mode for resource/performance reasons. To run them individually:
# V0
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml run -d --no-deps --use-aliases --name allmanak_api-rest-v0_manual api-rest-v0 /bin/sh -c "exec postgrest /etc/postgrest.conf"
# import data, see for valid file name options, by default exportOO.xml is used
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml run --rm --no-deps --use-aliases import-cron [manual [exportOO.xml|YYYYMMDD.xml]]
# build static
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml run --rm --no-deps --use-aliases build-static yarn export+process
See build issues
docker-compose logs -f app
To login to the database
docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres allmanak
Note that all tables and views are scoped in schema's: almanak
, enrich
, kiesraad
and api_vX
Some usefull psql commands:
list all schema's
\dt [pattern]
list all tables
\dv [pattern]
list all views
\d [pattern]
describes a specific view/table.
\dt almanak.*
\dt kiesraad.*
\dv api_v1.*
\d api_v0.overheidsorganisatie
We have made some custimized docker image for PostgREST based on the 6.0.0 master and some pull requests we're awaiting:
# Custom build PostgREST
git clone
cd postgrest
git checkout openstate
docker build -f docker/distro_release/Dockerfile.ubuntu -t postgrest_builder .
# note the ~/.stack folder will become about 3.5G in size, after quite some compiling
# $(pwd)/.stack-work will be about 163MB, the binary will be 45MB and the docker tar 112MB
docker run --rm -it -v $HOME/.stack:/root/.stack -v $(pwd):/source -v $(pwd)/docker/dist/:/root/.local/bin/ postgrest_builder build --allow-different-user --install-ghc --copy-bins
# Instead of download postgREST, use the binary just build
sed -z -r 's/\nARG POSTGREST_VERSION\n//;s@\nRUN BUILD_DEPS([^\n]*|\n[^\n]+)*@\nCOPY dist/postgrest /usr/local/bin/postgrest@g' docker/Dockerfile | docker build -f - -t postgrest:v6.0.0-openstate docker
# Export docker image to tar (since building takes some time + space, you might not want to do this on your production server)
docker save postgrest:v6.0.0-openstate -o postgrest_v6.0.0-openstate.tar
# scp the tar to your production server and load the binary
docker load -i postgrest_v6.0.0-openstate.tar