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Mario Loriedo edited this page Jul 13, 2017 · 66 revisions

Here are some commonly asked questions.

I try to login and I see my username is not approved.

Click on the Register Now link in the landing page, and sign-in using your account.

I am an approved user, but I'm unable to get past the landing page.

< to be filled in >

The username in Keycloak is different than what I see on

This is a bug which is being fixed in After this PR is merged, re-login to to be able to see your updated username.

Where are my applications running ?

Currently, the tenant URL is

My username on is different than the name of the project created in my OpenShift Online account

The reason is unknown as of now, however the debugging session was successful in resolving this for chmouel This will cause issues with creating your QuickStart projects and pipelines. ( need to fill in details )

How do I clean-up all apps and builds in my OpenShift Online

In OpenShift Online, go to the Help question mark (?) in the upper right.

  1. Select "Command Line Tools"
  2. Use the copy icon to copy the first command to get your token
  3. Paste that into a terminal
  4. Use the commands listed below, substituting ${ID} for your account login ID
oc delete bc --all -n ${ID}
oc delete build --all -n ${ID}
oc delete all --all -n ${ID}-test
oc delete all --all -n ${ID}-stage
oc delete all --all -n ${ID}-run

In addition jenkins holds an organization for your user that if not removed will keep having pipelines showing up. To remove that do the following:

Go to the URL https://jenkins-${ID}${ID}/ then click "Delete Organisation

How do I clean-up all Che workspaces in my OpenShift Online

From a running workspace click on the gray arrow on the top left corner of the workspace (or go to URL https://che-${ID} The Che dashboard will open and you can select all the workspaces and delete them.

I already have a project I had created in my OpenShift Online account.

Assuming your old project is pke-test1 and your username is pkettman, this might cause your pipelines to not show up since there is no pkettman namespace.

Clean-up your existing project by running the following:

Visit to get your oc auth token needed for the CLI login.

oc login  --token=TOKEN
oc delete project pke-test1
oc new-project pkettman
oc delete all --all -n pkettman-test
oc delete all --all -n pkettman-stage
oc delete all --all -n pkettman-run

Jenkins is not responding, says "Application is not available"

"When I goto I just get Application Not Available"

This happens when your Jenkins service is struggling to load because of resource issues.

Workaround :

My Pipeline build fails with out-of-memory exceptions

[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace
Finished: FAILURE

The solution is same as the one above, if you are using the OpenShift CLI, you could use these command alternatively to restart the Jenkins pod

oc scale dc/jenkins --replicas=0 -n burrsutter-jenkins
oc scale dc/jenkins --replicas=1 -n burrsutter-jenkins

How do I enable or disable integration tests in my pipelines?

You can edit your Jenkinsfile to comment out the mavenIntegrationTest section on a per app basis.

If you are doing demos you may want to disable integration tests to speed up demos ;) To do that you can globally configure pipelines (once the new Tenant is released) to disable integration tests via updating your fabric8-pipelines ConfigMap.


oc edit cm fabric8-pipelines

Then add the following to the data: section of the ConfigMap to disable the CD and/or CI integration tests

  disable-itests-cd: 'true'
  disable-itests-ci: 'true'

NOTE that there is an issue with RHOAR boosters so we've temporarily disabled all integration tests anyway!

My Pipelines are not being properly filtered by my Space?

When you switch between spaces the Pipelines tab should filter by those apps created in the space.

If you created an App a while back (say before June 2017) then the created Pipeline (which is a BuildConfig inside OpenShift) will not have the space label associated so that per space filtering doesn't work.

To work around this from the openshift command line type:

oc edit bc foo

then ensure that the metadata.labels has a value of space: cheese like this:

  name: foo
     space: cheese

that will then ensure that the foo pipeline is filtered to only show on the cheese space!

How do I update my tenant ?

Your own jenkins,che,etc is running in your OpenShift Online account in the cluster. The Deployment Configs have to be updated every few days. To do so,

  • Login to , if you face issues while trying to login, please see ( add link )
  • Visit your profile by clicking on the top-right corner.
  • Click "Update profile"
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Update tenant". This doesn't provide any feedback as of now, but you could check for a /api/user 200 OK response in the browser console.

How do I confirm that my tenant is updated ?

To confirm you need to be checking which build version of Jenkins/Che you are running, and compare it with the intended version.

