Official Jenkins docker plus some plugins and scripts in order to integrating with the Gerrit.
Additional plugins include:
- ansible
- copyartifact
- config-file-provider
- docker-build-publish
- docker-plugin
- docker-workflow
- gerrit-trigger
- git
- git-parameter
- gitlab-plugin
- kubernetes
- ldap
- matrix-auth
- maven-plugin
- parameterized-trigger
- pipeline-maven
- script-security
- swarm
- terraform
- workflow-aggregator
- Demonstrate how to integrate Jenkins with Gerrit OpenLDAP.
- Auto-configuring credentials and Maven settings file in Jenkins.
- There's a Jenkins slave/agent image which demonstrate how to build a jenkins-slave image for the Jenkins swarm plugin.
docker volume create jenkins-home
docker run \
-e JAVA_OPTS="t-Duser.timezone=Asia/Shanghai -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false -Xms2048m -Xmx3584" \
-e JENKINS_OPTS=--prefix=/jenkins \
-e ROOT_URL= \
-v jenkins-home:/var/jenkins_home \
-p 8080:8080 \
-p 50000:50000 \
-d openfrontier/jenkins
GERRIT_HOST_NAME Gerrit server's hostname
GERRIT_FRONT_END_URL The url used to redirect to Gerrit in Browsers.
GERRIT_SSH_PORT (optional) Gerrit server's ssh port. Default: 29418.
GERRIT_USERNAME (optional) User name for ssh to Gerrit. Default: jenkins.
GERRIT_EMAIL (optional) Gerrit user's email. Default: empty.
GERRIT_SSH_KEY_FILE (optional) Location of the rsa key for ssh to Gerrit. Default: /var/jenkins_home/.ssh/id_rsa.
GERRIT_SSH_KEY_PASSWORD (optional) Passphrase of the ssh key. Default: null.
LDAP_SERVER (required), the LDPA URI, i.e. ldap-host:389
LDAP_ROOTDN (required), the LDAP BASE_DN
LDAP_INHIBIT_INFER_ROOTDN (required if LDAP_ROOTDN is empty), flag indicating if ROOT_DN should be infered
LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE (optional), base organization unit to use to search for users
LDAP_USER_SEARCH (optional), LDAP object field to use for the search query
LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_BASE (optional), base organization unit to use to search for groups
LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_FILTER (optional), filter to use querying for groups
LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_STRATEGY (required), the strategy to determine a user's groups, FromGroupSearchLDAPGroupMembershipStrategy or FromUserRecordLDAPGroupMembershipStrategy
LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_SEARCH_FILTER (optional), filter to use when writing queries to verify if a user is member of a group, used when LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_STRATEGY is FromGroupSearchLDAPGroupMembershipStrategy
LDAP_USER_RECORD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME (optional), the attribute name that is used to determine the groups to which a user belongs, used when LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_STRATEGY is FromUserRecordLDAPGroupMembershipStrategy
LDAP_MANAGER_DN (optional), LDAP adim user
LDAP_MANAGER_PASSWORD (optional), LDAP admin password
LDAP_INHIBIT_INFER_ROOTDN (required), flag indicating if ROOT_DN should be infered
LDAP_DISPLAY_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME (optional), LDAP object field used as a display name
LDAP_DISABLE_MAIL_ADDRESS_RESOLVER (required), flag indicating if the email address resolver should be disabled
LDAP_MAIL_ADDRESS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME (optional), LDAP object field used as a email address
LDAP_GROUP_NAME_ADMIN (optional), LDAP admin group. Default to administrators.
NEXUS_REPO (optional) Nexus repository url. This will create a maven settings config file in Jenkins for you and mirror all maven site to this url.
NEXUS_USER (optional) Username for push artifacts to Nexus repository. This will create a username password credential for you in Jenkins.
NEXUS_PASS (optional) Password for push artifacts to Nexus repository.