Lots of map and props cleanup, etc...
major vehicle overlay refactor
minor changes / fixes
Itinerary and Mode Button improvements PRs (trimet.org project):
Handful of cleanup PRs:
Handful of cleanup PRs:
- base-map Callbacks for Desktop right-click / Mobile long press. Resolves issue #64
- stop-viewer-overlay Slot for custom icon. Resolves issue #62
- stops-overlay Slot for custom icons (different stop icons (bus, MAX, SC, WES, TRAM) could be based on a 'mode' attribute if available in a stops service). Resolves issue #59
printable-itinerary adds a component for rendering an OTP itinerary formatted for printing on 8.5x11 paper. Resolves issue #38
trip-details adds a component to render cost, date/time and calories based on an OTP itinerary.
- transit-vehicle-overlay: fixes tracking and panning issue; adds panTo offsets, data callbacks and color styling improvements to the Real-time Transit Vehicle overlay. Resolves issue: #58
- core-utils: fixes issue #50 fix nan bug on url params
- transit-vehicle-overlay: add Real-time Transit Vehicle overlay
- from-to-location-picker: fixes issue #54 get rid of 'module' enteries in package.json
- trip-form: fixes issue #46 no longer throwing exception on bike optimize drop-down
- endpoints-overlay: fixes issue #37 allow custom icons from/to on map
- itinerary-body: fixes issue #18 allows custom naming of route and other aspects of the itinerary
- base-map: fixes issue #16 map callbacks that tell a layer if it is displayed or not -- used to only fetching new data if a layer is 'on' the map
- misc other fixes and tweaks...
- park-and-ride-overlay: adds Park & Rides as a layer
- vehicle-rental-overlay: adds e-scooters and BIKETOWN bikes
- transitive-overlay: fixes issue #36 error when no intermediate stops are in the itinerary.
- location-field: expose raw geocoder data opentripplanner#33
- trip-form: switch to Styled Components
- transitive-overlay: tripplanner itinerary path drawing on the map
- endpoints-overlay: tripplanner (movable) from & to calipers for selecting points from the map
- stop-viewer-overlay: used to highlight an individual stop on the map (when showing transit tracker info)
- trip-form: adds date and time form, to go along with the trip planner form
- stop-viewer-overlay: misc changes per opentripplanner#18
- location-field: misc changes per: