usage: juju-sym-switch [-h] [--force] [-0] [-v] [-i] major_version
A system-wide sym link switching tool for Juju 1.x and 2.x binaries. Although
it is possible to set path values to control the Juju version, this is not
always effective with some tools which blindly call `juju` or `/usr/bin/juju`.
Targeted to Xenial (16.04) and later. Assumes that juju-1 and juju-2.0 are
installed. Does not attempt to install any packages.
positional arguments:
major_version Major version of Juju to switch to: 1 or 2
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--force Force overwrite (destruction) of existing files or
symlinks. Understand that /usr/bin/juju needs to be
overwritten with a new symlink, and this is likely
-0, --dry Dry run. Does not alter anything, even if --force is
-v, --debug Enable verbose debug output
-i, --ignore-platform
Ignore platform operating system requirement
enforcement. Experimental, and will likely break
This example presumes you are the ubuntu user, with sudo privileges, and that juju-1.25 and juju-2.0 are installed on your system (>= 16.04). To confirm:
juju version
juju-1.25 version
juju-2.0 version
# Clone the tool to a tools directory
mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/tools
git clone /home/ubuntu/tools/bot-control
cd /home/ubuntu/tools/bot-control/tools
# Dry run with debug output: set /usr/bin/juju as a symlink to /usr/bin/juju-2.0
./juju-sym-switch 2 -v0 --force
# Dry run with debug output: set /usr/bin/juju as a symlink to /usr/bin/juju-1.25
./juju-sym-switch 1 -v0 --force
# Doing it for real:
jenkins@juju-osci-machine-21:~/tools/bot-control/tools$ juju version
jenkins@juju-osci-machine-21:~/tools/bot-control/tools$ sudo ./juju-sym-switch 1 -v --force
DEBUG:root:Command arguments: {'dry': False, 'force': True, 'debug': True, 'major_version': '1'}
INFO:root:Dist OK: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial
DEBUG:root:R/W OK: /usr/bin/juju-1.25
DEBUG:root:R/W OK: /usr/bin/juju-2.0
DEBUG:root:R/W OK: /usr/bin/juju
DEBUG:root:R/W OK: /usr/bin/juju
DEBUG:root:Valid major version specified: 1
INFO:root:Juju version from /usr/bin/juju is 2.0-beta15-xenial-amd64, whereas you are seeking 1.2
WARNING:root:Removing existing file: /usr/bin/juju
INFO:root:Linking /usr/bin/juju-1.25 as /usr/bin/juju based on major version value 1
INFO:root:Juju version from /usr/bin/juju (1.25.6-xenial-amd64) validates with "1.2"
jenkins@juju-osci-machine-21:~/tools/bot-control/tools$ juju version
jenkins@juju-osci-machine-21:~/tools/bot-control/tools$ sudo ./juju-sym-switch 2 -v --force
DEBUG:root:Command arguments: {'debug': True, 'force': True, 'major_version': '2', 'dry': False}
INFO:root:Dist OK: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial
DEBUG:root:R/W OK: /usr/bin/juju-1.25
DEBUG:root:R/W OK: /usr/bin/juju-2.0
DEBUG:root:R/W OK: /usr/bin/juju
DEBUG:root:R/W OK: /usr/bin/juju
DEBUG:root:Valid major version specified: 2
INFO:root:Juju version from /usr/bin/juju is 1.25.6-xenial-amd64, whereas you are seeking 2.0
WARNING:root:Removing existing file: /usr/bin/juju
INFO:root:Linking /usr/bin/juju-2.0 as /usr/bin/juju based on major version value 2
INFO:root:Juju version from /usr/bin/juju (2.0-beta15-xenial-amd64) validates with "2.0"
jenkins@juju-osci-machine-21:~/tools/bot-control/tools$ juju version