To find out which version of the Jenkins 2 build you are running, use the oc CLI , and try running oc export dc jenkins -n oc {ID}-jenkins | grep "version:"

If the above doesn't work, use the UI:

  • Login to OpenShift Online
  • Select project {ID}-jenkins
  • Navigate to ``Applications->Deployments` -> `jenkins`.
  • Open the latest 'active' deployment from the list.
  • On the details tab, there should a version=3.x.x

Which version should my Jenkins be at at ?

To find out the intended version, visit and look for the section:

provider: fabric8
      project: jenkins-openshift
      version: 3.0.37

Re-construct the above URL by replacing 1.0.167 with the value in the file "TEAM_VERSION" in where COMMIT_HASH is the hash in

Which version should my Che be at ?

To find out the intended version, visit and look for the che version inside it.

Re-construct the above URL by replacing 1.0.167 with the value in the file "TEAM_VERSION" in where COMMIT_HASH is the hash in

My tenant update does not work

My QuickStart project fails to initialise

This happens when the the Openshift-v3 or Github expires.

I add a new QuickStart project but the build doesn't start on the Pipelines page.

This happens because of a bug in the jenkins-sync plugin which restarts all old builds. Since, we have a restriction of only allowing 1 build at a time, the newly created project's build pipeline falls low into the build queue. To fix this, abort all the queued up builds except the one which was created 'just now'.

  • On the Pipelines UI, click on the Jenkins URL ( this part needs better instructions )
  • In the Jenkins UI, locate the queue visualisation on the left-hand side of the page.
  • Click on the red abort button for each build.

Whenever my build completes it starts another one

This could have happened if lots of builds were triggered and never got provisioned due to quotas and there's lots of Build resources left over.

Delete all the build resources by doing a oc delete build --all

Configured service account doesn't have access

Unauthorized! Configured service account doesn't have access. Service account may have been revoked. Unauthorized

How do I retrieve Che logs

There are at least 3 interesting Che logs you can look at if you are looking for details of Che bahviour:

  • Che server (wsmaster) logs
  • Che workspace (wsagent) logs
  • Recommendation (bayesian) language server logs

Here are some commands that should help:

ID=<your osio id>
TOKEN=<your oso token>
oc login --token=${TOKEN}
oc project ${ID}-che

# get che server logs
MASTER_POD_ID=$(oc get pods --no-headers | grep che-[0-9])
oc logs ${MASTER_POD_ID}

# get workspace logs
WS_POD_ID=$(oc get pods --no-headers | grep che-ws)
oc rsh ${WS_POD_ID} \
     sh -c "cat /home/user/che/ws-agent/logs/catalina-0.log"

# get bayesian LS logs
oc rsh ${WS_POD_ID} \
     sh -c "cat /home/user/che/ls-bayesian/bayesian.log" 

I am seeing an error when I create a new project - what should I do?

The actions that you should take will depend on the nature of the error. The first step to take is to enable the Chrome console log to provide you with detailed information on the any error that you encounter. Some possible project creation errors and their workarounds are:

  • Error code 500 (service error) - This general error is usually accompanied by a second, more specific error. If the second error includes an error code of 400 (bad request), you should try detaching and re-attaching the user’s github account to OSIO here:, and then try again to create the a project.
  • Error code 503 (service unavailable) - The most likely cause of this error is that the Jenkins service in you rtenant space is not running. As is described earlier in this FAQ, the workaround is to restart the Jenkins pod, and then try again to create the a project.
  • Error code 401 (permissions error) - This is an intermittent error related to the creation of the project's code repository in github. If you see this error, just try again to create a new project.
  • Error in the Jenkins log that indicates that the project's jar file cannot be found - The problem is that the project is running out of space on the the maven .m2 repository's Persistent Volume (PV). The steps to take are: ** oc project [your username]-jenkins ** oc get pods (look for the name of the "content repository" pod, for example: "content-repository-5-3cw6j") ** oc exec -ti content-repository-5-3cw6j bash ** rm -rf /var/www/html/content/repositories
  • Error in the Jenkins log that indicates - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace - As is described earlier in this FAQ, the workaround is to restart the Jenkins pod.
  • The new project's Che codespace is not created due to a 504 (timeout) error - This is an intermittent error. If you see this error, just try again to create a new project.
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