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File metadata and controls

70 lines (56 loc) · 7.38 KB

openHAB Guidelines Covered

A. Code Style

Guideline Check Severity
The Java naming conventions should be used. info info info info info info info
Every Java file must have a license header. error
Every class, interface and enumeration should have JavaDoc describing its purpose and usage. warning
Every class, interface and enumeration must have an @author tag in its,JavaDoc for every author that wrote a substantial part of the file. error
Every constant, field and method with default, protected or public,visibility should have JavaDoc (optional, but encouraged for private,visibility as well). #219
Formatting : java files must use spaces for formatting, rather than tabs error
Formatting : xml files must use tabs for formatting, rather than spaces #223
Formatting : json files must use tabs for formatting, rather than spaces Not covered yet
Generics must be used where applicable. Not covered yet
Code should not show any warnings. Warnings that cannot be circumvented,should be suppressed by using the @SuppressWarnings annotation. Not covered yet
For dependency injection, OSGi Declarative Services should be used. warning
We are using null annotations from the Eclipse JDT project. Therefore every bundle should have an optional Import-Package dependency to org.eclipse.jdt.annotation. Classes should be annotated by @NonNullByDefault and return types, parameter types, generic types etc. are annotated with @Nullable only. There is no need for a @NonNull annotation because it is set as default. #218

B. Language Levels and Libraries

Guideline Check Severity
Eclipse SmartHome generally targets JavaSE 8 with the following restrictions:
To allow optimized JavaSE 8 runtimes, the set of Java packages to be used is furthermore restricted to Compact Profile 2
Java 5 for org.eclipse.smarthome.protocols.enocean.* #214
The minimum OSGi framework version supported is OSGi R4.2, no newer features must be used. Not covered yet
For logging, slf4j (v1.7.2) is used. #220

C. Runtime Behavior

Guideline Check Severity
Overridden methods from abstract classes or interfaces are expected to return fast unless otherwise stated in their JavaDoc. Expensive operations should therefore rather be scheduled as a job. Not covered yet
For periodically executed jobs that do not require a fixed rate scheduleWithFixedDelay should be preferred over scheduleAtFixedRate. Warning
Bundles need to cleanly start and stop without throwing exceptions or malfunctioning. This can be tested by manually starting and stopping the bundle from the console (stop resp. start ). Not covered yet
Bundles must not require any substantial CPU time. Test this e.g. using “top” or VisualVM and compare CPU utilization with your bundle stopped vs. started. Not covered yet

D. Logging

Guideline Check Severity
As we are in a dynamic OSGi environment, loggers should be non-static, when ever possible and have the name logger. jp.skypencil.findbugs.slf4j.StaticLoggerDetector Warning
Parametrized logging must be used (instead of string concatenation). jp.skypencil.findbugs.slf4j.ManualMessageDetector Error
Where ever unchecked exceptions are caught and logged, the exception should be added as a last parameter to the logging. For checked exceptions, this is normally not recommended, unless it can be considered an error situation and the stacktrace would hold additional important information for the analysis. #221
Logging levels should focus on the system itself and describe its state. As every bundle is only one out of many, logging should be done very scarce. It should be up to the user to increase the logging level for specific bundles, packages or classes if necessary. Not covered yet
For bindings, you should NOT log errors, if e.g. connections are dropped - this is considered to be an external problem and from a system perspective to be a normal and expected situation. The correct way to inform users about such events is to update the Thing status accordingly. Note that all events (including Thing status events) are anyhow already logged. Not covered yet
Likewise, bundles that accept external requests (such as servlets) must not log errors or warnings if incoming requests are incorrect. Instead, appropriate error responses should be returned to the caller. Not covered yet

Implemented Checks


